const options = {
dataset: [
source: [
{value: 735, name: 'Direct'},
{value: 580, name: 'Email'},
{value: 1048, name: 'Search Engine'},
{value: 484, name: 'Union Ads'},
{value: 300, name: 'Video Ads'},
// make an record to fill the bottom 50%
value: 1048 + 735 + 580 + 484 + 300,
name: ''
aria: {
enabled: true,
decal: {
show: enabled
series: [
name: 'Access From',
type: 'pie',
emphasis: {
label: {
overflow: 'break'
radius: ['40%', '70%'],
center: ['50%', '70%'],
// adjust the start angle
startAngle: 180,
itemStyle: {
color: (param) => {
if (param.name === '') {
return 'none';
if (param.dataIndex > 8) {
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(
return '#' + randomColor;
} else {
return halfDoughnutChartColors[param.dataIndex];
borderRadius: 0,
borderColor: '#000',
borderWidth: 0
label: {
overflow: 'truncate',
formatter: (param) => {
// correct the percentage
return !!param.name ? `${param.name}: (${param.percent * 2}%)` : '';
encode: {
itemName: 'name',
value: 'value',
tooltip: 'name'