作为健全性检查,我立即返回状态 200。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的,我的 cli 表示一切正常,并返回 200 回到条带,但在我的仪表板中我得到状态 400。这是一个 Django 应用程序。如果 cli 正在接收仪表板响应,那么仪表板响应是否重要? 我们已经构建了偶数
@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch')
class StripeWebhook(APIView):
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return HttpResponse({status: "success"},status=200)
#all the code below is our normal logic. we are just trying to do a sanity test
#to see if the dashboard picks up the 200
print('received payment. in webhook')
stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_TEST_SECRET
event = None
payload = request.body
sig_header = request.META["HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE"]
event = stripe.Webhook.construct_event(
payload, sig_header, 'settings.WEBHOOK_SECRET'
except ValueError as e:
return HttpResponse(status=400)
except stripe.error.SignatureVerificationError as e:
return HttpResponse(status=400)
if event['type'] == 'checkout.session.completed':
print('payment success')
elif event['type'] == 'payment_intent.payment_failed':
# Handle failed payment intent event
print('payment failed')
return HttpResponse('something went wrong', status=400)
return HttpResponse({'status': 'success'})
(https://i.sstatic.net/BUgJsnzu.png)#stipe cli 日志
(https://i.sstatic.net/itoTZ4bj.png)#stipe 仪表板
我们尝试立即向 stripe 返回 200 状态。
每当您成功收到 Webhook 时,您都应该向 Stripe 返回 200。这表明已收到 HTTP 请求,而不是解析 Webhook 本身时出现错误。返回 200 后,您需要处理的任何错误都应在 Webhook 处理程序中处理。