
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



// Handle Submit Score Button
if (customId.startsWith('submit-score')) {
  console.log(`Received customId: ${customId}`);

  const matchId = customId.split('-')[2]; // Extract matchId from customId
  console.log(`Extracted matchId: ${matchId}, Type: ${typeof matchId}`);

  if (!matchId) {
    return interaction.reply({ content: 'Invalid match ID.', ephemeral: true });

  const guildId = interaction.guild.id;

  try {
    const matches = await getMatchesFromMongo(guildId);

    if (!matches || matches.length === 0) {
      return interaction.reply({ content: 'No matches found for this guild.', ephemeral: true });

    const match = matches.find(m => m.match.id === parseInt(matchId));

    if (!match) {
      return interaction.reply({ content: 'Match not found.', ephemeral: true });

    const participants = await fetchParticipants(guildId);
    const participantsList = participants.map(p => p.participant);

    const teamAName = getParticipantName(match.match.player1_id, participantsList);
    const teamBName = getParticipantName(match.match.player2_id, participantsList);

    const modal = new ModalBuilder()
      .setTitle('Submit Score');

    const teamAScoreInput = new TextInputBuilder()
      .setLabel(`Enter score for ${teamAName}`)
      .setPlaceholder(`${teamAName} Score`)

    const teamBScoreInput = new TextInputBuilder()
      .setLabel(`Enter score for ${teamBName}`)
      .setPlaceholder(`${teamBName} Score`)

    const teamARow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(teamAScoreInput);
    const teamBRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(teamBScoreInput);

    modal.addComponents(teamARow, teamBRow);

    await interaction.showModal(modal);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching matches or participants from MongoDB:', error);
    return interaction.reply({ content: 'Error fetching match data.', ephemeral: true });

// Handle Modal Submission
else if (interaction.isModalSubmit()) {
  console.log('Modal submitted with customId:', interaction.customId);

  if (interaction.customId.startsWith('submitScoreModal')) {
    try {
      // Step 1: Extract the match ID
      const matchId = interaction.customId.split('-')[1];
      console.log(`Extracted matchId: ${matchId}, Type: ${typeof matchId}`);

      // Step 2: Safely extract the scores from the modal
      let scoreTeamA, scoreTeamB;
      try {
        scoreTeamA = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('teamAScore');
        scoreTeamB = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('teamBScore');
        console.log(`Extracted scores -> Team A: ${scoreTeamA}, Team B: ${scoreTeamB}`);
      } catch (fieldError) {
        console.error('Error extracting scores from modal fields:', fieldError);
        return interaction.reply({ content: 'Failed to extract scores. Please try again.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 3: Check if matchId or scores are missing
      if (!matchId || !scoreTeamA || !scoreTeamB) {
        console.error('Missing matchId or scores');
        return interaction.reply({ content: 'Invalid match details or missing scores.', ephemeral: true });

      // Ensure the scores are numeric
      if (isNaN(scoreTeamA) || isNaN(scoreTeamB)) {
        console.error('Invalid score values. Scores must be numbers.');
        return interaction.reply({ content: 'Please enter valid numeric scores.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 4: Log the guild ID
      const guildId = interaction.guild.id;
      console.log(`Guild ID: ${guildId}`);

      // Step 5: Acknowledge the interaction
      try {
        await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });
        console.log('Reply successfully deferred');
      } catch (deferError) {
        console.error('Error deferring reply:', deferError);

      // Step 6: Fetch matches from MongoDB
      console.log(`Fetching matches from MongoDB for guildId: ${guildId}`);
      let matches;
      try {
        matches = await getMatchesFromMongo(guildId);
      } catch (fetchError) {
        console.error('Error fetching matches from MongoDB:', fetchError);
        return interaction.followUp({ content: 'Error fetching match data.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 7: Check if matches were fetched
      if (!matches || matches.length === 0) {
        console.error('No matches found in MongoDB');
        return interaction.followUp({ content: 'No matches found for this guild.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 8: Search for the match with the extracted matchId
      console.log(`Looking for match with matchId: ${matchId}`);
      const match = matches.find(m => m.match.id === parseInt(matchId));

      if (!match) {
        console.error('Match not found in MongoDB');
        return interaction.followUp({ content: 'Match data not found.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 9: Log the match details for verification
      console.log(`Match found: ${JSON.stringify(match)}`);

      // Step 10: Determine the winner and loser based on the scores
      let winnerId, loserId;
      if (parseInt(scoreTeamA) > parseInt(scoreTeamB)) {
        winnerId = match.match.player1_id;
        loserId = match.match.player2_id;
      } else {
        winnerId = match.match.player2_id;
        loserId = match.match.player1_id;

      console.log(`Winner ID: ${winnerId}, Loser ID: ${loserId}`);

      // Step 11: Submit the match score
      console.log(`Submitting score for match ${matchId}`);
      try {
        await submitMatchScore(
      } catch (submitError) {
        console.error('Error submitting match score:', submitError);
        return interaction.followUp({ content: 'Error submitting match score.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 12: Update the match result in MongoDB
      const scoresCsv = `${scoreTeamA}-${scoreTeamB}`;
      try {
        await updateMatchResult(guildId, matchId, winnerId, loserId, scoresCsv);
      } catch (updateError) {
        console.error('Error updating match result in MongoDB:', updateError);
        return interaction.followUp({ content: 'Error updating match data.', ephemeral: true });

      // Step 13: Confirm successful score submission
      console.log(`Score submitted and match updated successfully for match ${matchId}`);
      await interaction.followUp({ content: `Score submitted successfully for match ${matchId}.`, ephemeral: true });

    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error handling modal submission:', error);
      await interaction.followUp({ content: 'An error occurred while submitting scores. Please try again later.', ephemeral: true });

我尝试添加控制台日志,但在显示模式并尝试提交后,我在调试控制台中没有得到任何内容。所以我处于停滞状态,因为我没有其他想法来解释为什么这不起作用。我对discord.js 和编码比较陌生,所以也许我有什么问题?非常感谢任何帮助。

discord discord.js




client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
  if (interaction.isModalSubmit()) {
    // Handle your modal submission logic here


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