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#define MAXBUCKETS 769 // large prime number that to minimize collisions

class Bucket{ //binary search tree bucket for hashmap
    // define what a node looks like
    struct node{
        int key;
        int value;
        struct node *left, *right;
    struct node* root;

    // create a new node
    struct node* newNode(int newKey, int newValue)
        struct node* temp = new struct node;
        temp->key = newKey;
        temp->value = newValue;
        temp->left = NULL;
        temp->right = NULL;
        return temp;
    // insert a new node given its key
    struct node* insertNode(struct node* insertUnder, int newKey, int newVal)
        // tree is empty, create a new node at this point
        // this will make it so that we create roots for empty
        // trees, or add as a leaf in the right location
        if( insertUnder == NULL)
            return newNode(newKey, newVal);;
        // find the right position for this new key and value
        if( newKey < insertUnder->key)
            // smaller keys to the left
            insertUnder->left = insertNode(insertUnder->left, newKey, newVal);
        else if (newKey > insertUnder->key)
            // bigger keys to the right
            insertUnder->right = insertNode(insertUnder->right, newKey, newVal);
            // matching key, update value
            insertUnder->value = newVal;
        return insertUnder;
    // find a node in the tree
    int search(struct node* currentNode, int key)
        if(currentNode == NULL)
            // empty node, so key is not present
            return -1;
        if(currentNode->key == key)
            // found key, return its value
            return currentNode->value;
        if(key < currentNode->key)
            // key could be to the left, search there
            return search(currentNode->left, key);
            // key could be to the right, search there
            return search(currentNode->right, key);
    // find the predecessor of a node
    struct node* findSuccessor(struct node* node)
        // to find the successor of input node, move to the right
        // to search the nodes bigger than the input node, and 
        // then move to the left as many times as you can to find 
        // the smallest node in that right subree.
        node = node->right;
            node = node->left;
        return node;
    // find the successor of a node
    struct node* findPredecessor(struct node* node)
        // to find the successor of input node, move to the left
        // to search the nodes smaller than the input node, and 
        // then move to the right as many times as you can to find 
        // the biggest node in that left subree.
        node = node->left;
            node = node->right;
        return node;
    // remove a node from the tree
    struct node* removeNode(struct node* node, int key)
        if(node == NULL)
            // node is empty, done searching
            return NULL;
        // search through the tree to find the location of the key
        if(key < node->key)
            node->left = removeNode(node->left, key);
        else if(key > node->key)
            node->right = removeNode(node->right, key);
        if(node->key == key)
            // found the right node
            if(node->right == NULL && node->left == NULL) // node is a leaf
                //simply remove the node
                // node = NULL;
                delete node;
                return NULL;
                    // node has right child, replace by successor (smallest of right children), 
                    // and delete the successor from the subtree
                    struct node* successor = findSuccessor(node);
                    node->key = successor->key;
                    node->value = successor->value;
                    node->right = removeNode(successor, successor->key);
                else //there is a left child
                    // node has no right child, but has a left child,
                    // so replace by its predecessor (biggest of the left children), and
                    // delete the predecessor from the subtree
                    struct node* predecessor = findPredecessor(node);
                    node->key = predecessor->key;
                    node->value = predecessor->value;
                    node->left = removeNode(predecessor, predecessor->key);
        return node;

        root = NULL;
    void add(int key, int value)
        root = insertNode(root, key, value);
    void remove(int key)
        root = removeNode(root, key);
    int findInBucket(int key)
        return search(root, key);

class MyHashMap {
    Bucket buckets[MAXBUCKETS];
    MyHashMap() {
        for(int i = 0; i < MAXBUCKETS; i++)
            buckets[i] = Bucket();
    void put(int key, int value) {
        int bucketi = key % MAXBUCKETS;
        buckets[bucketi].add(key, value);
    int get(int key) {
        int bucketi = key % MAXBUCKETS;
        return buckets[bucketi].findInBucket(key);
    void remove(int key) {
        int bucketi = key % MAXBUCKETS;

 * Your MyHashMap object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * MyHashMap* obj = new MyHashMap();
 * obj->put(key,value);
 * int param_2 = obj->get(key);
 * obj->remove(key);
c++ algorithm data-structures hashmap binary-search-tree


node->right = removeNode(successor, successor->key);




node->right = removeNode(node->right, successor->key);


node->left = removeNode(node->left, predecessor->key);
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