import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px covtrack_states_hist_df = covtrack_states_hist_df.sort_values(by=['date']) color_scale = ['#ffffff', '#ffe6e6', '#ffcccc', '#ff9999', '#ff6666', '#ff3333', '#ff0000', '#e60000', '#cc0000', '#b30000', '#990000', '#800000'] covtrack_states_hist_df = covtrack_states_hist_df.astype({'positive': str, 'death': str, 'test': str}) covtrack_states_hist_df['text'] = 'Confirmed: ' + covtrack_states_hist_df['positive'] + '<br>' + \ 'Deaths: ' + covtrack_states_hist_df['death'] + '<br>' + \ 'Tests: ' + covtrack_states_hist_df['test'] text = covtrack_states_hist_df['text'].tolist() covtrack_states_hist_df[['positive', 'death', 'test']] = covtrack_states_hist_df[['positive', 'death', 'test']].apply(pd.to_numeric) fig = px.choropleth( covtrack_states_hist_df, color='positive', locations='state', locationmode = 'USA-states', scope='usa', hover_name='state', hover_data='text', # I've tried just text as well, but not working # I've also tried covtrack_states_hist_df['text'] and covtrack_states_hist_df.text but none of them worked animation_frame='date', title="Daily New COVID-19 Confirmed Cases", color_continuous_scale= color_scale, ) fig['layout'].pop('updatemenus') fig.show()
ValueError: Value of 'hover_data_0' is not the name of a column in 'data_frame'. Expected one of ['date', 'state', 'fips', 'positive', 'death', 'test', 'datetime', 'text'] but received: t
以下是我的DataFrame的屏幕截图:DataFrame info and head