无法在任何区域创建区域冗余 Azure SQL Server 和应用服务计划

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

和标题差不多。我无法在任何区域创建区域冗余 Azure SQL Server 和应用服务计划。



Testing deployment in eastus
Creating SQL Server...
Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database...
ERROR: (ProvisioningDisabled) Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Code: ProvisioningDisabled
Message: Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Failed to create zone-redundant SQL Database in eastus
Deployment failed in eastus
Testing deployment in eastus2
Creating SQL Server...
Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database...
ERROR: (ProvisioningDisabled) Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Code: ProvisioningDisabled
Message: Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Failed to create zone-redundant SQL Database in eastus2
Deployment failed in eastus2
Testing deployment in centralus
Creating SQL Server...
Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database...
Creating Zone-Redundant App Service Plan...
WARNING: Readonly attribute name will be ignored in class <class 'azure.mgmt.web.v2023_01_01.models._models_py3.AppServicePlan'>
ERROR: Operation cannot be completed without additional AZ quota. Please file a support ticket to request a limit increase. 
Additional details - Location: Central US 
Current Limit (PremiumV3 VMs): 0. 
Current Usage: 0. 
Amount required for this deployment (PremiumV3 VMs): 3. 
(Minimum) New Limit that you should request to enable this deployment: 3. 
Note that if you experience multiple scaling operations failing (in addition to this one) and need to accommodate the aggregate quota requirements of these operations, you will need to request a higher quota limit than the one currently displayed.
Failed to create zone-redundant App Service Plan in centralus
Deployment failed in centralus
Testing deployment in southcentralus
Creating SQL Server...
ERROR: (RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning) Location 'South Central US' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
Code: RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning
Message: Location 'South Central US' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
Failed to create SQL Server in southcentralus
Deployment failed in southcentralus
Testing deployment in westus
Creating SQL Server...
Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database...
ERROR: (ProvisioningDisabled) Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Code: ProvisioningDisabled
Message: Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Failed to create zone-redundant SQL Database in westus
Deployment failed in westus
Testing deployment in westus2
Creating SQL Server...
Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database...
ERROR: (ProvisioningDisabled) Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Code: ProvisioningDisabled
Message: Provisioning of zone redundant database/pool is not supported for your current request.
Failed to create zone-redundant SQL Database in westus2
Deployment failed in westus2
Testing deployment in westus3
Creating SQL Server...
ERROR: (RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning) Location 'West US 3' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
Code: RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning
Message: Location 'West US 3' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
Failed to create SQL Server in westus3
Deployment failed in westus3
Deployment Tests Summary:
Successful regions: 
Failed regions: eastus eastus2 centralus southcentralus westus westus2 westus3
Script execution completed.



# Base variables
let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
IS_PROD=true  # Set to true for production, false for staging

# SQL Variables

# Set environment-specific variables
if [ "$IS_PROD" = true ]; then

# List of US regions to test
regions=("eastus" "eastus2" "centralus" "southcentralus" "westus" "westus2" "westus3")

# Function to test deployment
test_deployment() {
    let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
    local LOCATION=$1
    local RESOURCE_GROUP="test-rg-$randomIdentifier"
    local SQL_SERVER_NAME="dbsvr$randomIdentifier"
    local SQL_DB_NAME="dbname$randomIdentifier"
    local APP_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME="appsvcplan-$randomIdentifier"

    echo "Testing deployment in $LOCATION"

    # Create a resource group
    if ! az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION > /dev/null; then
        echo "Failed to create resource group in $LOCATION"
        return 1

    # Create SQL Server
    echo "Creating SQL Server..."
    if ! az sql server create \
      --name $SQL_SERVER_NAME \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --location $LOCATION \
      --admin-user $ADMIN_LOGIN \
      --admin-password $ADMIN_PASSWORD > /dev/null; then
        echo "Failed to create SQL Server in $LOCATION"
        az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait > /dev/null
        return 1

    # Create SQL Database
    echo "Creating Zone-Redundant SQL Database..."
    if ! az sql db create \
      --name $SQL_DB_NAME \
      --server $SQL_SERVER_NAME \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --edition $SQL_SKU_TIER \
      --capacity $SQL_SKU_CAPACITY \
      --zone-redundant $ZONE_REDUNDANCY \
      --backup-storage-redundancy $BACKUP_REDUNDANCY > /dev/null; then
        echo "Failed to create zone-redundant SQL Database in $LOCATION"
        az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait > /dev/null
        return 1

    # Create App Service Plan
    echo "Creating Zone-Redundant App Service Plan..."
    if ! az appservice plan create \
      --name $APP_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --location $LOCATION \
      --sku $SKU_NAME \
      --is-linux \
      --zone-redundant \
      --number-of-workers $NUMBER_OF_WORKERS > /dev/null; then
        echo "Failed to create zone-redundant App Service Plan in $LOCATION"
        az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait > /dev/null
        return 1

    echo "Successfully created all resources in $LOCATION"
    az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait > /dev/null
    return 0

# Login to Azure
az login

# Test deployment in each region

for region in "${regions[@]}"; do
    if test_deployment $region; then
        echo "Deployment successful in $region"
        echo "Deployment failed in $region"

# Print summary
echo "Deployment Tests Summary:"
echo "Successful regions: ${successful_regions[*]}"
echo "Failed regions: ${failed_regions[*]}"

echo "Script execution completed."



QMS Update - Status: ResourceType: computeCores
    Quota Bucket: standardDDv4Family
    Status Description: This functionality is currently in private preview and only available for select customers. Please resubmit your request under the Technical support path.
    State: OfferCodeNotSupportedForResouceProvider
    Current Quota: 0
    New Quota: 3
Properties: [location, centralus]
azure azure-web-app-service azure-sql-database

ProvisioningDisabled 错误表示某些区域不支持区域冗余数据库或池。这可能是由于区域限制或特定的订阅限制。您是否已确认您使用的订阅类型没有任何限制,例如 Azure for Students 或 Azure 免费试用版。您告诉我们您已经请求增加配额,因此订阅级别可能存在限制。

尝试创建高级 V3 虚拟机时,您还会收到配额限制错误。如果你使用有限制的 Azure 订阅,Azure A 系列 VM 将为你提供更好的机会来创建 VM。免费试用帐户无法创建高级虚拟机。

错误 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning 表明该区域当前不接受新的 SQL 数据库服务器创建。部分地区可能因容量限制或维护原因,暂时限制新资源的发放。我的学生使用 Azure for Students,他们通常可以成功地在印度南部、英国南部、澳大利亚、美国中部创建资源。

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