游戏网格代表水域和陆地。网格包含一个 True 水的地方为 value,土地的地方为 False。 船可以向左或向右移动到下一个方块,或者移动 在顶部和底部方向两次。路径中的所有图块都必须是 网格内并含有水。 实现 can_travel_to 函数,它接受一个网格矩阵,开始 和目标坐标(行和列),并返回一个布尔值 指示一艘船是否可以一步在两点之间行驶。
game matrix = [ [False, False, True, True, False], [False, False, True, False, False], [False, False, True, True, False], [False, True, False, True, False], [False, False, True, False, False] ] print(can_travel_to (game_matrix, 2, 2, 0, 2)) print(can_travel_to (game_matrix, 2, 2, 2, 1)) print(can_travel_to (game_matrix, 2, 2, 2, 3)) print(can_travel_to(game_matrix, 2, 2, 4, 2)) Should print: True False True False
class BoatMovements:
def __init__(self, matrix, to_row, to_column):
self.row = to_row
self.column = to_column
self.matrix = matrix
self.visited = [
[False for _ in range(len(matrix[0]))]
for _ in range(len(matrix))
def valid_move(self, row, column):
if 0 <= row < len(self.matrix) and 0 <= column < len(self.matrix[0]):
if self.matrix[row][column] and not self.visited[row][column]:
return True
return False
def dfs_search(self, row, column):
if not self.valid_move(row, column):
return False
if self.row == row and self.column == column:
return True
self.visited[row][column] = True
return (self.dfs_search(row - 1, column) or
self.dfs_search(row, column - 1) or
self.dfs_search(row + 1, column) or
self.dfs_search(row, column + 1))
def can_travel_to(game_matrix, from_row, from_column, to_row, to_column):
# Check that:
# 1- the given coordinates within the grid.
# 2- the start and end coordinates is True.
# 3- restrict the moves (two top/down and one left/right).
if (to_row > len(game_matrix) - 1) or \
(to_column > len(game_matrix) - 1) or \
not game_matrix[from_row][from_column] or \
not game_matrix[to_row][to_column] or \
abs(to_row - from_row) > 2 or \
abs(to_column - from_column) > 1:
return False
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("The indexes must be valid indexes!")
boat_movements = BoatMovements(game_matrix, to_row, to_column)
return boat_movements.dfs_search(from_row, from_column)
def can_travel_to(game_matrix, from_row, from_column, to_row, to_column):
"""Method to check if boatMovements instance is able to travel to given
coordinates depending on starting point"""
# Check that:
# 1- The given coordinates within the grid.
# 2- Restrict the steps (two when moving top/down and one left/right).
if (to_row > len(game_matrix) - 1) or \
(to_column > len(game_matrix[0]) - 1) or \
(from_row != to_row and abs(to_row - from_row) != 2) or \
(from_column != to_column and abs(to_column - from_column) != 1):
return False
# Check that The start and end coordinates are True, otherwise return False
if not game_matrix[from_row][from_column] or \
not game_matrix[to_row][to_column]:
return False
# Create a BoatMovements instance and set coordination of the end
# destination.
boat_movements = BoatMovements(game_matrix, to_row, to_column)
# Call dfs method and return its response.
return boat_movements.dfs_search(from_row, from_column)