你好,抱歉我的英语不好。 我有这段代码,显示表中的 3 个对象以及图表线中的每个对象。
$DT_P_i = 0
$DataTable = @()
for(($l_i=0); ($l_i -lt 10); ($l_i++))
$DataTable += @(
[PSCustomObject] @{
Names = "My Name " + $l_i.ToString()
Procc = @()
for (($l_j = 0); ($l_j -lt 2); ($l_j++))
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc += @(
PNames = "Procc " + $DT_P_I.ToString()
Times = @()
Values = @()
for (($l_v = 0); ($l_v -lt 3); ($l_v++))
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc[$l_j].Times += $l_v.ToString()
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc[$l_j].Values += $l_v.ToString()
$DT_Unique = $DataTable.Names | Get-Unique -AsString
$Table_N_PN = @()
foreach ($DT in $DataTable)
foreach ($DTP in $DT.Procc)
$Table_N_PN += @(
PName =$DTP.PNames
$TableProcesses = "TableProcesses"
New-HTML -TitleText 'Names - Processes - Charts' -Online -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\Test.html {
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "TABLE: Names and Processes" -HeaderTextSize 25{
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DT_Unique -PreContent{"<h1>Names</h1>"}{
New-TableEvent -TableID $TableProcesses -SourceColumnID 0 -TargetColumnID 0
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $Table_N_PN -DataTableID $TableProcesses -PreContent{"<h1>Processes</h1>"}
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Charts" -HeaderTextSize 25{
$BGcolors = [enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])
[bool]$l_show_yellow = $false
foreach ($Object in $DataTable) {
if ($l_show_yellow -eq $true) {$l_show_yellow = $false; $Color = $BGcolors[1]; } else {$l_show_yellow = $true; $Color = $BGcolors[14]; }
$str = "Chart for : " + $Object.Names
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 20 -BackgroundColor $Color{
foreach ($Pr in $Object.Procc) {
$str = $Pr.PNames
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 14{
New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor White{
New-HTMLChart {
New-ChartAxisX -Names $Pr.Times
New-ChartLine -Name $Pr.PNames -Value $Pr.Values
} -ShowHTML
我想单击表格的一行(例如我的对象 1)并仅显示对象 1 的图表
你能帮我吗? 谢谢大家
此代码在顶部部分显示我拥有的所有对象,在底部部分显示图表中所有对象的所有值。我的脚本上有 30 个对象,并且我看到了所有对象的所有图表。
我想要的是单击表格上的一个对象,然后仅查看该对象的图表。例如:如果我单击具有“我的对象 1”的第一行,我只想查看“我的对象 1”的图表,而不是其他图表。
$DT_P_i = 0
$DataTable = @()
for(($l_i=0); ($l_i -lt 10); ($l_i++))
$DataTable += @(
[PSCustomObject] @{
Names = "My Name " + $l_i.ToString()
Procc = @()
for (($l_j = 0); ($l_j -lt 2); ($l_j++))
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc += @(
PNames = "Procc " + $DT_P_I.ToString()
Times = @()
Values = @()
for (($l_v = 0); ($l_v -lt 3); ($l_v++))
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc[$l_j].Times += $l_v.ToString()
$DataTable[$l_i].Procc[$l_j].Values += $l_v.ToString()
$DT_Unique = $DataTable.Names | Get-Unique -AsString
$Table_N_PN = @()
foreach ($DT in $DataTable)
foreach ($DTP in $DT.Procc)
$Table_N_PN += @(
PName =$DTP.PNames
$TableProcesses = "TableProcesses"
New-HTML -TitleText 'Names - Processes - Charts' -Online -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\Test.html {
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "TABLE: Names and Processes" -HeaderTextSize 25{
<#New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DT_Unique -PreContent{"<h1>Names</h1>"}{
New-TableEvent -TableID $TableProcesses -SourceColumnID 0 -TargetColumnID 0
# Πίνακας Names
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DT_Unique -PreContent{"<h1>Names</h1>"} -DataTableID "NamesTable"{
New-TableEvent -TableID $TableProcesses -SourceColumnID 0 -TargetColumnID 0
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $Table_N_PN -DataTableID $TableProcesses -PreContent{"<h1>Processes</h1>"}
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Charts" -HeaderTextSize 25{
$BGcolors = [enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])
[bool]$l_show_yellow = $false
foreach ($Object in $DataTable) {
if ($l_show_yellow -eq $true) {$l_show_yellow = $false; $Color = $BGcolors[1]; } else {$l_show_yellow = $true; $Color = $BGcolors[14]; }
$str = "Chart for : " + $Object.Names
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 20 -BackgroundColor $Color {
foreach ($Pr in $Object.Procc) {
$str = $Pr.PNames
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 14{
New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor White{
New-HTMLChart {
New-ChartAxisX -Names $Pr.Times
New-ChartLine -Name $Pr.PNames -Value $Pr.Values
foreach ($Object in $DataTable) {
if ($l_show_yellow -eq $true) {$l_show_yellow = $false; $Color = $BGcolors[1]; } else {$l_show_yellow = $true; $Color = $BGcolors[14]; }
$str = "Chart for : " + $Object.Names
# Manually adding data-name
"<div data-name='$($Object.Names)'>"
# Log to see the data-name
"<script>console.log('Data-name: $($Object.Names)');</script>"
# Use panels for each chart
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 20 -BackgroundColor $Color {
New-HTMLPanel {
foreach ($Pr in $Object.Procc) {
$str = $Pr.PNames
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $str -HeaderTextSize 14 {
New-HTMLPanel -BackgroundColor White {
New-HTMLChart {
New-ChartAxisX -Names $Pr.Times
New-ChartLine -Name $Pr.PNames -Value $Pr.Values
"</div>" # Closing the div
# Adding JavaScript with New-HTMLPanel
New-HTMLPanel {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var rows = document.querySelectorAll('table tr');
rows.forEach(function(row) {
row.addEventListener('click', function() {
var selectedName = this.cells[0].textContent.trim(); // Get the first column
// Selecting the chart based on data-name
var chartToShow = document.querySelector('div[data-name=`"' + selectedName + '`"]');
if (chartToShow) {
var allCharts = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-name]');
allCharts.forEach(function(chart) {
chart.style.display = 'none'; // Hiding all charts
chartToShow.style.display = 'block'; // Displaying only the selected chart
} else {
console.error('Chart not found: ' + selectedName);
} -ShowHTML