def process_body(infile, outfile, modification):
changing the numbers to the outfile
for line in infile.readlines():
line = line.strip()
num = ""
space = " "
if modification == "negate":
for char in line:
input() #The file is really big this is here to go line by line for decoding
if char != space:
num += char
neg = negate(num)
if char == space:
def negate(num):
absolute value of RGB value - 255
num = int(num)
negate_line = num - 255
negate_line = abs(negate_line)
negate_line = str(negate_line)
return negate_line
0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 1 45 90
1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 92 1 45 92
1 45 92 0 46 92 0 46 92 0 47 93 0 47 93
def main():
converter = {str(x): str(abs(x-255)) for x in range(256)}
s = ["0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 1 45 90",
"1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 92 1 45 92",
"1 45 92 0 46 92 0 46 92 0 47 93 0 47 93"]
for line in s:
num = ""
new_line = []
for c in line:
if c == " ":
new_line += [converter[num]]
num = ""
num += c
print(" ".join(new_line))
if __name__ == '__main__':