因此,我在挂载 TSX 文件的同一场景中进行了多次测试,但由于我有多个异步代码和多个模拟,因此值似乎可能重叠?
const getLoadedWrapperAsync = (async () => {
const wrapper = getWrapper();
await flushPromises();
wrapper.update(); // forces DOM to render for test
return wrapper;
const getWrapper = (): ReactWrapper<any, Readonly<{}>, React.Component<{}, {}, any>> => {
const wrapper = mount(<SomeComponent/>);
return wrapper;
afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); });
it('Test A', async done => {
const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
jest.spyOn(ClassName.prototype, 'methodName').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(null));
const wrapper = await getLoadedWrapperAsync();
expect(blabla wrapper and logspy);
it('Test B', async done => {
const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
jest.spyOn(ClassName.prototype, 'methodName').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(new Url(someUrl)));
const wrapper = await getLoadedWrapperAsync();
expect(blabla wrapper and logspy);