VBA 编辑器计算工时

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我编写了一个代码来计算排除周五和周六以及非工作时间的工作时间 请注意,工作时间为 8:30 至 16:30 但如果开始日是星期四,则无法计算工作时间,如红色标记的图片所示


Function CountWorkHours(start_date As Date, end_date As Date, holidays As Range) As Double
    Dim totalHours As Double
    Dim currentDate As Date
    Dim workStart As Date
    Dim workEnd As Date
    Dim isHoliday As Boolean
    Dim holiday As Variant
    Dim startHour As Date
    Dim endHour As Date

    ' Define working hours
    workStart = TimeValue("08:00:00")
    workEnd = TimeValue("16:00:00")

    totalHours = 0
    currentDate = Int(start_date) ' Start from the date part only

    ' Iterate through each date from start_date to end_date
    Do While currentDate <= Int(end_date)
        isHoliday = False
        For Each holiday In holidays
            If currentDate = Int(holiday) Then
                isHoliday = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next holiday
        ' Check if current date is a business day (Sunday to Thursday) and not a holiday
        If Weekday(currentDate, vbSunday) <= 4 And Not isHoliday Then
            ' Determine the start and end times for the current day
            If currentDate = Int(start_date) Then
                startHour = TimeValue(start_date)
                If startHour < workStart Then startHour = workStart
                startHour = workStart
            End If

            If currentDate = Int(end_date) Then
                endHour = TimeValue(end_date)
                If endHour > workEnd Then endHour = workEnd
                endHour = workEnd
            End If

            ' Calculate the working hours for the current day
            If endHour > startHour Then
                totalHours = totalHours + (endHour - startHour) * 24
            End If
        End If
        currentDate = currentDate + 1

    CountWorkHours = totalHours
End Function


excel vba

返回 5。您的代码将工作日限制为 <=4, including Sundays.


If Weekday(currentDate, vbMonday) <= 5 And Not isHoliday Then
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