Cannot use spyOn on a primitive value; undefined given
代表线路 jest.spyOn(pipe.i18n,'getMessage').mockImplementation(()=>'Must be a valid number and greater than 0 (no decimals)' as never)
import { I18nCustomService } from '../../../utils/i18n-custom.service'
describe('ValidationPipe', () => {
let pipe: ValidationPipe
let i18n: I18nCustomService
beforeEach(() => {
pipe = new ValidationPipe(i18n)
describe('validateCustomHeader', () => {
it('should throw exception for invalid tenant id', () => {
const value = { tenantid: 'invalid' }
jest.spyOn(pipe.i18n,'getMessage').mockImplementation(()=>'Must be a valid number and greater than 0 (no decimals)' as never)
expect(() => pipe.validateCustomHeader(value)).toThrow(InvalidHttpHeadersException)
我探索并找到了问题的解决方案。 当尝试对未定义的对象的属性使用
时,会发生此错误。当试图监视其 pipe.i18n
方法时,似乎 undefined
是 getMessage
import { I18nCustomService } from '../../../utils/i18n-custom.service'
import { I18nService } from 'nestjs-i18n'
describe('ValidationPipe', () => {
let pipe: ValidationPipe
let i18n: I18nCustomService
let i18nSrv: I18nService
beforeEach(() => {
i18n = new I18nCustomService(i18nSrv)
pipe = new ValidationPipe(i18n)
describe('validateCustomHeader', () => {
it('should throw exception for invalid id', () => {
const value = { id: 'invalid' }
expect(() => pipe.validateCustomHeader(value)).toThrow(InvalidHttpHeadersException)