var qi = 0;
var value = 0;
var correct = new Audio("correct.mp3");
var lifeline_waiting_sound = new Audio("life.mp3");
var loss = new Audio("loss.mp3");
var hasPass = true;
var fmsgtv;
var currentANS;
var questions = {
"a": [
question: "What type of animals only eat meat?",
val: 100,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"All of the above"
question: "Which type of animal mainly gives live birth?",
val: 200,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
question: "These mammals lays eggs.",
val: 300,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: "Which of these terms mean warm-blooded?",
val: 500,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"Both of the Above",
"None of the Above"
question: "Fish have a _ bladder.",
val: 1000,
r_answer: 3,
answers: [
question: "Which types of vertabrates have thin, moist skin?",
val: 2000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: "What was the first group of fish to ever evolve?",
val: 4000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
"All of the above"
question: "Which of these animals have the longest gestation period?",
val: 8000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: "What are nares?",
val: 16000,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
"A Part of the Lungs",
"Little Bones in the Ear",
question: "There are over/about _____ species of fish in the world.",
val: 32000,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
question: "What are the 3 orders of amphibians?",
val: 64000,
r_answer: 3,
answers: [
"Anura, Prototheria, Osteichthyes",
"Metatheria, Eutheria, Apoda",
"Placentals, Squamata, Crocodylia",
"Anura, Caudata, Apoda"
question: "What habitats do reptiles NOT live in?",
val: 125000,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
"Tundra, Polar Ice",
"Polar Ice, Desert",
"Seasonal Forest, Ocean",
"None of the above (they live in all of them)"
question: "Primitive Fish date back how far?",
val: 250000,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"475 Million Years",
"550 Million Years",
"750 Million Years",
"300 Million Years"
question: "What group of animals have a two chambered heart?",
val: 500000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: `What kind of eggs are these? <br><img src='https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.76877a36d3ea95356ed01edb0757b4a3?rik=wZOPeN8W1ceKVA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fvoice.gardenbird.co.uk%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f03%2fBlackbird-Eggs.jpg&ehk=LtJAYsynWLJDm5qUul%2bVg7ShYJk243%2fhDJ2H0rxDWCU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0'
style='width: 8.3vw; position: absolute; border-radius: 30.3vw; left: 34.3vw'>`,
val: 100,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
"Fish Eggs",
"Amphibian Eggs",
"Bird Eggs",
"Mammal/Platypuses' Eggs"
question: "Axolotys are _______________.",
val: 200,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: "Birds have hollow bones because _____________________________.",
val: 300,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"they want to be cool",
"it helps them fly",
"it makes their transition into a bird to a tree faster",
"it helps them walk on land"
question: "Birds have _______________.",
val: 500,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
"no teeth",
"3 sets of teeth",
"sharp teeth",
"dull teeth"
question: "Bison can fly.",
val: 1000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
"That statement is true.",
"There is a minority that doesn't.",
"That statement is false.",
"Scientists don't know yet"
question: "All variables have ________.",
val: 2000,
r_answer: 3,
answers: [
"a backbone",
"no backbone",
"the ability to speak",
"None Of The Above"
question: "What is gestation?",
val: 4000,
r_answer: 3,
answers: [
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the period in which an animal is drastically changing/evolving</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the classification of a vertebrate based on it's habitat</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the period in which a species population is rapidly declining</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the period from conception to the birth of an organism</span>"
question: "Which of these animals have the longest gestation period?",
val: 8000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
question: "Vertebrata is a ___________________.",
val: 16000,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"Sub Phylum",
"Sub Species",
question: "What is the scientific name for a bird?",
val: 32000,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
question: "Lizards are ____________.",
val: 64000,
r_answer: 2,
answers: [
"Not A Vertebrate"
question: "Which of these animals do exist?",
val: 125000,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
"Transparent Metallic Bird",
"Flying Squirrel",
"Desert Dolphin",
"Human-Frog Snake Axolotl"
question: "Amphibians are __________.",
val: 250000,
r_answer: 1,
answers: [
"All of the above"
question: "What is cutaneous breathing?",
val: 500000,
r_answer: 0,
answers: [
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the ability to breath through skin</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the ability to breath both underwater and on land</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the ability to prevent breathing for up to 9 days</span>",
"<span style='font-size: 1.63vw;'>the ability to safely inhale carbon-dioxide</span>"
question: "<span style='color: gold;'>MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION</span><br>Which of these are NOT an actual phylum of fish?",
val: 1000000,
r_answer: 3,
answers: [
var findAnswer = {
r: function(){
return questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].r_answer;
/*var ranD = Math.floor(Math.random * 2) + 1;
ranD2 = Math.floor(Math.random * 3);
var final;
if (ranD==1) {
return questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].r_answer
} else {
return questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[ranD2];
} else {
ranD2=Math.floor(Math.random * 3)
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localStorage.setItem("qi", qi)
document.querySelector("[question]").innerHTML = questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].question;
document.querySelector("[ans='a']").innerHTML = "A.  " + questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[0];
document.querySelector("[ans='b']").innerHTML = "B.  " + questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[1];
document.querySelector("[ans='c']").innerHTML = "C.  " + questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[2];
document.querySelector("[ans='d']").innerHTML = "D.  " + questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[3];
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document.querySelector("[c_ans]").style.display = "block";
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}, 1500)
document.querySelector("[coi]").innerHTML = "correct!";
document.querySelector("[coi]").style.color = "green";
document.querySelector("[valdec]").innerHTML = "Your team now has $" + value + ".";
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}, 1000)
document.querySelector("[coi]").innerHTML = "incorrect!";
document.querySelector("[coi]").style.color = "red";
document.querySelector("[valdec]").innerHTML = "Sorry! You still have a pass. Do you want to use it?";
hasPass = false;
}, 100)
} else {
document.querySelector("[valdec]").innerHTML = "You're team has no more passes, so unfortunately, that's it.";
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document.querySelectorAll("[value]")[i].style.color = "black";
document.querySelectorAll("[value]")[i].style.backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(grey, black)";
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document.querySelector("[ans='b']").innerHTML = "B.  " + questions[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][qi].answers[1];
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}, 1000)
pname = "Personsada";
msg.innerHTML = "....";
}, 1500)
msg.innerHTML = lifelines[localStorage.getItem("current_team")][localStorage.getItem("sel_lfln")].intmes;
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console.log(qi + "this")
所以在 HTML 文件中有一个按钮,当你按下它时,变量 qi 上升。然后,在另一个 JS 文件中,当被命令时,文本被放置在包括使用 findAnswer.r() 的文档上;但是无论何时返回它返回的任何内容,它都会将 qi 视为它的值仍然为 0。任何人都可以在我的代码中找到任何错误吗? Visual Studio Code 没有给我任何错误,也没有给我文档上的控制台,所以我很困惑。
我尝试使用 setInterval 不断检查 qi 的值,每次单击按钮时它都会上升,但是当文本设置为使用 findAnswer.r() 显示在屏幕上时,我将其设置为 console.log( ) qi是什么,它说0; 我也尝试制作一个数组,我做了一个间隔,它不断地将数组更改为