--- a Compiler
--- responsible for turning SourceFiles into SourceBinaries
--- example:
--- gcc
--- a Linker
--- responsible for combining binaries from compiler into
complete ApplicationBinaries
--- example:
--- ld (The GNU Linker)
--- SourceFiles
--- responsible for containing human-readable application
--- example:
--- src/
--- source/
--- src/main.cpp
--- src/__init__.py
--- a BuildDirectory
--- responsible for containing the output of the
BuildSystem + Linker + Compiler
--- example:
--- build/
--- bin/
--- out/
--- a BuildSystem
--- responsible for driving the compiler and linker to build
for the chosen ApplicationPlatform
--- example:
--- make
--- Ninja
--- VisualStudio
--- a PlatformConfiguration
--- responsible for applying configuration data allowing the
BuildSystem + Linker + Compiler to produce output
compatible with the ApplicationPlatform
--- example:
--- ./configure.sh
--- kconfig
--- cmake
--- Tests
--- responsible for proving the built ApplicationBinary does
what it was intended to do
--- example:
--- CPPUTest
--- CTest
--- Packager
--- responsible for combining ApplicationBinary with other
ProjectOutputs into a SourceDistribution or
--- example:
--- CPack
在我生活的世界中,包含您所展示的所有内容的术语称为“项目”。它还包括需求规格、架构、设计、测试策略等文档。开发到目前为止不仅仅是“源 -> (工具) -> 结果。”
请勿将其与不同 IDE 或其他上下文中使用的“项目”混合。对于我们当中的学究来说,同一个术语在不同的上下文中用于不同的事物是非常令人不满意的。这可能就是为什么一些 IDE 发明了具有不同范围的“解决方案”或“工作空间”等术语的原因。仅将它们与特定 IDE 结合使用。
用于构建和测试项目工件的工具集通常称为“开发环境”。它不需要但大多数情况下都包含 IDE(如果有多个)。但当我们使用它时,这不包括源或目录层次结构。