如何结合AND命令IF ELSE条件并达到最大值?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



breed [ firms firm ]

firms-own [   
  firm-level-of-automation    ;; efficiency in automation on the firm level
  r&d-investment   ;; particular share of the total income which is used to invest in R&D
   income   ;; defined value

to setup
 ask firms [ 
    set firm-level-of-automation 0 + random-float 1 if firm-level-of-automation > 1 [ set firm-level-of-automation 1 ]   ;; initially random between >0 and <1
    set r&d-investment income * 0.04 ]   ;; R&D investment is a particular share of a firm's income

to go  
  ask firms [
    ifelse ( firm-level-of-automation < 1 ) AND ( firm-level-of-automation + ( r&d-investment * 0.02 ) < 1 ) [   ;; IF automation on the firm level is below 1 AND still below 1 in case R&D investment would happen
      set firm-level-of-automation firm-level-of-automation + ( r&d-investment * 0.02 ) ]   ;; initially random between >0 and <1 but increases proportionally according to R&D investment
    [ set firm-level-of-automation 0.99 ]


random netlogo agent-based-modeling economics


breed [ firms firm ]

firms-own [   
  firm-level-of-automation    ;; efficiency in automation on the firm level
  r&d-investment   ;; particular share of the total income which is used to invest in R&D
   income   ;; defined value

to setup
  ca ;; ADDED

  create-firms 10 [set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2] ;;ADDED, for illustration

 ask firms [ 
    set firm-level-of-automation 0 + random-float 1 if firm-level-of-automation > 1 [ set firm-level-of-automation 1 ]   ;; initially random between >0 and <1
    set income 100  ;; ADDED, needed to be initilaized, otherwise r&d-investment  would remain r&d-investment 0. The value 100 is choosen arbitrarily. 
    set r&d-investment income * 0.04  ;; R&D investment is a particular share of a firm's income

  reset-ticks ;; ADDED, otherwise tick counter will not start

to go  

  ask firms [
    ifelse ( firm-level-of-automation < 1 ) AND ( firm-level-of-automation + ( r&d-investment * 0.02 ) < 1 ) [   ;; IF automation on the firm level is below 1 AND still below 1 in case R&D investment would happen
      set firm-level-of-automation firm-level-of-automation + ( r&d-investment * 0.02 ) ]   ;; initially random between >0 and <1 but increases proportionally according to R&D investment
    [ set firm-level-of-automation 0.99 ]

  tick ;; ADDED 


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