如何在 blazor 中设置文本格式

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大家好,我正在 blazor 中创建一个新项目,我正在尝试在 html 中使用 in 之前格式化文本,我尝试执行此操作的方式是使用替换,我的主要问题是我可以添加断线


public string gLInjectionStatusFormattedText (string? rawText) {
        var text = rawText?.Replace("- Valve:", "\n Valve:")
            .Replace("{CompletionAnalysisResults.troubleshooting_data.cont_gaslift_cmpl_inject_status.ref_data.current_op_valve_description}", "Weatherford RO-1 5/32 (THC)")
            .Replace("- Mandrel number:", "\n Mandrel number:")
            .Replace("{CompletionAnalysisResults.troubleshooting_data.cont_gaslift_cmpl_inject_status.ref_data.current_op_valve_mand_num}", "8")
            .Replace("- Meas Depth:", "\n Meas Depth:")
            .Replace("{CompletionAnalysisResults.troubleshooting_data.cont_gaslift_cmpl_inject_status.ref_data.current_op_valve_depth}", "4833.0 feet")
            .Replace("{CompletionAnalysisResults.troubleshooting_data.cont_gaslift_cmpl_inject_status.ref_data.valve_status_summary}", "The deepest possible injection depth for this well is 4833.0 feet (MD) at current operating conditions.")
            .Replace("Valve Status Summary:", "Valve Status Summary:");

        return text ?? "";

我在 html (blazor) 中使用它,就像这样

<div Class="d-flex flex-column gap-4">
     <div Class="d-flex  gap-4">
        <div>GL Injection Status:</div>



This well is injecting at its designed operating point:

Valve: Weatherford RO-1 5/32 (THC)
Mandrel number: 6
Meas Depth: 4833.0 feet  
Valve Status Summary: The deepest possible injection depth for this well is 4833.0 feet (MD) at current operating conditions.
Lift gas injection is from an ORIF valve in mandrel number 6 at 4833.0 feet and has an estimated flow rate of 453.292 MCF/day.

但是在我的 html 中却出现这样的情况:

This well is injecting at its designed operating point: Valve: Weatherford RO-1 5/32 (THC) Mandrel number: 8 Meas Depth: 4833.0 feet &nbsp; Valve Status Summary: The deepest possible injection depth for this well is 4833.0 feet (MD) at current operating conditions.


c# blazor

默认情况下,HTML 忽略换行符 ' ' 和粗细空格,如果您想将文本渲染为新行,请使用

之间,这会告诉 HTML 引擎按原样渲染文本。

<div Class="d-flex flex-column gap-4">
     <div Class="d-flex  gap-4">
        <div>GL Injection Status:</div>
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