我找不到更好的解决方案。我的 Redis 中有 ID 和排名。我是否可以在Redis密钥过期之前将更改的排名保存到数据库中?我可以在提前 x 时间到期之前触发某个功能吗
您可以使用 Redis 中的 TTL(生存时间),它告诉密钥还剩多少时间过期,并触发一个线程来保存您在数据库中的排名:
import redis
from threading import Timer
# initializing the Redis client first
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# simulate saving data to the database
def save_to_database(key, value):
print(f"Saving key: {key}, value: {value} to database")
# replace with actual database save logic
# Example : db.save({"key": key, "rank": value})
# function to monitor and save data
def monitor_and_save(key):
ttl = r.ttl(key) # get the ttime to live (TTL) of the key
if ttl > 30:
# schedule the save operation to run 30 seconds before expiration
delay = ttl - 30
print(f"Scheduling save operation for key: {key} in {delay} seconds")
Timer(delay, lambda: save_to_database(key, r.get(key).decode())).start()
# if TTL is less than 30 seconds save immediately
print(f"Key: {key} is about to expire, saving immediately")
save_to_database(key, r.get(key).decode())
# for example
# set a key with a 60 second expiration time
r.set("rank", 3, ex=60)
# monitor and save the key