Boost.Voronoi 在 C++ 中使用浮点输入生成不正确的 Voronoi 单元

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我正在处理代表房间内行人头部位置(以米为单位)的实验数据。我的目标是用 C++ 生成围绕每个行人的 Voronoi 单元,以便我计算这些单元的面积。然而,在使用 Boost.Voronoi 生成 Voronoi 单元格并绘制它们之后,我发现单元格绘制不正确这些点没有按照预期正确地分成单个单元格。

我在 Boost.Voronoi 文档中发现一条注释,默认情况下,输入坐标应为整数。为了使用真实世界坐标,我定义了允许使用浮点值的自定义点类型。

下面是我用来生成 Voronoi 图并以文本形式输出数据的代码。此代码使用



#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <format> #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp> #include <boost/geometry.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp> using namespace std; struct Position { using coordinate_type = double; coordinate_type x, y; }; using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type; using segment_type = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>; using VoronoiDiagram = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>; /// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points: template <> struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> { typedef point_concept type; }; template <> struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position> { using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type; static inline coordinate_type get(const Position& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient) { return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y; } }; using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>; /// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF): namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits { template <> struct tag<Position> { using type = point_tag; }; template <> struct coordinate_type<Position> { using type = Position::coordinate_type; }; template <> struct coordinate_system<Position> { using type = cs::cartesian; }; template <> struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {}; template <> struct access<Position, 0> { static double get(const Position& p) { return p.x; } static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.x = value; } }; template <> struct access<Position, 1> { static double get(const Position& p) { return p.y; } static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.y = value; } }; }}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits polygonF verticesOfCell(const VoronoiDiagram::cell_type& voronoiCell) { polygonF polygon; const auto* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge(); do { if (!edge) { break; } if (edge->is_primary()) { if (edge->is_finite()) { auto v0 = edge->vertex0(); auto v1 = edge->vertex1(); polygon.outer().emplace_back(v0->x(), v0->y()); polygon.outer().emplace_back(v1->x(), v1->y()); } } edge = edge->next(); } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge()); return polygon; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //////////////// configuration points and segments: std::vector<Position> positions = {Position{0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -1.42857}, Position{-0.952381, -1.42857}, Position{-1.90476, -0.952381}, Position{-1.42857, -1.42857}, Position{-1.90476, -1.42857}, Position{-2.38095, -1.90476}, Position{-1.42857, -2.38095}, Position{-1.42857, -1.90476}, Position{-0.952381, -2.85714}, Position{-0.952381, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -3.80952}, Position{0.952381, -4.28571}, Position{0.476191, -4.28571}, Position{0.476191, -3.80952}, Position{0.952381, -3.33333}, Position{0.476191, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -2.38095}, Position{0.476191, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -1.90476}, Position{0.476191, -1.90476}, Position{-0, -1.90476}, Position{0.476191, -0.476191}, Position{-0.952381, -0.952381}, Position{0.476191, -1.42857}, Position{-0.476191, -2.38095}, Position{-0.952381, -2.38095}, Position{-2.38095, -2.85714}, Position{-1.90476, -3.33333}, Position{-1.42857, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -2.85714}, Position{-0.476191, -2.85714}, Position{-0, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -4.76191}, Position{0.952381, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -2.85714}, Position{0.476191, -2.85714}, Position{-0.476191, -1.90476}, Position{0.952381, -3.80952}, Position{1.42857, -2.85714}, Position{1.90476, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -4.76191}, Position{-0.476191, -5.2381}, Position{0.476191, -5.2381}, Position{1.90476, -3.33333}, Position{-2.85714, -2.38095}, Position{-2.38095, -1.42857}, Position{-2.38095, -0.952381}, Position{-1.42857, -2.85714}, Position{-1.90476, -1.90476}, Position{1.42857, -1.90476}, Position{2.38095, -2.85714}, Position{2.38095, -1.42857}, Position{2.38095, -0.952381}, Position{1.90476, -1.42857}, Position{2.38095, -1.90476}, Position{-1.90476, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -0.952381}, Position{-3.33333, -3.33333}, Position{-3.80952, -2.38095}, Position{-3.80952, -1.42857}, Position{-3.33333, -1.90476}, Position{-3.33333, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -4.28571}, Position{-0, -1.42857}, Position{-0.952381, -1.90476}}; std::vector<segment_type> segments; segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, -5.5)); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, 3)); segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, 3), Position(-6.5, 3)); segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, 3), Position(-6.5, -5.5)); //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells VoronoiDiagram vd; boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(begin(positions), end(positions), begin(segments), end(segments), &vd); unsigned int cell_index = 0; for (auto it = vd.cells().begin(); it != vd.cells().end(); ++it) { if (it->contains_point()) { switch (it->source_category()) { case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index(); auto p = positions[index]; cout << format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p.x, p.y) << endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y()) << endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p1 = high(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl; break; } } auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(*it); if (!cellPolygon.outer().empty()) { cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.outer().size() << "]"; if (boost::geometry::is_valid(cellPolygon)) { cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(cellPolygon) << "}"; } for (int i = 0; i < cellPolygon.outer().size(); ++i) { const auto &p = cellPolygon.outer()[i]; cout << "\t(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << "),"; } cout << endl; } } else { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(segments[index]); auto p1 = high(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y(), p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl; } ++cell_index; } }
这里是如何绘制 Voronoi 单元的示例(如您所见,边缘似乎没有正确绘制):

enter image description here

此外,为了进行比较,以下是如何在 Python 中使用


 可视化相同的数据(据我了解 VOronoi 图,这是正确的代码):

image of Python scipy.Voronoi output

问题:如何在 Boost.Voronoi 中正确生成和可视化浮点输入的 Voronoi 单元?

我还应该注意到,Boost 提供了一个使用 OpenGL 来可视化 Voronoi 单元的示例,但该示例不再与 Qt6 兼容。我的目的是找到一个合适的解决方案,它也可以作为 Boost 库的更新示例,取代过时的 OpenGL 方法。


生成 Voronoi 图并使用 QT 绘制的完整 C++ 代码: 生成 Voronoi 图并绘制的完整代码:

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <format> #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow> #include <QtCharts/QChartView> #include <QtCharts/QScatterSeries> #include <QtCharts/QLineSeries> #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp> #include <boost/geometry.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp> using namespace std; struct Position { using coordinate_type = double; coordinate_type x, y; bool operator<(Position rhs) const; bool operator==(Position rhs) const; }; using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type; using segment_type = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>; using VoronoiDiagram = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>; /// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points: template <> struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> { typedef point_concept type; }; template <> struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position> { using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type; static inline coordinate_type get(const Position& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient) { return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y; } }; using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>; /// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF): namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits { template <> struct tag<Position> { using type = point_tag; }; template <> struct coordinate_type<Position> { using type = Position::coordinate_type; }; template <> struct coordinate_system<Position> { using type = cs::cartesian; }; template <> struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {}; template <> struct access<Position, 0> { static double get(const Position& p) { return p.x; } static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.x = value; } }; template <> struct access<Position, 1> { static double get(const Position& p) { return p.y; } static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.y = value; } }; }}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits QPolygonF verticesOfCell(const VoronoiDiagram::cell_type& voronoiCell) { QPolygonF polygon; const auto* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge(); do { if (!edge) { break; } if (edge->is_primary()) { if (edge->is_finite()) { auto v0 = edge->vertex0(); auto v1 = edge->vertex1(); polygon << QPointF{v0->x(), v0->y()}; polygon << QPointF{v1->x(), v1->y()}; } } edge = edge->next(); } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge()); return polygon; } polygonF toBoostPolygon(const QPolygonF& polygonQt) { polygonF polygon; for (const auto p : polygonQt) polygon.outer().emplace_back(p.x(), p.y()); return polygon; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //////////////// configuration points and segments: std::vector<Position> positions = {Position{0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -1.42857}, Position{-0.952381, -1.42857}, Position{-1.90476, -0.952381}, Position{-1.42857, -1.42857}, Position{-1.90476, -1.42857}, Position{-2.38095, -1.90476}, Position{-1.42857, -2.38095}, Position{-1.42857, -1.90476}, Position{-0.952381, -2.85714}, Position{-0.952381, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -3.80952}, Position{0.952381, -4.28571}, Position{0.476191, -4.28571}, Position{0.476191, -3.80952}, Position{0.952381, -3.33333}, Position{0.476191, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -2.38095}, Position{0.476191, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -1.90476}, Position{0.476191, -1.90476}, Position{-0, -1.90476}, Position{0.476191, -0.476191}, Position{-0.952381, -0.952381}, Position{0.476191, -1.42857}, Position{-0.476191, -2.38095}, Position{-0.952381, -2.38095}, Position{-2.38095, -2.85714}, Position{-1.90476, -3.33333}, Position{-1.42857, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -2.85714}, Position{-0.476191, -2.85714}, Position{-0, -3.33333}, Position{-0, -4.76191}, Position{0.952381, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -2.85714}, Position{0.476191, -2.85714}, Position{-0.476191, -1.90476}, Position{0.952381, -3.80952}, Position{1.42857, -2.85714}, Position{1.90476, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -4.76191}, Position{-0.476191, -5.2381}, Position{0.476191, -5.2381}, Position{1.90476, -3.33333}, Position{-2.85714, -2.38095}, Position{-2.38095, -1.42857}, Position{-2.38095, -0.952381}, Position{-1.42857, -2.85714}, Position{-1.90476, -1.90476}, Position{1.42857, -1.90476}, Position{2.38095, -2.85714}, Position{2.38095, -1.42857}, Position{2.38095, -0.952381}, Position{1.90476, -1.42857}, Position{2.38095, -1.90476}, Position{-1.90476, -2.38095}, Position{0.952381, -0.952381}, Position{-3.33333, -3.33333}, Position{-3.80952, -2.38095}, Position{-3.80952, -1.42857}, Position{-3.33333, -1.90476}, Position{-3.33333, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -4.28571}, Position{-0, -1.42857}, Position{-0.952381, -1.90476}}; std::vector<segment_type> segments; segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, -5.5)); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, 3)); segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, 3), Position(-6.5, 3)); segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, 3), Position(-6.5, -5.5)); //////////////// Qt's part - set up Widgets QApplication app(argc, argv); QMainWindow window; QChart *chart = new QChart(); chart->setTitle("Voronoi Diagram Example"); chart->setAnimationOptions(QChart::AllAnimations); QScatterSeries *pointsSeries = new QScatterSeries(); pointsSeries->setName("Source Points (head positions)"); pointsSeries->setMarkerSize(10.0); for (const auto &pos : positions) { pointsSeries->append(pos.x, pos.y); } QLineSeries *voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries(); voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges"); chart->addSeries(pointsSeries); QLineSeries *segmentsSeries = new QLineSeries(); segmentsSeries->setName("Segments (room end)"); //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells VoronoiDiagram vd; boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(begin(positions), end(positions), begin(segments), end(segments), &vd); unsigned int cell_index = 0; for (auto it = vd.cells().begin(); it != vd.cells().end(); ++it) { if (it->contains_point()) { switch (it->source_category()) { case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index(); auto p = positions[index]; cout << format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p.x, p.y) << endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y()) << endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT: { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p1 = high(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl; break; } } auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(*it); if (!cellPolygon.empty()) { cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.size() << "]"; if (auto boostPolygon = toBoostPolygon(cellPolygon); boost::geometry::is_valid(boostPolygon)) { cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(boostPolygon) << "}"; } for (int i = 0; i < cellPolygon.size(); ++i) { const QPointF &p = cellPolygon[i]; const QPointF &p2 = cellPolygon[(i + 1) % cellPolygon.size()]; voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x(), p.y()); voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p2.x(), p2.y()); cout << "\t(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << "),"; } cout << endl; } } else { std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(segments[index]); auto p1 = high(segments[index]); cout << format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y(), p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl; } ++cell_index; } //////////////// Qt: setting up charts && drawing && showing: for (const auto& segment : segments) { auto p0 = segment.low(); auto p1 = segment.high(); segmentsSeries->append(p0.x(), p0.y()); segmentsSeries->append(p1.x(), p1.y()); } chart->addSeries(voronoiEdgesSeries); chart->addSeries(segmentsSeries); chart->createDefaultAxes(); chart->setDropShadowEnabled(false); QChartView *chartView = new QChartView(chart); chartView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); window.setCentralWidget(chartView); window.resize(800, 600);; return app.exec(); }

Cell #0 contains segment end point: (-6.50, -5.50) Cell #1 contains a segment: (-6.50, 3.00) -> (-6.50, -5.50) Cell #2 contains segment start point: (-6.50, 3.00) Cell #3 contains a segment: (-6.50, -5.50) -> (3.50, -5.50) Cell #4 contains a segment: (3.50, 3.00) -> (-6.50, 3.00) Cell #5 contains a point: (-3.33, -3.33) [vertices:10]{area:2.60011} (-2, -3.75), (-2, -3), (-2, -3), (-2.5, -2.5), (-2.5, -2.5), (-4.45833, -2.5), (-4.45833, -2.5), (-4.4641, -3.4641), (-4.4641, -3.4641), (-2, -3.75), Cell #6 contains a point: (-3.81, -2.38) [vertices:8]{area:1.95833} (-2.5, -2.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-4.45833, -1.5), (-4.45833, -1.5), (-4.45833, -2.5), (-4.45833, -2.5), (-2.5, -2.5), Cell #7 contains a point: (-3.81, -1.43) [vertices:8]{area:1.95833} (-2.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -0.5), (-2.5, -0.5), (-4.45833, -0.5), (-4.45833, -0.5), (-4.45833, -1.5), (-4.45833, -1.5), (-2.5, -1.5), Cell #8 contains a point: (-3.33, -0.95) [vertices:8]{area:3.41267} (-2.5, -0.5), (-2.5, 1.45833), (-2.5, 1.45833), (-4.24264, 1.24264), (-4.24264, 1.24264), (-4.45833, -0.5), (-4.45833, -0.5), (-2.5, -0.5), Cell #9 contains a point: (-2.38, -2.86) [vertices:10]{area:1.25} (-1.5, -2.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -2.5), (-2.5, -2.5), (-2, -3), (-2, -3), (-1.5, -2.5), Cell #10 contains a point: (-2.38, -1.90) [vertices:8]{area:1} (-1.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-2.5, -0.5), (-2.5, -0.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-2.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -1.5), Cell #11 contains a point: (-2.38, -0.95) [vertices:8]{area:1.95833} (-1.5, 1.45833), (-2.5, 1.45833), (-2.5, 1.45833), (-2.5, -0.5), (-2.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, 1.45833), Cell #12 contains a point: (-1.43, -3.33) [vertices:12]{area:1.875} (-0.5, -3.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (-1.5, -2.5), (-1.5, -2.5), (-2, -3), (-2, -3), (-2, -3.75), (-2, -3.75), (-1, -4), (-1, -4), (-0.5, -3.5), Cell #13 contains a point: (-1.43, -2.38) [vertices:8]{area:1} (-0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -2.5), (-1.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -2.5), Cell #14 contains a point: (-1.90, -1.90) [vertices:8]{area:1} (-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-1.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -1.5), Cell #15 contains a point: (-1.90, -0.95) [vertices:8]{area:1.95833} (-0.5, 1.45833), (-1.5, 1.45833), (-1.5, 1.45833), (-1.5, -0.5), (-1.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 1.45833), Cell #16 contains a point: (0.48, -5.24) Cell #17 contains a point: (-0.48, -4.29) [vertices:8]{area:0.75} (1, -4), (0.5, -3.5), (0.5, -3.5), (-0.5, -3.5), (-0.5, -3.5), (-1, -4), (-1, -4), (1, -4), Cell #18 contains a point: (0.95, -3.81) [vertices:8]{area:1} (0.5, -3.5), (0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -3.5), (-0.5, -3.5), (0.5, -3.5), Cell #19 contains a point: (0.95, -2.38) [vertices:8]{area:1} (0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (-0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -2.5), Cell #20 contains a point: (-0.95, -1.43) [vertices:8]{area:1} (0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5), Cell #21 contains a point: (-0.48, -0.95) [vertices:10]{area:2.71875} (1, -0), (1, 1.33333), (1, 1.33333), (-0.5, 1.45833), (-0.5, 1.45833), (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (1, -0), Cell #22 contains a point: (1.90, -3.33) [vertices:12]{area:1.82843} (1.82843, -3.82843), (2, -3), (2, -3), (1.5, -2.5), (1.5, -2.5), (0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -3.5), (0.5, -3.5), (1, -4), (1, -4), (1.82843, -3.82843), Cell #23 contains a point: (1.43, -2.86) [vertices:10] (1.5, -0.585786), (1.9375, -1.5), (1.9375, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -2.5), (0.5, -2.5), (1.5, -2.5), (1.5, -2.5), (1.5, -0.585786), Cell #24 contains a point: (1.90, -1.43) [vertices:12] (1.9375, -1.5), (1.5, -2.41421), (1.5, -2.41421), (1.5, -0.5), (1.5, -0.5), (1, -0), (1, -0), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5), (1.9375, -1.5), Cell #25 contains a point: (2.38, -2.86) [vertices:6]{area:0.478553} (2, -3), (1.5, -0.585786), (1.5, -0.585786), (1.5, -2.5), (1.5, -2.5), (2, -3), Cell #26 contains a point: (2.38, -1.90) [vertices:6]{area:0.837468} (1.5, -2.41421), (2.375, -0.5), (2.375, -0.5), (1.5, -0.5), (1.5, -0.5), (1.5, -2.41421), Cell #27 contains a point: (2.38, -0.95) [vertices:10]{area:1.62731} (2.375, -0.5), (1.44949, 1.44949), (1.44949, 1.44949), (1, 1.33333), (1, 1.33333), (1, -0), (1, -0), (1.5, -0.5), (1.5, -0.5), (2.375, -0.5), Cell #28 contains segment start point: (3.50, -5.50) Cell #29 contains a segment: (3.50, -5.50) -> (3.50, 3.00) Cell #30 contains segment start point: (3.50, 3.00)
用于生成此可视化的相应 Python 代码:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d # Definicja punktów positions = np.array([ [0.476191, -0.952381], [-0, -0.952381], [-0.476191, -0.952381], [-0.476191, -1.42857], [-0.952381, -1.42857], [-1.90476, -0.952381], [-1.42857, -1.42857], [-1.90476, -1.42857], [-2.38095, -1.90476], [-1.42857, -2.38095], [-1.42857, -1.90476], [-0.952381, -2.85714], [-0.952381, -3.33333], [-0, -3.80952], [0.952381, -4.28571], [0.476191, -4.28571], [0.476191, -3.80952], [0.952381, -3.33333], [0.476191, -3.33333], [-0, -2.38095], [0.476191, -2.38095], [0.952381, -1.90476], [0.476191, -1.90476], [-0, -1.90476], [0.476191, -0.476191], [-0.952381, -0.952381], [0.476191, -1.42857], [-0.476191, -2.38095], [-0.952381, -2.38095], [-2.38095, -2.85714], [-1.90476, -3.33333], [-1.42857, -3.33333], [-0, -2.85714], [-0.476191, -2.85714], [-0, -3.33333], [-0, -4.76191], [0.952381, -2.38095], [0.952381, -2.85714], [0.476191, -2.85714], [-0.476191, -1.90476], [0.952381, -3.80952], [1.42857, -2.85714], [1.90476, -2.38095], [0.952381, -4.76191], [-0.476191, -5.2381], [0.476191, -5.2381], [1.90476, -3.33333], [-2.85714, -2.38095], [-2.38095, -1.42857], [-2.38095, -0.952381], [-1.42857, -2.85714], [-1.90476, -1.90476], [1.42857, -1.90476], [2.38095, -2.85714], [2.38095, -1.42857], [2.38095, -0.952381], [1.90476, -1.42857], [2.38095, -1.90476], [-1.90476, -2.38095], [0.952381, -0.952381], [-3.33333, -3.33333], [-3.80952, -2.38095], [-3.80952, -1.42857], [-3.33333, -1.90476], [-3.33333, -0.952381], [-0.476191, -4.28571], [-0, -1.42857], [-0.952381, -1.90476] ]) # Definicja segmentów segments = np.array([ [[-6.5, -5.5], [3.5, -5.5]], [[3.5, -5.5], [3.5, 3]], [[3.5, 3], [-6.5, 3]], [[-6.5, 3], [-6.5, -5.5]] ]) # Generowanie diagramu Voronoi vor = Voronoi(positions) # Rysowanie diagramu Voronoi fig, ax = plt.subplots() voronoi_plot_2d(vor, ax=ax, show_vertices=False, line_colors='blue', line_width=1.5, point_size=5) # Dodanie punktów źródłowych ax.plot(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], 'ro', label="Source Points (head positions)") # Dodanie segmentów for segment in segments: ax.plot(segment[:, 0], segment[:, 1], 'k-', lw=2, label="Segments (room end)") # Ustawienia wykresu ax.set_title("Voronoi Diagram Example") ax.legend() ax.set_aspect('equal') # Wyświetlenie wykresu


each point is multiplied by 100 我将所有点(也是线段的点)乘以 100(米到厘米),然后在绘图时将点除以 100。现在看起来几乎没问题,但有些线穿过点和其他单元格。

c++ boost geometry cell voronoi


QLineSeries* voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries(); voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges"); for (QPointF const& p : cellPolygon) { voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x() / SCALE, p.y() / SCALE); std::cout << "\t(" << p.x() / SCALE << ", " << p.y() / SCALE << "),"; } chart->addSeries(voronoiEdgesSeries); chart->legend()->markers(voronoiEdgesSeries)[0]->setVisible(false);


 为 true,那么根据定义,您的多边形已经闭合:无需重复第一个点。

这是一个演示,将输入缩放 2^10:


#include <format> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <QtCharts/QBarLegendMarker> #include <QtCharts/QChartView> #include <QtCharts/QLineSeries> #include <QtCharts/QScatterSeries> #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow> #include <boost/geometry.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp> #include <boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp> using namespace QtCharts; struct Position { using coordinate_type = double; coordinate_type x, y; }; using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type; using segment_type = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>; using VoronoiDiagram = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>; /// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points: template <> struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> { typedef point_concept type; }; template <> struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position> { using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type; static inline coordinate_type get(Position const& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient) { return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y; } }; using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>; /// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF): namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits { template <> struct tag<Position> { using type = point_tag; }; template <> struct coordinate_type<Position> { using type = Position::coordinate_type; }; template <> struct coordinate_system<Position> { using type = cs::cartesian; }; template <> struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {}; template <> struct access<Position, 0> { static ::coordinate_type get(Position const& p) { return p.x; } static void set(Position& p, ::coordinate_type const& value) { p.x = value; } }; template <> struct access<Position, 1> { static ::coordinate_type get(Position const& p) { return p.y; } static void set(Position& p, ::coordinate_type const& value) { p.y = value; } }; }}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits QPolygonF verticesOfCell(VoronoiDiagram::cell_type const& voronoiCell) { QPolygonF polygon; auto const* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge(); do { if (!edge) break; if (edge->is_primary()) { if (edge->is_finite()) { auto v0 = edge->vertex0(); auto v1 = edge->vertex1(); polygon << QPointF{v0->x(), v0->y()}; polygon << QPointF{v1->x(), v1->y()}; } } edge = edge->next(); } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge()); return polygon; } polygonF toBoostPolygon(QPolygonF const& polygonQt) { polygonF polygon; for (auto const& p : polygonQt) polygon.outer().emplace_back(p.x(), p.y()); return polygon; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //////////////// configuration points and segments: std::vector<Position> positions = { {0.476191, -0.952381}, {-0, -0.952381}, {-0.476191, -0.952381}, {-0.476191, -1.42857}, {-0.952381, -1.42857}, {-1.90476, -0.952381}, {-1.42857, -1.42857}, {-1.90476, -1.42857}, {-2.38095, -1.90476}, {-1.42857, -2.38095}, {-1.42857, -1.90476}, {-0.952381, -2.85714}, {-0.952381, -3.33333}, {-0, -3.80952}, {0.952381, -4.28571}, {0.476191, -4.28571}, {0.476191, -3.80952}, {0.952381, -3.33333}, {0.476191, -3.33333}, {-0, -2.38095}, {0.476191, -2.38095}, {0.952381, -1.90476}, {0.476191, -1.90476}, {-0, -1.90476}, {0.476191, -0.476191}, {-0.952381, -0.952381}, {0.476191, -1.42857}, {-0.476191, -2.38095}, {-0.952381, -2.38095}, {-2.38095, -2.85714}, {-1.90476, -3.33333}, {-1.42857, -3.33333}, {-0, -2.85714}, {-0.476191, -2.85714}, {-0, -3.33333}, {-0, -4.76191}, {0.952381, -2.38095}, {0.952381, -2.85714}, {0.476191, -2.85714}, {-0.476191, -1.90476}, {0.952381, -3.80952}, {1.42857, -2.85714}, {1.90476, -2.38095}, {0.952381, -4.76191}, {-0.476191, -5.2381}, {0.476191, -5.2381}, {1.90476, -3.33333}, {-2.85714, -2.38095}, {-2.38095, -1.42857}, {-2.38095, -0.952381}, {-1.42857, -2.85714}, {-1.90476, -1.90476}, {1.42857, -1.90476}, {2.38095, -2.85714}, {2.38095, -1.42857}, {2.38095, -0.952381}, {1.90476, -1.42857}, {2.38095, -1.90476}, {-1.90476, -2.38095}, {0.952381, -0.952381}, {-3.33333, -3.33333}, {-3.80952, -2.38095}, {-3.80952, -1.42857}, {-3.33333, -1.90476}, {-3.33333, -0.952381}, {-0.476191, -4.28571}, {-0, -1.42857}, {-0.952381, -1.90476}}; auto SCALE = std::pow(2.0, 10); std::vector<segment_type> segments; segments.emplace_back(Position{-6.5, -5.5}, Position{3.5, -5.5}); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles segments.emplace_back(Position{3.5, -5.5}, Position{3.5, 3}); segments.emplace_back(Position{3.5, 3}, Position{-6.5, 3}); segments.emplace_back(Position{-6.5, 3}, Position{-6.5, -5.5}); for (Position& p : positions) { p.x *= SCALE; p.y *= SCALE; } for (auto& s : segments) { s.low({s.low().x() * SCALE, s.low().y() * SCALE}); s.high({s.high().x() * SCALE, s.high().y() * SCALE}); } //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells VoronoiDiagram vd; boost::polygon::construct_voronoi( // begin(positions), end(positions), // begin(segments), end(segments), // &vd); // SCALE = 1; //////////////// Qt's part - set up Widgets QApplication app(argc, argv); QMainWindow window; QChart* chart = new QChart(); chart->setTitle("Voronoi Diagram Example"); chart->setAnimationOptions(QChart::NoAnimation); { QScatterSeries* pointsSeries = new QScatterSeries(); pointsSeries->setName("Source Points (head positions)"); pointsSeries->setMarkerSize(10.0); for (auto const& pos : positions) pointsSeries->append(pos.x / SCALE, pos.y / SCALE); chart->addSeries(pointsSeries); } QLineSeries* segmentsSeries = new QLineSeries(); segmentsSeries->setName("Segments (room end)"); for (unsigned int cell_index = 0; auto cell : vd.cells()) { if (cell.contains_point()) { switch (cell.source_category()) { case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT: { size_t index = cell.source_index(); auto p =; std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p.x / SCALE, p.y / SCALE) << std::endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT: { size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(; std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE) << std::endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT: { size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size(); auto p1 = high(; std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p1.x() / SCALE, p1.y() / SCALE) << std::endl; break; } case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_INITIAL_SEGMENT: case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_REVERSE_SEGMENT: case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_GEOMETRY_SHIFT: case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_BITMASK: break; } auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(cell); if (!cellPolygon.empty()) { std::cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.size() << "]"; { std::string reason; if (auto boostPolygon = toBoostPolygon(cellPolygon); boost::geometry::is_valid(boostPolygon, reason)) { std::cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(boostPolygon) / SCALE / SCALE << "}"; } else { std::cerr << "{INVALID:" << reason << "}"; return 3; } } { QLineSeries* voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries(); voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges"); for (QPointF const& p : cellPolygon) { voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x() / SCALE, p.y() / SCALE); std::cout << "\t(" << p.x() / SCALE << ", " << p.y() / SCALE << "),"; } chart->addSeries(voronoiEdgesSeries); chart->legend()->markers(voronoiEdgesSeries)[0]->setVisible(false); } std::cout << std::endl; } } else { size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size(); auto p0 = low(; auto p1 = high(; std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE, p1.x() / SCALE, p1.y() / SCALE) << std::endl; } ++cell_index; } //////////////// Qt: setting up charts && drawing && showing: for (auto const& segment : segments) { auto p0 = segment.low(); auto p1 = segment.high(); segmentsSeries->append(p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE); segmentsSeries->append(p1.x() / SCALE, p1.y() / SCALE); } chart->addSeries(segmentsSeries); chart->createDefaultAxes(); chart->setDropShadowEnabled(false); QChartView* chartView = new QChartView(chart); chartView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); window.setCentralWidget(chartView); window.resize(800, 600);; return app.exec(); }


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