
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

通过JavaScript for Web Warriors Book,第3章项目5。这是调试代码的任务,以便在Barchart中显示手机销售。错误:“ uckulting typeerror typeerror:

.insertAdjacentHTML is not a function.

// Array of phone models sold by the company
/* Changed parenthesis to braces to define an array - Debugged */
let phones = ["Photon 6E", "Photon 6X", "Photon 7E", "Photon 7X", "Photon 8P"];

// Units sold in the previous quarter
/* Changed parenthesis to braces to define an array - Debugged */
let sales = [10281, 12255, 25718, 21403, 16142];

// Variable to calculate total sales
let totalSales = 0;

// Use the forEach() method to sum the sales for each phone model and add it to the totalSales variable
/* addtoTotal needed to be capitalized to addToTotal - Debugged */

// For loop to generate bar chart of phone sales
/* Changed the i value from 1 to 0 - AA */
for (let i = 0; i <= phones.length; i++) {
   let barChart = "";   // Variable to store HTML code for table cells used to create bar chart
   // Calculate the percent of total sales for a particular phone model
   let barPercent = 100*sales/totalSales;
   let cellTag;   // Variable that will define the class of td elements used in creating the bar chart cells.
   // Determine the table cell based on the value of the phone model
   /* The switch case did not include a colon after each switch statement - Debugged */
   switch (phones[i]) {
      case "Photon 6E":
        cellTag = "<td class='group1'>";
      case "Photon 6X":
        cellTag = "<td class='group2'>";
      case "Photon 7E":
        cellTag = "<td class='group3'>";
      case "Photon 7X":
        cellTag = "<td class='group4'>";
      case "Photon 8P":
        cellTag = "<td class='group5'>";
   // Table cell containing information on phone and total sales (formatted using a thousands-separator)
   barChart += "<tr><th>" + phones[i] + " (" + formatNumber(sales[i]) + ")</th>";
   // For loop to create a table cell, 1 for each percentage value in the barPercent variable
   for (let j = 0; j <= barPercent; j++) {
      barChart += cellTag + "</td>";
   barChart += "</tr>";

   // Insert the bChart HTML code into first tbody element in the web document
   /* beforeEnd was capitalized, changed to beforeend. - Debugged */
   document.getElementsByTagName("tbody").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", barChart);

// Callback function that adds the value of each array element to the totalSales variable
function addToTotal(arrValue) {
   totalSales += arrValue;

// Function that takes a number value and returns it as a text string with a thousands separator
function formatNumber(value) {
   return value.toLocaleString();

I tried analyzing the HTML and CSS files to see if there was any kind of clue as to where I could potentially be messing up. I understand that I need to insert the code inbetween the <tbody></tbody> section of the HTML file.
So I tried rewriting the code as shown below to see if it would do anything different.
// Array of phone models sold by the company
/* Changed parenthesis to braces to define an array - Debugged */
let phones = ["Photon 6E", "Photon 6X", "Photon 7E", "Photon 7X", "Photon 8P"];

// Units sold in the previous quarter
/* Changed parenthesis to braces to define an array - Debugged */
let sales = [10281, 12255, 25718, 21403, 16142];

// Variable to calculate total sales
let totalSales = 0;

// Use the forEach() method to sum the sales for each phone model and add it to the totalSales variable
/* addtoTotal needed to be capitalized to addToTotal - Debugged */

// For loop to generate bar chart of phone sales
/* Changed the i value from 1 to 0 - AA */
for (let i = 0; i <= phones.length; i++) {
   let barChart = "";   // Variable to store HTML code for table cells used to create bar chart
   // Calculate the percent of total sales for a particular phone model
   let barPercent = 100*sales/totalSales;
   let cellTag;   // Variable that will define the class of td elements used in creating the bar chart cells.
   // Determine the table cell based on the value of the phone model
   /* The switch case did not include a colon after each switch statement - Debugged */
   switch (phones[i]) {
      case "Photon 6E":
        cellTag = "<td class='group1'>";
      case "Photon 6X":
        cellTag = "<td class='group2'>";
      case "Photon 7E":
        cellTag = "<td class='group3'>";
      case "Photon 7X":
        cellTag = "<td class='group4'>";
      case "Photon 8P":
        cellTag = "<td class='group5'>";
   // Table cell containing information on phone and total sales (formatted using a thousands-separator)
   barChart += "<tr><th>" + phones[i] + " (" + formatNumber(sales[i]) + ")</th>";
   // For loop to create a table cell, 1 for each percentage value in the barPercent variable
   for (let j = 0; j <= barPercent; j++) {
      barChart += cellTag + "</td>";
   barChart += "</tr>";

   // Insert the bChart HTML code into first tbody element in the web document
   /* beforeEnd was capitalized, changed to beforeend. - Debugged */
   document.getElementsByTagName("tbody").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", barChart);

// Callback function that adds the value of each array element to the totalSales variable
function addToTotal(arrValue) {
   totalSales += arrValue;

// Function that takes a number value and returns it as a text string with a thousands separator
function formatNumber(value) {
   return value.toLocaleString();

我仍然遇到完全相同的错误:“ insertadjacenthtml不是函数”。


javascript html arrays function


   let TableCell = document.getElementsByTagName("tbody");
   TableCell.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", barChart)



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