
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我有一个外部控制台应用程序(在 OS X 上),它向标准输出发出一系列从 1 到 100 的整数,大约每秒一次。

我是 Swift,我需要使用该数字流来更新进度指示器。


class MasterViewController: NSViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    let task = Process()
    task.launchPath = "/bin/sh"
    task.arguments = ["-c", "sleep 1; echo 10 ; sleep 1 ; echo 20 ; sleep 1 ; echo 30 ; sleep 1 ; echo 40; sleep 1; echo 50; sleep 1; echo 60; sleep 1"]  
    let pipe = Pipe()
    task.standardOutput = pipe


    let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
    if let string = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {

代码可以工作——也就是说,它从命令行实用程序读取输出并相应地修改进度指示器——但它在实用程序退出后进行所有更改(并让我的 UI 同时等待)。


swift cocoa
您正在主线程上同步读取,因此在函数返回主循环之前,UI 不会更新。


    在后台线程上从管道中读取数据(例如,将其分派到后台队列 - 但不要忘记 再次将 UI 更新分派到主线程)。
  • 使用通知从管道异步读取(请参阅
  • 使用 Swift 实时 NSTask 输出到 NSTextView 为例)。


为了将来的参考,以下是我如何让它最终工作(现已更新为 Swift 3):

class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. let task = Process() task.launchPath = "/bin/sh" task.arguments = ["-c", "sleep 1; echo 10 ; sleep 1 ; echo 20 ; sleep 1 ; echo 30 ; sleep 1 ; echo 40; sleep 1; echo 50; sleep 1; echo 60; sleep 1"] let pipe = Pipe() task.standardOutput = pipe let outHandle = pipe.fileHandleForReading outHandle.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() var progressObserver : NSObjectProtocol! progressObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: NSNotification.Name.NSFileHandleDataAvailable, object: outHandle, queue: nil) { notification -> Void in let data = outHandle.availableData if data.count > 0 { if let str = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) { if let newValue = Double(str.trimEverything) { self.progressIndicator.doubleValue = newValue } } outHandle.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() } else { // That means we've reached the end of the input. NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(progressObserver) } } var terminationObserver : NSObjectProtocol! terminationObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: Process.didTerminateNotification, object: task, queue: nil) { notification -> Void in // Process was terminated. Hence, progress should be 100% self.progressIndicator.doubleValue = 100 NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(terminationObserver) } task.launch() } override var representedObject: Any? { didSet { // Update the view, if already loaded. } } } // This is just a convenience extension so that I can trim // off the extra newlines and white spaces before converting // the input to a Double. fileprivate extension String { var trimEverything: String { return self.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) } }
现在,一旦子进程完成,进度条将前进至 60%,然后跳至 100%。

这是我们为 Lambda Runtime 项目编写的解决方案。它适用于 Swift 6 并发。


复杂性来自于对输出缓冲区的并发访问。 它由您启动的进程写入,并由您的应用程序读取。 所以我们必须确保两个线程之间的数据访问是隔离的。

它需要 macOS 15 (Sequoia),因为该解决方案利用同步包中的 Mutex。




import Dispatch import Foundation import PackagePlugin import Synchronization @available(macOS 15.0, *) struct Utils { @discardableResult static func execute( executable: URL, arguments: [String], customWorkingDirectory: URL? = .none, logLevel: ProcessLogLevel ) throws -> String { if logLevel >= .debug { print("\(executable.path()) \(arguments.joined(separator: " "))") if let customWorkingDirectory { print("Working directory: \(customWorkingDirectory.path())") } } let fd = dup(1) let stdout = fdopen(fd, "rw") defer { if let so = stdout { fclose(so) } } // We need to use an unsafe transfer here to get the fd into our Sendable closure. // This transfer is fine, because we write to the variable from a single SerialDispatchQueue here. // We wait until the process is run below process.waitUntilExit(). // This means no further writes to output will happen. // This makes it save for us to read the output struct UnsafeTransfer<Value>: @unchecked Sendable { let value: Value } let outputMutex = Mutex("") let outputSync = DispatchGroup() let outputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "AWSLambdaPackager.output") let unsafeTransfer = UnsafeTransfer(value: stdout) let outputHandler = { @Sendable (data: Data?) in dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(outputQueue)) outputSync.enter() defer { outputSync.leave() } guard let _output = data.flatMap({ String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)?.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(["\n"])) }), !_output.isEmpty else { return } outputMutex.withLock { output in output += _output + "\n" } switch logLevel { case .silent: break case .debug(let outputIndent), .output(let outputIndent): print(String(repeating: " ", count: outputIndent), terminator: "") print(_output) fflush(unsafeTransfer.value) } } let pipe = Pipe() pipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = { fileHandle in outputQueue.async { outputHandler(fileHandle.availableData) } } let process = Process() process.standardOutput = pipe process.standardError = pipe process.executableURL = executable process.arguments = arguments if let customWorkingDirectory { process.currentDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: customWorkingDirectory.path()) } process.terminationHandler = { _ in outputQueue.async { outputHandler(try? pipe.fileHandleForReading.readToEnd()) } } try process.run() process.waitUntilExit() // wait for output to be full processed outputSync.wait() let output = outputMutex.withLock { $0 } if process.terminationStatus != 0 { // print output on failure and if not already printed if logLevel < .output { print(output) fflush(stdout) } throw ProcessError.processFailed([executable.path()] + arguments, process.terminationStatus) } return output } enum ProcessError: Error, CustomStringConvertible { case processFailed([String], Int32) var description: String { switch self { case .processFailed(let arguments, let code): return "\(arguments.joined(separator: " ")) failed with code \(code)" } } } enum ProcessLogLevel: Comparable { case silent case output(outputIndent: Int) case debug(outputIndent: Int) var naturalOrder: Int { switch self { case .silent: return 0 case .output: return 1 case .debug: return 2 } } static var output: Self { .output(outputIndent: 2) } static var debug: Self { .debug(outputIndent: 2) } static func < (lhs: ProcessLogLevel, rhs: ProcessLogLevel) -> Bool { lhs.naturalOrder < rhs.naturalOrder } } }
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