Wordpress 页面加载问题

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在我的 WordPress 网站中,大多数页面都需要花费大量时间来加载。有时某些页面需要超过 30 秒。 我已经检查了 gtmetrix 中的速度问题。 它显示“PageSpeed Score”超过 90%,“YSlow Score”超过 75%。但页面完全加载时间是13S。

我使用“W3 Total Cache”插件来启用缓存数据。 网站网址:https://www.customdesignprinting.com/store/marlborough-boys-college-old-boys/



wordpress performance pagespeed google-pagespeed

推迟 JavaScript 加载 - 推迟文件意味着在其他元素加载之前阻止它加载。如果您推迟较大的文件(例如 JavaScript),则可以确保其余内容可以毫无延迟地加载。如果您有 WordPress 网站,则可以使用上面提到的 WP Rocket 插件来轻松启用延迟 JavaScript 加载。只需选中“延迟加载 JS 文件”旁边的框,就可以开始了。

压缩您的图像 - 如果您使用 WordPress,请安装 WP Smush.it 插件以自动压缩您的图像。这将减小图像的大小,而不会损失任何视觉质量。

将 javascript 和 css 文件缩小为 min.js 和 min.css。 尽量减少HTTP请求,尽量避免小请求,合并多个请求。 对 CSS 和 JavaScript 文件使用异步加载。 除非需要,否则避免 URL 重定向。



加快 WordPress 网站速度对于让访问者满意并提高搜索引擎排名非常重要。以下是一些简单的提示,可帮助您的网站加载速度更快:

Choose a Good Hosting Provider
Start with a reliable hosting service that offers fast performance. Look for options like Bluehost or SiteGround that are optimized for WordPress.

Use Caching Plugins
Install a caching plugin to store a static version of your pages. This reduces the work your server has to do. Good plugins include W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.

Optimize Images
Large image files can slow down your site. Use plugins like Smush or ShortPixel to compress images without losing quality. Consider lazy loading images so they load only when users scroll to them.

Minimize and Combine Files
Reduce the number of CSS and JavaScript files by combining them. Plugins like Autoptimize can help with this by merging and minifying these files.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A CDN distributes your site's content across multiple servers worldwide, making it faster for visitors. Services like Cloudflare or KeyCDN are great choices.

Optimize Your Database
Clean up your WordPress database to remove unnecessary data. Use plugins like WP-Optimize to help with this.

Disable Unnecessary Plugins
Deactivate any plugins that you don’t need. Each plugin can add extra code, which can slow down your site.

Update Themes and Plugins
Keep your themes and plugins up to date. Updates often include performance improvements that can help speed up your site.

Enable GZIP Compression
GZIP compression reduces the size of your site’s files before they are sent to visitors. This can be enabled through your hosting provider or by using a plugin like WP Fastest Cache.

Monitor Your Site’s Speed
Regularly check your site’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or Pingdom. These tools offer tips on what to improve.

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