我正在使用 Java 21,目前没有使用任何特定的库或框架进行线程管理。
引用JEP 444:
支持锁定的原始 API java.util.concurrent.LockSupport 现在支持虚拟线程……使所有使用它的 API(锁、信号量、阻塞队列等)在虚拟线程中调用时能够优雅地停放。
他们发明的原因是提供廉价线程,这意味着对内存、CPU、JVM 或主机操作系统的影响很小。虚拟线程就像面巾纸:需要时,拿一张新的、使用并丢弃。因此,与其暂停和恢复虚拟线程,不如考虑仅处理当前虚拟线程,然后在需要时启动另一个虚拟线程。
在现代 Java 中,我们很少需要直接处理
。这意味着我们可以使用 try-with-resources 语法来自动结束执行器服务。
package work.basil.example.threading;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.SequencedCollection;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
public class Pausing
static final SequencedCollection < String > log = new CopyOnWriteArrayList <>( );
public static void main ( String[] args )
Pausing app = new Pausing( );
app.demo( );
private void demo ( )
log.add( "INFO - starting `demo` method at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) );
final AtomicReference < BeepingCondition > beepingStatus = new AtomicReference <>( BeepingCondition.BEEPING );
try (
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor( ) ;
Future < ? > beepingFuture = executorService.submit( new Beeper( beepingStatus ) );
Scanner scanner = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.println( "Beeper demo has commenced. Hear a beep every second." );
while ( beepingStatus.get( ) != BeepingCondition.ENDED )
System.out.println( "To pause the beeping, type 'pause'. To restart beeping, 'beep'. To end this program, 'stop'. " );
String input = scanner.nextLine( ).toLowerCase( ); // Blocks here until a line sent by user.
log.add( "INFO - User intered input into `demo` method at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) + " Input: " + input );
switch ( input )
case "beep" ->
if ( beepingStatus.get( ) == BeepingCondition.BEEPING )
// Do nothing. Already beeping.
} else // Else not currently beeping. Start beeping again.
beepingFuture = executorService.submit( new Beeper( beepingStatus ) );
beepingStatus.set( BeepingCondition.BEEPING );
case "pause" ->
if ( beepingStatus.get( ) == BeepingCondition.PAUSED )
// Do nothing. Already paused.
} else // Else not currently beeping. Start beeping again.
beepingFuture.cancel( true );
beepingStatus.set( BeepingCondition.PAUSED );
case "stop" ->
beepingFuture.cancel( true );
beepingStatus.set( BeepingCondition.ENDED );
default ->
System.out.println( "Your input is unexpected. Try again. " );
log.add( "INFO - ending `demo` method at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) );
log.forEach( System.out :: println );
static class Beeper implements Runnable
private final AtomicReference < BeepingCondition > keepOnBeeping;
public Beeper ( final AtomicReference < BeepingCondition > continueBeeping )
this.keepOnBeeping = continueBeeping;
public void run ( )
log.add( "INFO - starting `run` method at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) );
while ( this.keepOnBeeping.get( ) != BeepingCondition.ENDED )
java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).beep( );
try { Thread.sleep( Duration.ofSeconds( 1 ) ); } catch ( InterruptedException e )
log.add( "INFO - `run` method interrupted at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) );
break; // Bail out of this `while` loop.
log.add( "INFO - ending `run` method at " + Instant.now( ) + " in thread id: " + Thread.currentThread( ).threadId( ) + " thread name: " + Thread.currentThread( ).getName( ) );
enum BeepingCondition