在 R 中使用plotly 在下拉列表中以交互方式显示“facets!”

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我想使用 R 中的plotly 创建一个动画图表,其中我的面通过下拉列表上的选择来显示。我不确定这是否可以完成,我见过类似的东西

here,但我有大约 30 个不同的类别,因此手动逐一执行代码会花费相当多的时间...

基本上,我的图是显示不同地区不同物种目击时间(T0 到 T8)的线图。我想生成一个图表,在其中我可以选择一个生态区域并可视化显示该区域中某个物种的每个时间点的平均时间的线,即每个存在的物种一条线(无论是否有 1 或 20 条记录) )我有以下图表

set.seed(123) species <- rep(c("Species A", "Species B", "Species C"), each = 7) ecoregions <- rep(letters[1:30], each = 2) times <- rep(0:7, times = 3) values <- matrix(rpois(21, 10), ncol = 3) colnames(values) <- paste0("DaSS", 1:3) Df2 <- data.frame(Tpoint = rep(values, each = length(ecoregions)), Time = rep(times, times = length(ecoregions)), Species = rep(species, times = length(ecoregions)), Ecoregion = rep(ecoregions, each = length(times)))
这是我的 ggplot 代码,用于创建我想要的构面,但由于有很多生态区,这些生态区很小,所以我想用plotly而不是构面创建一个交互式绘图

p<-Df2%>% ggplot(aes(x = Times, y = values, group =Species, color=Species)) + stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom = "line")+ #geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = TRUE) + labs(title = "Amount of time by species and ecoregion", x = "Time point", y = "hours")+ theme_bw()+ theme(legend.position="bottom", strip.text = element_text(size = 14), # Adjust strip text size strip.background = element_blank(), # Remove strip background panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines") ) +facet_wrap("Ecoregion")

p <- Df2 %>% group_by(Species, Ecoregion) %>% #summarize(mean_Time = mean(Time)) %>% plot_ly(x = ~Species, y = ~Time, color = ~Species, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>% layout( xaxis = list(title = "Species"), yaxis = list(title = "Time"), updatemenus = list( list(type = "buttons", showactive = FALSE, buttons = button_list) ) ) # Show the interactive plot p

r ggplot2 plotly facet gganimate


 参数以及包含 Ecoregion

button_list = lapply( unique(Df2$Ecoregion), \(er) list( method = "restyle", args = list("transforms[0].value", er), label = er ) ) p <- Df2 %>% plot_ly( x = ~Species, y = ~Time, color = ~Species, type = "scatter", mode = "lines", transforms = list( list( type = 'filter', target = ~Ecoregion, operation = '=', value = unique(Df2$Ecoregion)[1] ) ) ) %>% layout( xaxis = list(title = "Species"), yaxis = list(title = "Time"), updatemenus = list( list( type = "buttons", showactive = FALSE, buttons = button_list ) ) ) # Show the interactive plot p
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