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设置doc = oWord.Documents.Add(setWordTemplate)


strWordTemplate是word的日历模板的文件位置。 TemplatePath是一个全局字符串常量,用于保存单词模板。理想情况下,我会在日历的每个单元格中放置相同的下拉列表(相同的值),但我想弄清楚如何让模板和下拉列表首先显示在同一文档中

Public Sub MakeCalendar()
Dim strWordTemplate As String
Dim oWord As Object
Dim doc As Word.Document

    'Open a Word Doc With the Template
    Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.application")
    oWord.Visible = False
    oWord.DisplayAlerts = False

    strWordTemplate = TemplatePath & "Calendar.dot"
    Set doc = oWord.Documents.Add(strWordTemplate) 'template is added here

    doc.ContentControls.Add wdContentControlDropdownList 'having the template added causes this line to fail

    'Show the Word Doc
    oWord.DisplayAlerts = True
    oWord.Visible = True

End Sub
vba ms-access ms-word access-vba

尝试从excel中修改你的(修改过的)代码,因为我认为自己是零访问(更准确地说我曾经从Access运行)。它的工作原理和希望将解决你的问题,如下enter image description here


Public Sub MakeCalendar()
Dim strWordTemplate As String
Dim oWord As Object
Dim doc As Word.Document

Dim TemplatePath As String
Dim Tbl As Table, cl As Cell, Rw As Row
'Modify/Delete to your requirement, but take care that last slash ("\") is in place in the path
'it is the most probable cause of error in your code
'It in first place it failed to open the template, but does not give alerts
'as DisplayAlerts set to false and then gives eroor 424 on next line
TemplatePath = "C:\users\user\desktop\"

    'Open a Word Doc With the Template
    Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.application")
    oWord.Visible = True                     ' modify to your choice
    oWord.DisplayAlerts = True               ' modify to your choice

    strWordTemplate = TemplatePath & "Calendar.dotx"
    Set doc = oWord.Documents.Add(strWordTemplate) 'template is added here
    Set Tbl = doc.Tables(1)                      ' Modify to your requirement

    For Each Rw In doc.Tables(1).Rows
    For Each cl In Rw.Cells
    cl.Range.ContentControls.Add wdContentControlDropdownList
    Next cl
    Next Rw
     ' Or use your original code
    'doc.ContentControls.Add wdContentControlDropdownList 'having the template added causes this line to fail

    'Show the Word Doc
    oWord.DisplayAlerts = True
    oWord.Visible = True

End Sub
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