from unittest import TestCase
from main import ContactApp
from database import CombinedDatabase, Home, Person, Location, Contact
class TestContactApp(TestCase):
def test_commit_data(self):
url = CombinedDatabase.construct_in_memory_url()
contact_database = CombinedDatabase(url)
session = contact_database.create_session()
home_address = Home(address='3069 U St.')
patient1 = Person(patient_name='Mike Piazza')
ContactApp.commit_data(session, str(patient1), str(home_address), '456324A', 96.4, 'USA', 'Nebraska', 'Omaha', '54229')
actual = session.query(Home).one()
actual2 = session.query(Person).one()
print(home_address, actual.address)
self.assertEqual(home_address, actual.address)
self.assertEqual(patient1, actual2.patient_name)
<database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48> <database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48>
#printed out objects
<database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48> != <database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48>
<database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48>
<database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48>
<Click to see difference>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cse/Pycharmedu2019.1.1/pycharm-edu-2019.1.1/helpers/pycharm/teamcity/diff_tools.py", line 32, in _patched_equals
old(self, first, second, msg)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/case.py", line 829, in assertEqual
assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/case.py", line 822, in _baseAssertEqual
raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: <database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48> != '<database.Home object at 0x7fe4ae20ce48>'
class Home:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
def __str__(self):
return self.address
def main():
address = '3069 U St.'
my_home = Home(address=address)
print(my_home) # Prints '3069 U St.' because printing converts to a String
print(my_home == address) # False, because my_home is a Home, not a String
print(str(my_home) == address) # True, because we defined the __str__ method
class Home:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
return other == self.address
elif isinstance(other, Home):
return other.address == self.address
return False
def main():
address = '3069 U St.'
my_home = Home(address=address)
print(my_home == address) # True, because we redefined what equality means