使用 ORB 特征与 Open CV 匹配来重复模式样本

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我正在尝试采用具有重复特征的壁纸样本,并通过使用 ORB 或 SIFT 特征匹配将样本基本上映射到其自身的边缘以扩展图案,从而在更大的画布上概括图案。基本原理就像将全景图缝合在一起,只不过图案被缝合到自身上,从而完成边缘处的任何剪切特征。




我已经成功地使用 ORB 和 OpenCV 执行简单的操作,例如将壁纸的图像拼接部分重新组合在一起以创建更大的样本。但我无法获取完整的样本并用它来创建一个大的图案。

我尝试通过将图像的中心与外围的每个边缘进行比较来使用 ORB 特征匹配(见下文)。但我未能成功地将中心图像映射到外部边缘作为完整的图像。

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Function to crop the center 90% of the image

def crop_center(image, crop_percentage=0.9):
    # Get dimensions of the original image
    width, height = image.size

    # Calculate dimensions for the cropped image
    new_width = int(width * crop_percentage)
    new_height = int(height * crop_percentage)
    # Calculate the coordinates for the cropping box (centered)
    left = (width - new_width) // 2
    top = (height - new_height) // 2
    right = (width + new_width) // 2
    bottom = (height + new_height) // 2
    # Crop the image
    return image.crop((left, top, right, bottom))

# Function to extract the outer 10% edges of the image

def extract_edges(image, edge_percentage=0.1):
    width, height = image.size

    # Calculate edge sizes
    edge_width = int(width * edge_percentage)
    edge_height = int(height * edge_percentage)
    # Extract the four edge regions
    edges = {
        "top": image.crop((0, 0, width, edge_height)),
        "bottom": image.crop((0, height - edge_height, width, height)),
        "left": image.crop((0, 0, edge_width, height)),
        "right": image.crop((width - edge_width, 0, width, height)),
    return edges

# Function to perform ORB feature matching

def feature_match(cropped_img, edge_img):
    # Convert images to grayscale
    cropped_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(cropped_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    edge_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(edge_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    # Initialize ORB detector
    orb = cv2.ORB_create()
    # Detect keypoints and descriptors
    kp1, des1 = orb.detectAndCompute(cropped_img_gray, None)
    kp2, des2 = orb.detectAndCompute(edge_img_gray, None)
    # Create a Brute Force Matcher
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
    # Match descriptors
    matches = bf.match(des1, des2)
    # Sort matches based on their distance (lower distance is better)
    matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance)
    # Draw the top 10 matches
    matched_image = cv2.drawMatches(np.array(cropped_img), kp1, np.array(edge_img), kp2, matches[:10], None, flags=2)
    # Return the matched image
    return matched_image

# Function to display the images in a Colab notebook

def show_image(img, title="Image"):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

# Main function

def find_and_show_matches(image_path):
    # Open the original image
    img = Image.open(image_path)

    # Crop the center 90% of the image
    cropped_img = crop_center(img)
    # Extract edges (top, bottom, left, right) which represent the outer 10%
    edges = extract_edges(img)
    # Perform feature matching for each edge and visualize matches
    for edge_name, edge_img in edges.items():
        matched_img = feature_match(cropped_img, edge_img)
        # Display the matches using matplotlib
        show_image(matched_img, title=f"Matches with {edge_name} edge")
python opencv image-processing sift image-stitching


# the usual imports
# read image

im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

im = im.astype(np.float32)

im -= im.mean()
im /= im.std()

spec = cv.dft(im)
multiplied = cv.mulSpectrums(spec, spec, 0, conjB=True)
convolved = cv.idft(multiplied)
# shift it
convolved = np.fft.fftshift(convolved)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(convolved, cmap='turbo')



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