我正在玩一个使用 Enigma M3 密码的游戏。它本来不应该这样玩,但我发现它很有趣。就目前的线索而言,密码的插板未知。
插头板字符串如下所示:“bq cr di ej kw mt os px uz gh”
我正在尝试在 JavaScript 中生成所有可能的组合,但很困难。或者更确切地说,我正在努力以最有效的方式做到这一点。
在 javascript 中执行此操作最有效的算法是什么?
要跟踪哪些字母已被使用,您可以使用位图(26 位),其中 1 位表示该字母仍未使用。
// Produce pairings of an exact (even) size
function* generatePairingsOfSize(size, alphabet) {
if (size == 0) return yield "";
// Visit each 1-bit (which represents an available letter)
for (let bits1 = alphabet; bits1; bits1 &= bits1 - 1) {
const bit1 = bits1 & -bits1; // This is the bit
for (let bits2 = alphabet ^ bit1; bits2; bits2 &= bits2 - 1) {
const bit2 = bits2 & -bits2; // ...and a second, distinct bit
// Get the character pair that is represented by these two bits:
const s = String.fromCharCode(97 + 31 - Math.clz32(bit1)) + String.fromCharCode(97 + 31 - Math.clz32(bit2));
// Use recursion to extend smaller strings with the above pair
for (const result of generatePairingsOfSize(size-2, alphabet ^ bit1 ^ bit2)) {
yield s + " " + result;
// Produce pairings of all possible sizes (theoretical maximum is 26)
function* generatePairings() {
const alphabet = (1 << 26) - 1; // A 1-bit per letter of the alphabet
for (let size = 0; size <= 26; size += 2) {
yield* generatePairingsOfSize(size, alphabet);
// Get an iterator:
const iter = generatePairings();
// Demo: Using a timer to see the progress:
function loop () {
const {done, value} = iter.next();
if (done) return;