Pandas Python -基于多个条件提取行。

问题描述 投票:1回答:1


  1. col1 应该包含list_words中的所有单词。

  2. 第一行应该以单词 Story

  3. 接下来的行应该以 ac

在这个问题的帮助下,我成功地让它工作起来了 基于条件提取行的Pandas Python 但问题是,我需要提取每条以 Story 和之后的行,行结束于 ac.这是我目前的代码。

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['Draft SW Quality Assurance Plan Story', 'alex ac', 'anny ac', 'antoine ac','aze epic', 'bella ac', 'Complete SW Quality Assurance Plan Story', 'celine ac','wqas epic', 'karmen ac', 'kameilia ac', 'Update SW Quality Assurance Plan Story', 'joseph ac','Update SW Quality Assurance Plan ac', 'joseph ac'],
                   'col2': ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd','ee', 'ff', 'gg', 'hh', 'ii', 'jj', 'kk', 'll', 'mm', 'nn', 'oo']}) 

list_words="SW Quality Plan Story"
set_words = set(list_words.split())

df["Suffix"] = df.col1.apply(lambda x: x.split()[-1]) 

# Condition 1: all words in col1 minus all words in set_words must be empty
df["condition_1"] = df.col1.apply(lambda x: not bool(set_words - set(x.split())))

# Condition 2: the last word should be 'Story'
df["condition_2"] = df.col1.str.endswith("Story") 

# Condition 3: the last word in the next row should be ac. See `shift(-1)`
df["condition_3"] = df.col1.str.endswith("ac").shift(-1) 

# Condition 3: the last word in the next row should be ac. See `shift(-1)`
df["condition_4"] = df.col1.str.endswith("ac")

# When all three conditions meet: new column 'conditions'
df["conditions"] = df.condition_1 & df.condition_2 & df.condition_3

df["conditions&"] = df.conditions | df.conditions.shift(1)

print(df[['condition_1', 'condition_2','condition_3' ,'condition_4']])

df.to_excel('cond.xlsx', 'Sheet1', index=True) 

df["TrueFalse"] = df.conditions | df.conditions.shift(1)                                                                                         

df1=df[["col1", "col2", "TrueFalse", "Suffix"]][df.TrueFalse]


0      Draft SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   aa       True  Story
1                                    alex ac   bb       True     ac
6   Complete SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   gg       True  Story
7                                  celine ac   hh       True     ac
11    Update SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   ll       True  Story
12                                 joseph ac   mm       True     ac


0      Draft SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   aa       True  Story
1                                    alex ac   bb       True     ac
2                                    anny ac   cc       True     ac
3                                 antoine ac   dd       True     ac
6   Complete SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   gg       True  Story
7                                  celine ac   hh       True     ac
11    Update SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   ll       True  Story
12                                 joseph ac   mm       True     ac
13       Update SW Quality Assurance Plan ac   nn       True     ac
14                                 joseph ac   oo       True     ac

我需要提取所有以... ac 在以 Story( 包括第二行和第三行),不只是第一行。这样做可行吗?

python-3.x pandas rows multiple-conditions

也许你可以通过创建一个满足这两个条件的列来实现。endswith 故事和所有的话。创建另一列,即 endswith 吖。使用 groupby 在...上 cumsum 的第一列,然后做 any 在两列'gr'和'ac'和 cummin这意味着每一个组,一旦满足False条件,即使行以ac结尾,该组的其他行也会变成False。groupby将为你想保留的行创建一个带True的掩码,所以使用 loc 用这个面具。

df['gr'] = (df['col1'].str.endswith('Story')
            &df['col1'].apply(lambda x: not bool(set_words - set(x.split()))))
df['ac'] = df['col1'].str.endswith('ac')

df_f = df.loc[df.groupby(df['gr'].cumsum())
                .apply(lambda x: np.any(x[['gr', 'ac']], axis=1).cummin())
                .to_numpy(), ['col1', 'col2']]
print (df_f)
                                        col1 col2
0      Draft SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   aa
1                                    alex ac   bb
2                                    anny ac   cc
3                                 antoine ac   dd
6   Complete SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   gg
7                                  celine ac   hh
11    Update SW Quality Assurance Plan Story   ll
12                                 joseph ac   mm
13       Update SW Quality Assurance Plan ac   nn
14                                 joseph ac   oo
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