xgb_learner <- makeLearner(
predict.type = "prob",
par.vals = list(
objective = "binary:logistic",
eval_metric = "error",
nrounds = 200,
missing = NA,
max_depth = 6,
eta = 0.1,
gamma = 5,
colsample_bytree = 0.5,
min_child_weight = 1,
subsample = 0.7
Warning in makeParam(id = id, type = "numeric", learner.param = TRUE, lower = lower, :
NA used as a default value for learner parameter missing.
ParamHelpers uses NA as a special value for dependent parameters.
> sum(is.na(training$day))
[1] 58
> getParamSet("classif.xgboost")
Warning in makeParam(id = id, type = "numeric", learner.param = TRUE, lower = lower, :
NA used as a default value for learner parameter missing.
ParamHelpers uses NA as a special value for dependent parameters.
Type len Def Constr Req Tunable Trafo
booster discrete - gbtree gbtree,gblinear,dart - TRUE -
watchlist untyped - <NULL> - - FALSE -
eta numeric - 0.3 0 to 1 - TRUE -
gamma numeric - 0 0 to Inf - TRUE -
max_depth integer - 6 1 to Inf - TRUE -
min_child_weight numeric - 1 0 to Inf - TRUE -
subsample numeric - 1 0 to 1 - TRUE -
colsample_bytree numeric - 1 0 to 1 - TRUE -
colsample_bylevel numeric - 1 0 to 1 - TRUE -
num_parallel_tree integer - 1 1 to Inf - TRUE -
lambda numeric - 1 0 to Inf - TRUE -
lambda_bias numeric - 0 0 to Inf - TRUE -
alpha numeric - 0 0 to Inf - TRUE -
objective untyped - binary:logistic - - FALSE -
eval_metric untyped - error - - FALSE -
base_score numeric - 0.5 -Inf to Inf - FALSE -
max_delta_step numeric - 0 0 to Inf - TRUE -
missing numeric - -Inf to Inf - FALSE -
我是否需要将这些重新编码为特定值,然后传递给mlr(通过在makeLearner中缺少= [特定值])?做点别的吗?或者这个警告不是引起关注的原因?