Excel VBA:根据输入搜索文件夹和子文件夹并显示 PDF 的超链接(部分完成)

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

因此,我有一堆零件号,并且正在尝试在其中一个驱动器上自动创建 PDF 的超链接。当然,该驱动器有主文件夹和子文件夹可供搜索。下面是文件检查代码,以确保 pdf 存在且格式正确,但是,我无法让它使用超链接甚至只是路径地址创建另一列,因为我们可以将其变成具有正常功能的超链接很容易。

[编辑]我还不能发布图片,但是输入是从第 2 行开始的 B 列。

我已经通过删除一些数组写入来再次显示零件号,但是,我仍然无法仅显示路径地址。此外,如果有人可以帮助我将 debug.print 保存到文本文件中,那就太好了。当我尝试将调试定义为字符串时,它给了我一个语法错误。任何帮助将不胜感激,因为我是 VBA 新手,但有一些 C+ 经验可以借鉴。

Sub checkFiles()
    Const FolderPath As String = "P:\K-XXXX"
    Const FileExt As String = "PDF" ' Not case-sensitive i.e. 'DXF = dxf'
    Const fFound As String = "Yes"
    Const fNotFound As String = "Error"
    Const srcName As String = "Sheet1"
    Const srcFirst As String = "B2"
    Const dstName As String = "Sheet1"
    Const dstFirst As String = "C2"
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Dim rng As Range      ' (Source and Destination) Data Range
    Dim Data As Variant   ' (Source and Destination) Data Array
    Dim fData() As String ' File Data Array
    Dim mData As Variant  ' Match Data Array
    Dim n As Long         ' File Data and (Match) Data Array Elements Counter
    ' Write values from Source Range to Data Array.
    Set rng = defineColumnRange(defineRange(wb.Worksheets(srcName), srcFirst))
    Data = getColumn(rng)
    'Debug.Print "Source Data:" & vbLf & Join(Application.Transpose(Data), vbLf)
    ' Write file paths to File Data Array.
    fData = getFilePaths(FolderPath, "*." & FileExt)
    Debug.Print "File Data - File Paths:" & vbLf & Join(fData, vbLf)
        Dim s As String
        Dim y As Integer

        y = FreeFile()
        Open "U:\Product Tracking\test.txt" For Output As #y

        s = Debug.Print "File Data - File Paths:" & vbLf & Join(fData, vbLf)
        Print #y, s ' write to file

        Close #y
    ' Replace file paths with file names without file extension.
    For n = LBound(fData) To UBound(fData)
        fData(n) = FileFromPath(fData(n), True) ' 'True' means no extension.
    Next n
    Debug.Print "File Data - File Names:" & vbLf & Join(fData, vbLf)
'        Dim s As String
'        Dim y As Integer
'        y = FreeFile()
'        Open "U:\Product Tracking\test.txt" For Output As #y
'        s = Debug.Print "File Data - File Names:" & vbLf & Join(fData, vbLf)
'        Debug.Print s ' write to immediate
'        Print #y, s ' write to file
'        Close #y

    ' Write 'matches' to Match Data Array.
    mData = Application.Match(Data, fData, 0)
    'Debug.Print "Match Data:"
    'For n = 1 To UBound(mData)
    '    Debug.Print mData(n, 1)
    ' Overwrite values in Data Array with 'matching results'.
    For n = 1 To UBound(Data) ' or 'UBound(mData)'
        If IsNumeric(mData(n, 1)) Then
            Data(n, 1) = fFound
            Data(n, 1) = fNotFound
        End If
    Next n
    'Debug.Print "Destination Data:" & vbLf _
        & Join(Application.Transpose(Data), vbLf)
    ' Write values from Data Array to Destination Range.
    With defineRange(wb.Worksheets(dstName), dstFirst)
        Dim RowOffset As Long: RowOffset = .Row - rng.Row
        Dim ColumnOffset As Long: ColumnOffset = .Column - rng.Column
        Set rng = .Worksheet.Range(rng.Offset(RowOffset, ColumnOffset).Address)
    End With
    rng.Value = Data
End Sub

Function defineRange( _
    ws As Worksheet, _
    ByVal RangeAddress As String) _
As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set defineRange = ws.Range(RangeAddress)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function defineColumnRange( _
    FirstCell As Range) _
As Range
    If Not FirstCell Is Nothing Then
        With FirstCell
            Dim rng As Range
            Set rng = .Resize(.Worksheet.Rows.Count - .Row + 1)
            Set rng = rng.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
            If Not rng Is Nothing Then
                Set defineColumnRange = .Resize(rng.Row - .Row + 1)
            End If
        End With
    End If
End Function

Function getColumn( _
    rng As Range) _
As Variant
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        If InStr(rng.Address, ":") > 0 Then
            getColumn = rng.Value
            Dim Data As Variant
            ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
            Data(1, 1) = rng.Value
            getColumn = Data
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function getFilePaths( _
    ByVal FolderPath As String, _
    Optional ByVal FilePattern As String = "") _
As Variant
    Dim ExecString As String
    ExecString = "cmd /c Dir """ & FolderPath & Application.PathSeparator _
        & FilePattern & """ /b/s"
    getFilePaths = Filter(Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _
        .Exec(ExecString).StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf), ".") ' 'vbCrLf' is a must.
End Function

Function FileFromPath( _
    ByVal FilePath As String, _
    Optional ByVal NoExtension As Boolean = False) _
As String
    Dim FileName As String
    FileName = Right(FilePath, _
        Len(FilePath) - InStrRev(FilePath, "\"))
    If NoExtension Then
        FileName = Left(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, ".") - 1)
    End If
    FileFromPath = FileName
End Function

excel vba hyperlink


Sub checkFiles()
    Const FolderPath As String = "P:\K-XXXX"
    Const FileExt As String = "PDF" ' Not case-sensitive i.e. 'DXF = dxf'
    Const srcName As String = "Sheet1"
    Const srcFirst As String = "B2"
    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, c As Range, m, pn As String
    Dim rngPN As Range, fData() As String, n As Long
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets(srcName)
    Set c = ws.Range(srcFirst)
    Set rngPN = ws.Range(c, ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, c.Column).End(xlUp)) 'part numbers
    fData = getFilePaths(FolderPath, "*." & FileExt) 'find all files
    'loop over found files, try to match base filename to `rngPN`
    '  and insert link if found
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For n = LBound(fData) To UBound(fData)
        pn = FileFromPath(fData(n), True)    'no extension.
        m = Application.Match(pn, rngPN, 0)  'match?
        If Not IsError(m) Then
            ws.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=rngPN.Cells(m).Offset(0, 1), _
                              Address:=fData(n), _
            rngPN.Cells(m).Offset(0, 1).Value = "No match"
        End If
    Next n
End Sub

Function getFilePaths( _
    ByVal FolderPath As String, _
    Optional ByVal FilePattern As String = "") _
As Variant
    Dim ExecString As String
    ExecString = "cmd /c Dir """ & FolderPath & Application.PathSeparator _
        & FilePattern & """ /b/s"
    getFilePaths = Filter(Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _
        .Exec(ExecString).StdOut.ReadAll, vbcrlf), ".") ' 'vbCrLf' is a must.
End Function

Function FileFromPath(ByVal filePath As String, _
           Optional ByVal NoExtension As Boolean = False) As String
    Static fso As Object
    'FSO has handy methods for this type of work....
    If fso Is Nothing Then Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    FileFromPath = fso.GetFileName(filePath)
    If NoExtension Then FileFromPath = fso.GetBaseName(FileFromPath)
End Function
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