我对 C 还很陌生,并不完全理解它。我想我需要为我想返回的二维数组分配内存,但我不确定如何分配内存,而且很困惑。这是我的全部代码,但问题应该出在我的 createInstructions 方法上。在我的 IDE 中,它显示“数组类型具有不完整的元素类型‘instructions[]’”和“将‘instructs’声明为多维数组必须对除第一个维度之外的所有维度都有边界”。我不完全理解这些意味着什么或如何修复它们。任何建议表示赞赏。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char getString(char fileName[]) {
char string[1000];
fopen(fileName, "r");
fscanf("%s", string);
return string;
typedef struct Tape {
char value;
struct Tape *next;
struct Tape *previous;
} Tape;
typedef struct instructions {
char writeState;
char movement;
char newState;
} instructions;
typedef struct data {
char string[1000];
char fileName[100];
int numStates, startState, endState;
} data;
data* createData(char fileName[]) {
data* d = (data*)malloc(sizeof(data));
strcpy(d->fileName, fileName);
FILE *file = fopen(fileName, "r");
fscanf(file, "%s", d->string);
fscanf(file, "%d", &d->numStates);
fscanf(file, "%d", &d->startState);
fscanf(file, "%d", &d->endState);
return d;
void testData(data* d) {
printf("String: %s\n", d->string);
printf("Start State: %d\n", d->startState);
printf("End State: %d\n", d->endState);
printf("Number of States: %d\n", d->numStates);
printf("File Name: %s\n", d->fileName); // Correctly print fileName
Tape* createTape(char c) {
Tape* newTape = malloc(sizeof(Tape));
newTape->value = c;
newTape->next = NULL;
newTape->previous = NULL;
return newTape;
Tape* stringToTape(char string[]) {
if (string[0] != 'A') {
printf("Invalid input, tape must begin with A\n");
return NULL;
Tape* head = createTape(string[0]);
Tape* curr = head;
for (int i = 1; i < strlen(string); i++) {
curr->next = createTape(string[i]);
curr->next->previous = curr;
curr = curr->next;
return head;
instructions *createInstructions(data d) {
char moveVal, writeState, readState, newState, currentState;
FILE *file = fopen(d.fileName, "r");
int numStates = d.numStates;
char endState = d.endState;
char cur = d.startState;
instructions instructs[numStates - 1][127];
while (cur != endState) {
fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d", ¤tState,&readState,&writeState,&moveVal,&newState);
instructs[currentState][readState].writeState = writeState;
instructs[currentState][readState].movement = moveVal;
instructs[currentState][readState].newState = newState;
cur = newState;
return *instructs;
Tape* processTape(instructions instructs[][], Tape* head, data* d) {
char endState = d->endState;
char currentState = d->startState;
char curVal = head->value;
Tape* temp = head;
while (currentState != endState) {
temp->value = instructs[currentState][curVal].writeState;
if (instructs[currentState][curVal].movement == 'R') {
temp->next->previous = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if (instructs[currentState][curVal].movement == 'L') {
temp->previous->next = temp;
temp = temp->previous;
currentState = instructs[currentState][curVal].newState;
curVal = temp->value;
return head;
void print_tape(Tape* head) {
Tape *temp = head;
while (temp->previous != NULL) {
temp = temp->previous;
while(temp!=NULL) {
printf("%c", temp->value);
temp = temp->next;
int main() {
return 0;
在底层,C 中的数组实际上是一维的,编译器提供
但是,如果您想分配一个具有一定维数(例如 2)的数组,但在编译期间没有一个维数是已知的,那么您必须回退到低级别,并声明该数组并使用它作为一维数组。
返回数组中给定 x, y
坐标处的元素的地址。 数组的宽度和高度都被传递以用于错误检查。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
int* address_of_2d_array_element( int* array, int w, int h, int x, int y )
assert( x >= 0 && x < w );
assert( y >= 0 && y < h );
return &array[y * w + x];
int* allocate_2d_array_of_int_and_fill_with_ascending_value( int w, int h, int start_value )
int* array = (int*)malloc( w * h * sizeof(int) );
for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
*address_of_2d_array_element( array, w, h, x , y ) = start_value++;
return array;
int main(void)
int w = 3;
int h = 2;
int* array = allocate_2d_array_of_int_and_fill_with_ascending_value( w, h, 42 );
for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
int value = *address_of_2d_array_element( array, w, h, x, y );
printf( "%3d ", value );
printf( "\n" );
free( array );
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