我正在对一个非常大的图像(25 088 像素 x 36 864 像素)进行一些图像处理。由于图像非常大,我通过 256x256 像素“图块”进行图像处理。我注意到在我的 Windows 任务管理器上运行我的函数时,我的 CPU、RAM、GPU 或 SSD 的利用率都没有达到 50%。这让我相信我可以以某种方式挤出一些性能。
def processImage(self, img, tileSize = 256, numberOfThreads = 8): # a function within a class
height, width, depth = img.shape
#create a duplicate but empty matrix same as the img
processedImage = np.zeros((height,width,3), dtype=np.uint8)
#calculate left and top offsets
leftExcessPixels = int((width%tileSize)/2)
topExcessPixels = int((height%tileSize)/2)
#calculate the number of tiles columns(X) and row(Y)
XNumberOfTiles = int(width/tileSize)
YNumberOfTiles = int(height/tileSize)
for y in range(YNumberOfTiles):
for x in range(XNumberOfTiles):
XStart = (leftExcessPixels + (tileSize * x))
YStart = (topExcessPixels + (tileSize * y))
XEnd = XStart + tileSize
YEnd = YStart + tileSize
croppedImage = img[YStart:YEnd, XStart:XEnd]
print('Y: ' + str(y) + ' X: ' + str(x),end=" ")
#process the cropped images and store it on the same location on the empty image
processedImage[YStart:YEnd, XStart:XEnd] = self.doSomeImageProcessing(croppedImage)
生成的矩阵应该放回相同的坐标,但位于名为 processedImage
的不同变量上。我担心由于有多个线程并且所有线程都试图写入 processedImage
图像变量 python 可能不太喜欢这样,关于如何处理它有什么想法吗?
在Python中使用多线程函数运行图像数据处理不会对整体性能产生任何更多的改进。这是由于 GIL 或 Global Interpreter Lock 造成的,它可以防止底层解释器在任何给定时间运行多个系统线程。
import multiprocessing
import time
def processImage(self, img, tileSize = 256, numberOfThreads = 8): # a function within a class
height, width, depth = img.shape
#create a duplicate but empty matrix same as the img
processedImage = np.zeros((height,width,3), dtype=np.uint8)
#calculate left and top offsets
leftExcessPixels = int((width%tileSize)/2)
topExcessPixels = int((height%tileSize)/2)
#calculate the number of tiles columns(X) and row(Y)
XNumberOfTiles = int(width/tileSize)
YNumberOfTiles = int(height/tileSize)
for y in range(YNumberOfTiles):
for x in range(XNumberOfTiles):
XStart = (leftExcessPixels + (tileSize * x))
YStart = (topExcessPixels + (tileSize * y))
XEnd = XStart + tileSize
YEnd = YStart + tileSize
croppedImage = img[YStart:YEnd, XStart:XEnd]
print('Y: ' + str(y) + ' X: ' + str(x),end=" ")
#process the cropped images and store it on the same location on the empty image
processedImage[YStart:YEnd, XStart:XEnd] = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.doSomeImageProcessing, args=(croppedImage,))