我如何使用另一个函数终止一个while循环。 (井字游戏)] <<

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我正在用Python编写井字游戏程序。我已经完成了打印棋盘,接受用户输入并实际玩游戏的功能(棋盘每次输入都会变化)。但是,我似乎无法在主output(gboard)函数中运行我的exec()函数来终止while True:循环。这是代码:

def board(gboard): print("\n"*10) print(gboard[7]+'|'+gboard[8]+'|'+gboard[9]) print(gboard[4]+'|'+gboard[5]+'|'+gboard[6]) print(gboard[1]+'|'+gboard[2]+'|'+gboard[3]) def outcome(gboard): global ini if(gboard[1] == 'X') and (gboard[2] == 'X') and gboard[3] == 'X': print('Winner is X!') ini = 0 return ini def exec(): move_counter = 0 ini = 1 winner = 'X' outcomes = ['X','O'] print("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!") print("Here's how the game works:\nEach number on the keypad represents a place on the table.") print("For example the number 1 stands for the box in column 1 row 3, while number 6 stands for column 3 row 2.") print("You will tell the computer where you wish to play using this system!") print("\n"*2+"Here is a visual representation of the board and the key numbers: ") print('7|8|9') print('4|5|6') print('1|2|3') print('If you wish to play X in the middle, you tell the computer to place X in position 5. Here is how a blank board will evolve:') print(' | | ') print(' |X| ') print(' | | ') print("So. Let's play!") player2 = None player1 = input('Player 1, would you like to be X or O(represents the letter)?: ') player1 = player1.upper() if(player1 == 'X'): player2 = 'O' else: player2 = 'X' print(f"Ok. Player 1 is {player1} and so that means that Player 2 is {player2}") gboard = ['#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '] while True: move = int(input('Player 1, where would you like to play?: ')) gboard[move] = player1 move_counter += 1 board(gboard) outcome(gboard) if(ini == 0) or move_counter == 9: break move2 = int(input('Player 2, where would you like to play?: ')) gboard[move2] = player2 move_counter += 1 board(gboard) outcome(gboard) if(ini == 0) or move_counter == 9: break print('DONE!') exec()

在该代码中,如果最下面的行都是X,则我只输入了一个获胜条件-这就是我用来测试程序的条件。当我运行该程序,并在X的最后一行输入内容时,会显示“ Winner is X!”。但不会中断while循环。但是,当move_counter达到9时,它将中断while循环。这是执行:

Welcome to Tic Tac Toe! Here's how the game works: Each number on the keypad represents a place on the table. For example the number 1 stands for the box in column 1 row 3, while number 6 stands for column 3 row 2. You will tell the computer where you wish to play using this system! Here is a visual representation of the board and the key numbers: 7|8|9 4|5|6 1|2|3 If you wish to play X in the middle, you tell the computer to place X in position 5. Here is how a blank board will evolve: | | |X| | | So. Let's play! Player 1, would you like to be X or O(represents the letter)?: X Ok. Player 1 is X and so that means that Player 2 is O Player 1, where would you like to play?: 1 | | | | X| | Player 2, where would you like to play?: 4 | | O| | X| | Player 1, where would you like to play?: 2 | | O| | X|X| Player 2, where would you like to play?: 5 | | O|O| X|X| Player 1, where would you like to play?: 3 | | O|O| X|X|X Winner is X! Player 2, where would you like to play?:



python function loops while-loop tic-tac-toe

您在exec()ini = 1中进行了设置,因此即使获胜将其设置为0,也将再次将其设置为1。您可以从执行程序中删除ini = 1并在所有方法上方进行声明,以便在游戏开始时其值为1,在游戏结束时将其设置为0。


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