VBA 循环中的最后一个 PDF 不会使用 VBA 和 Adobe 将页面插入到组合 PDF 中

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在编写代码来创建一份包含多个部分的报告到一个 PDF 中。这需要一个封面页并插入一个章节页和报告,然后移动到下一个章节页和报告。该代码在循环中直到最后一个文档之前都运行良好。无论数组中有多少项,它都永远不会添加最后一个文档。它添加了最后一个部分页面,并且最后一个报告不会进入 PDF。如果有(1x)SectionArray 文档和(1x)PathArray 文档,则将插入SectionArray,而不会插入PathArray 文档。如果有 5 个文档,则所有 4 个文档都将与主 PDF 合并,而最后一个则不会。我尝试过不同的 PDF 以检查是否存在安全或权限问题。这似乎是循环中最后一个文档的问题。循环和 Adobe SDK 是否有问题?

  • 我尝试过传递(4x)SectionArray/PathArray 文档对,并合并(4x)SectionArray 文档,而只有(3x)PathArray 文档合并到 PDF 中。最后一个返回 false。
  • 我尝试传递不同的 PDF 以排除安全或权限问题。无论选择什么文档,它始终是循环中的最后一个文档。如果按不同的顺序放置,不同的 PDF 会起作用。
  • 我尝试仅传递(1x)SectionArray/PathArray 文档对,SectionArray 文档插入良好,而 PathArray 文档返回 false。所以,再次强调,只有循环中的最后一项没有被组合。


    'Cover page location that was already 
    finalFilePath = "FINAL DOCUMENT PATH\Project Name Close-Out Package.pdf"

    'Section page file locations and reports to combine into the final PDF
    'SectionArray will always be the same length as the PathArray
    Dim SectionArray() As String
    SectionArray(0) = "SectionPage/Path/Here"
    SectionArray(1) = "SectionPage/Path/Here"
    SectionArray(2) = "SectionPage/Path/Here"
    Dim PathArray() As String
    PathArray(0) = "Document/Path/Here"
    PathArray(1) = "Document/Path/Here"
    PathArray(2) = "Document/Path/Here"

    Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp
    Set AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    Set primaryDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    ok = primaryDoc.Open(finalFilePath)

    Dim xcounter As Integer
    xcounter = 0
    For Each L In PathArray
        numPages = primaryDoc.GetNumPages() - 1
        Debug.Print "numPages: " & numPages
        Set sectiondoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        If sectiondoc.Open(SectionArray(xcounter)) Then
            numberOfPagesToInsert = sectiondoc.GetNumPages()
            ok = primaryDoc.InsertPages(numPages, sectiondoc, 0, numberOfPagesToInsert, False)
            Debug.Print "Could not open file: " & SectionArray(xcounter)
        End If
        Set sectiondoc = Nothing
        numPages2 = primaryDoc.GetNumPages() - 1
        Debug.Print "numPages2: " & numPages2
        Set sourceDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        If sourceDoc.Open(PathArray(xcounter)) Then
            Debug.Print PathArray(xcounter)
            Debug.Print "Open Document Succeeded"
            numberOfPagesToInsert2 = sourceDoc.GetNumPages()
            Debug.Print numberOfPagesToInsert2
            If primaryDoc.InsertPages(numPages2, sourceDoc, 0, numberOfPagesToInsert2, False) Then
                Debug.Print "Inserted Pages: " & ok
                Debug.Print "Could not add pages: " & PathArray(xcounter)
            End If
            Debug.Print "Could not open file: " & PathArray(xcounter)
        End If
        xcounter = xcounter + 1
    Next L
    ok = primaryDoc.Save(PDSaveFull, finalFilePath)
    Set primaryDoc = Nothing
    Set AcroApp = Nothing
excel vba adobe acrobat acrobat-sdk


Sub ConstData()

    'Cover page location that was already
    Const finalFilePath As String = "FINAL DOCUMENT PATH\Project Name Close-Out Package.pdf"
    Const PDSaveFull = 1
    Dim sources, i As Long, pth As String, numPages As Long
    Dim primaryDoc As Object, sourceDoc As Object, numberOfPagesToInsert As Long
    'array of alternating pairs of section + document
    sources = Array("SectionPage/Path/Here1", "Document/Path/Here1", _
                    "SectionPage/Path/Here2", "Document/Path/Here2", _
                    "SectionPage/Path/Here3", "Document/Path/Here3")
    Set primaryDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    If Not primaryDoc.Open(finalFilePath) Then
        Debug.Print "### Could not open primary doc!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For i = LBound(sources) To UBound(sources)
        numPages = primaryDoc.GetNumPages() - 1
        Set sourceDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        pth = sources(i)
        If sourceDoc.Open(pth) Then
            Debug.Print "Inserting from '" & pth & "'"
            numberOfPagesToInsert = sourceDoc.GetNumPages()
            If primaryDoc.InsertPages(numPages, sourceDoc, 0, numberOfPagesToInsert, False) Then
                Debug.Print , "Inserted " & numberOfPagesToInsert & " pages"
                Debug.Print , "### Failed insert of " & numberOfPagesToInsert & " pages"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            sourceDoc.Close 'close only if the document could be opened...
            Debug.Print , "### Could not open file!"
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Next i
    If primaryDoc.Save(PDSaveFull, finalFilePath) Then
        Debug.Print "---------Process Complete-------------"
        Debug.Print "### Failed to save compiled PDF!"
    End If
End Sub
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