使用 Graph 列出 O365 组的成员

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我使用 Perl LWP 来获取有关组的一些信息:所有者和成员。奇怪的是,列出所有者工作没有任何问题,获取用户给我返回代码 200 但内容为空......没有用户。虽然我知道该团体确实有成员。

我使用的网址是这样的: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups//members/?$select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName&...

  • 我添加了 $count 并将一致性级别设置为最终(以防万一)。
  • 几乎相同的 URL(所有者而不是成员)确实有效。
  • 在图形浏览器中运行相同的 URL 实际上会返回成员
  • 据我所知,会员的权限与所有者的权限相同





            my $group_object = MsGroup->new(
                'app_id'        => $config{'APP_ID'},
                'app_secret'    => $config{'APP_PASS'},
                'tenant_id'     => $config{'TENANT_ID'},
                'login_endpoint'=> $config{'LOGIN_ENDPOINT'},
                'graph_endpoint'=> $config{'GRAPH_ENDPOINT'},
                'select'        => '$select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName',
                'id'            => $group->{'id'},

该对象是使用我在循环中获得的组 ID 创建的。进一步调用需要访问令牌。 接下来我调用一个方法来获取成员

my $members = $group_object->fetch_members();

fetch_members 是对象的一个方法

sub fetch_members { #   {{{1
    my $self = shift;                           # get a reference to the object itself
    my @members;                                # an array to hold the result
    $self->_set_consistencylevel('eventual');   # setting consistencylevel (did this for debugging)
    # compose an URL
    my $url = $self->_get_graph_endpoint . "/v1.0/groups/".$self->_get_id."/members/?";
    # add a filter if needed (not doing any  filtering though)
    if ($self->_get_filter){
        $url .= $self->_get_filter."&";
    # add a selectif needed, have in fact a select => see object creation
    if ($self->_get_select){
        $url .= $self->_get_select;
    $url .= '&$count=true';     # adding $count just to be sure
    #say "Fetching $url";
    do_fetch($self,$url, \@members); # actual fetch is done in do_fetch()
    print Dumper \@members; # dump the result for debugging
    return  \@members; # return a reference to the resul
}#  }}}

do_fetch 是一个执行图形请求的递归函数。 它是为了处理结果列表而创建的,例如用户或组列表

sub do_fetch { # {{{1
    my $self = shift;                           # get a reference to the object
    my $url = shift;                            # get the URL from the function call
    my $found = shift;                          # get the array reference which holds the result
    my $result = $self->callAPI($url, 'GET');   # do_getch calls callAPI to do the HTTP request
    # debug problemen met members
    say "\n\n\nZoeken naar: $url";
    print Dumper $result;                       # Dump the complete result
    # end debug
    # Process if rc = 200
    if ($result->is_success){
        my $reply =  decode_json($result->decoded_content);
        while (my ($i, $el) = each @{$$reply{'value'}}) {
            push @{$found}, $el;
        # do a recursive call if @odata.nextlink is there
        if ($$reply{'@odata.nextLink'}){
            do_fetch($self,$$reply{'@odata.nextLink'}, $found);
        #print Dumper $$reply{'value'};
        # Error handling
        print Dumper $result;
        die $result->status_line;
} # }}}


sub callAPI { # {{{1
    my $self = shift;                   # Get a refence to the object itself
    my $url = shift;                    # Get the URL from the function call
    my $verb = shift;                   # Get the method form the function call
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(       # Create a LWP useragnent (beyond my scope, its a CPAN module)
        'send_te' => '0',   # not really sure what this does
    # Create the header
    my @header =    [
        'Accept'        => '*/*',
        'Authorization' => "Bearer ".$self->_get_access_token,
        'User-Agent'    => 'curl/7.55.1',
        'Content-Type'  => 'application/json',
        'Consistencylevel' => $self->_get_consistencylevel
    # Create the request
    my $r  = HTTP::Request->new(
        $verb => $url,
    # Let the useragent make the request
    my $result = $ua->request($r);
    # return a reference to the result
    return $result;
} # }}}

这就是所有代码。可以共享请求 access_token 的对象构建/初始化,但这只是有效的。

希望你能从我的 Perl 中得到一些东西:D 试图让它尽可能清楚。

顺便说一句:MS Graph 模块的完整代码位于我的 github 上:https://github.com/peter-kaagman/msgraph-perl 我使用它的项目也是如此:https://github.com/peter-kaagman/EduTeams,这是非常多的工作正在进行中。但一切不都是这样吗:D


#! /usr/bin/bash

 token=`curl \
    -d grant_type=client_credentials \
    -d client_id=<some_id> \
    -d client_secret=<some_secret> \
    -d scope=https://graph.microsoft.com/.default \
    -d resource=https://graph.microsoft.com \
    https://login.microsoftonline.com/<some_tenant>/oauth2/token \
    | jq -j .access_token`

curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/<some_group_id>/members \
    | jq .


perl microsoft-graph-api


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