/* Open File*/ FILE *openFile(char filename[], char filetype[]); /* Read Number Of Nurses */ int readNurses(void); /* Title */ void title(void); /* Login Screen*/ int loginScreen(); /* Checks if memory allocation was correct */ void mallocCheck(char **malloc1, char **malloc2); /* Asks for login details */ int askLogin(void); /* Retrieve Login Details */ void getDetails(char **properID, char **properPASS, int nurses); /* Test Details Input To Details */ int testDetails(void); /* Encryption Of Password */ void encryptPass(void); /* Main Menu */ void mainMenu(void); /* Encrypt Patient's Details */ void encrtpyPatient(void); /* Enter Patients Details */ void enterPatients(void); /* Create Patients File */ void createPatient(void); /* Clear Screen Smooth */ void clearScreen(void); int main(void) { int nurses; int correct; char enterID[ID_LENGTH]; nurses = readNurses(); correct = loginScreen(enterID, nurses); title(); return 0; } void title(void) { printf("\n\n\n ================================="); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n = ="); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n = Welcome to Action On Weight ="); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n = ="); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n ================================="); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n *****************"); printf("\n ****** ******"); printf("\n **** ****"); printf("\n **** ***"); printf("\n *** ***"); printf("\n ** *** *** **"); printf("\n ** ******* ******* **"); printf("\n ** ******* ******* **"); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n ** ******* ******* **"); printf("\n ** *** *** **"); printf("\n ** **"); printf("\n ** * * **"); printf("\n ** ** ** **"); printf("\n ** *** *** **"); printf("\n ** * * **"); printf("\n ** *** *** **"); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n *** **** **** ***"); printf("\n ** ****** ****** **"); printf("\n *** *************** ***"); printf("\n **** ****"); printf("\n **** ****"); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\n ****** ******"); printf("\n *****************"); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } int readNurses(void) { FILE *fin; int nurses; fin = openFile("Nurses.txt", "r"); while(!feof(fin)) { fscanf(fin, "%*s"); nurses++; } fclose(fin); printf("%d", nurses); return nurses; } FILE *openFile(char filename[], char filetype[]) { FILE *ptr = fopen(filename, filetype); if(!ptr) { printf("\n\n\n Error 1. File couldn't be opened."); (" Please contact us at [email protected]"); exit(1); } return ptr; } int loginScreen(char enterID[], int nurses) { int correctDetails; int loop; char *properID; char *properPASS; properID = (char*) malloc(ID_LENGTH * nurses * 60); properPASS = (char*) malloc(PASS_LENGTH * nurses *60); correctDetails = 0; mallocCheck(&properID, &properPASS); getDetails(&properID, &properPASS, nurses); loop = nurses - 1; printf("das"); while(nurses > 0) { printf("%s : %s", &properID[nurses], &properPASS[nurses]); nurses--; } /* do { printf("\n\n\n ================================"); printf("\n = ="); printf("\n = Login Screen ="); printf("\n = ="); printf("\n ================================"); }while(correctDetails = 0); */ while(loop > 0) { free(properID - loop); free(properPASS - loop); loop--; } return correctDetails; } void mallocCheck(char **malloc1, char **malloc2) { if(malloc1 == NULL ||malloc2 == NULL) { printf("\n\n\n Error 2. Assignment of "); printf(" memory wasn't succcesful."); printf(" Please contact us at [email protected]"); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); exit(0); } } void getDetails(char **properID, char **properPASS, int nurses) { FILE *ptr; ptr = openFile("Nurses.txt", "r"); while(!feof(ptr)) { fscanf(ptr, "%[^.]%*c%s\n", &properID[nurses], &properPASS[nurses]); nurses--; } fclose(ptr); }
我对编码很陌生,所以请对我轻松一点这是我的代码/ *打开文件* / FILE * openFile(char filename [],char filetype []); / *读取护士人数* / int readNurses(void); / *标题* /无效...