试图让Twitter Bot一次发布两张图片

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我正在开发一个Twitter机器人,其目的是发布两个图像以及一串文本。我正在使用node.js(第一次,我应该添加)和the Twit package



function mainPostBot() {
console.log("Now assembling a new tweet.");

var leftCard = getRandomNumber(1, 36);
    console.log("The left card is #" + leftCard + ", " + cardNames[leftCard] + ".");
    // Generates a random number for the left card.
var leftImagePath = path.join(__dirname, '/leftImage/' + imageArray[leftCard]);
    console.log("The left image's path is " + leftImagePath);
    // Gives the file path to access the correct image for the left.

var rightCard = getRandomNumber(1, 36);
    console.log("The right card is #" + rightCard + ", " + cardNames[rightCard] + ".");
    // Generates a random number for the right card.
while (leftCard == rightCard) {
    var rightCard = getRandomNumber(1, 36);
    console.log("Whoops! The right card is now #" + rightCard + ", " + cardNames[rightCard] + ".");
    // Generates a random number for the right card in the case of doubles.
var rightImagePath = path.join(__dirname, '/rightImage/' + imageArray[rightCard]);
    console.log("The right image's path is " + rightImagePath);
    // Gives the file path to access the correct image for the left.

console.log('Encoding the images...');
    var b64contentLeft = fs.readFileSync(leftImagePath, { encoding: 'base64' });
    var b64contentRight = fs.readFileSync(rightImagePath, { encoding: 'base64' });
    var bothImages = (b64contentLeft + "," + b64contentRight);
    // This encodes the images in base64, which twitter needs. I guess. I dunno, man.

var tweetText = (jsUcfirst(cardNames[leftCard]) + ' and ' + cardNames[rightCard] + '. (#' + leftCard + " " + cardCorrespond[leftCard] + "/#" + rightCard + " " + cardCorrespond[rightCard] + ")");
// This constructs the grammar of the tweet.
// jsUcfirst capitalizes the first letter of a string so it lets me cheat a sentence start.

var tweetTime = getRandomNumber(1000*60*60*4, 1000*60*60*24*3+1);
    // Generates an amount of time before the next tweet.

sendTweet(tweetText, bothImages, tweetTime);

setTimeout(mainPostBot, tweetTime);



var cardNames = new Array(
    "the Fool", //This one will never be called bc of the number generator and it's fun bc, y'know, Tarot
    "the Rider","the Clover","the Ship","the House","the Tree","the Clouds","the Snake","the Coffin","the Bouquet","the Scythe","the Whip", //"the Nae Nae",
    "the Birds","the Child","the Fox","the Bear","the Stars","the Stork","the Dog","the Tower","the Garden","the Mountain","the Crossroads",
    "the Mice","the Heart","the Ring","the Book","the Letter","the Gentleman","the Lady","the Lily","the Sun","the Moon","the Key","the Fish",
    "the Anchor","the Cross"

var cardCorrespond = new Array(
    " ","9♥","6♦","10♠","K♥","7♥","K♣","Q♣","9♦","Q♠","J♦","J♣","7♦","J♠","9♣","10♣","6♥","Q♥","10♥",

var imageArray = new Array(
    " ","01.png","02.png","03.png","04.png","05.png","06.png","07.png","08.png","09.png","10.png","11.png","12.png","13.png",


function sendTweet(text, images, time){

    console.log('Uploading the images...');

    T.post('media/upload', { media_data: images }, function (err, data, response){
        if (err){
            console.log("There's an issue uploading the images.");
        } else {
            console.log('Images uploaded!');
            console.log("Now tweeting...")

            T.post('statuses/update', {
                status: text,
                media_ids: new Array(data.media_id_string)
            }, function(err, data, response){
                if (err) {
                    console.log("An error has occurred during posting.");
                } else {
                    console.log("Post successful!");
                    console.log("The tweet says:" + text);
                    console.log("The next tweet will send in " + msToTime(time) + "!");


编辑1:我的室友也涉猎这种东西,他发现另一个软件包node-twitter可能是useful link on github。在该链接中,张贴者解释说,图像应以字符串形式传递,并用逗号分隔,因此我对mainPostBot和sendTweet添加了一些编辑,主要是在b64图像数据的传递中。


javascript node.js image twitter bots



sendTweet(tweetText, b64contentLeft, b64contentRight, tweetTime);


function sendTweet(text, leftimage, rightimage, time){

    console.log('Uploading the images...');

    T.post('media/upload', { media_data: leftimage }, function (err, data, response){
        if (err){
            console.log("There's an issue uploading the left image.");
        } else {
            console.log('Left image uploaded!');
            var leftID = data.media_id_string;

            T.post('media/upload', { media_data: rightimage }, function (err, data, response){
                if (err){
                    console.log("There's an issue uploading the right image.");
                } else {
                    console.log('Right image uploaded!');
                    var rightID = data.media_id_string;
                    var bothImages = ( leftID + "," + rightID );

                    console.log("Now tweeting...")

                    T.post('statuses/update', {
                        status: text,
                        media_ids: new Array(bothImages)
                    }, function(err, data, response){
                        if (err) {
                            console.log("An error has occurred during posting.");
                        } else {
                            console.log("Post successful!");
                            console.log("The tweet says: " + text);
                            console.log("The next tweet will send in " + msToTime(time) + "!");



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