rs=map("world", col="gray80",
xlim=c(32.002755, 44.283487),
ylim=c(12.075434, 30.211327),
resolution=0, bg="white", lty=1, lwd=2, fill=T)
redsea= map_data(rs)
aes(long,lat, group=group, label=redsea$region), color="black", fill="gray80")+
coord_fixed(xlim=c(32.002755, 44.283487),ylim=c(12.075434, 30.211327), ratio=1.3)+
ggplot(....)+scalebar(39.392287,27.903255, dist=1000, location="topright", st.size=2)
当我添加所有函数和所有必需的包,即来自install.packages("ggplot2", "grid", "maptools", "maps", dependencies = TRUE)
的the linked blog post时,它适用于我(参见下面的代码)
ggplot(…) + scaleBar(lon = 38.5, lat = 28, distanceLon = 200, distanceLat = 100, distanceLegend = 200, dist.unit = "km", orientation = FALSE)
在this blog entry之后,我也使用了@Eric Fail提供的方法。然而,我添加了一些额外的噱头,比如围绕刻度的盒子以及改变北箭头颜色的可能性。这可能对绘制ggmap(get_map())
# Result #
# Return a list whose elements are :
# - rectangle : a data.frame containing the coordinates to draw the first rectangle ;
# - rectangle2 : a data.frame containing the coordinates to draw the second rectangle ;
# - legend : a data.frame containing the coordinates of the legend texts, and the texts as well.
# Arguments : #
# lon, lat : longitude and latitude of the bottom left point of the first rectangle to draw ;
# distanceLon : length of each rectangle ;
# distanceLat : width of each rectangle ;
# distanceLegend : distance between rectangles and legend texts ;
# dist.units : units of distance "km" (kilometers) (default), "nm" (nautical miles), "mi" (statute miles).
createScaleBar <- function(lon,lat,distanceLon,distanceLat,distanceLegend, dist.units = "km"){
# First rectangle
bottomRight <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 90, dist = distanceLon, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
topLeft <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distanceLat, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
rectangle <- cbind(lon=c(lon, lon, bottomRight[1,"long"], bottomRight[1,"long"], lon),
lat = c(lat, topLeft[1,"lat"], topLeft[1,"lat"],lat, lat))
rectangle <- data.frame(rectangle, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Second rectangle t right of the first rectangle
bottomRight2 <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 90, dist = distanceLon*2, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
rectangle2 <- cbind(lon = c(bottomRight[1,"long"], bottomRight[1,"long"], bottomRight2[1,"long"], bottomRight2[1,"long"], bottomRight[1,"long"]),
lat=c(lat, topLeft[1,"lat"], topLeft[1,"lat"], lat, lat))
rectangle2 <- data.frame(rectangle2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Now let's deal with the text
onTop <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distanceLegend, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
onTop2 <- onTop3 <- onTop
onTop2[1,"long"] <- bottomRight[1,"long"]
onTop3[1,"long"] <- bottomRight2[1,"long"]
legend <- rbind(onTop, onTop2, onTop3)
legend <- data.frame(cbind(legend, text = c(0, distanceLon, distanceLon*2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
return(list(rectangle = rectangle, rectangle2 = rectangle2, legend = legend))
# Result #
# Returns a list containing :
# - res : coordinates to draw an arrow ;
# - coordinates of the middle of the arrow (where the "N" will be plotted).
# Arguments : #
# scaleBar : result of createScaleBar() ;
# length : desired length of the arrow ;
# distance : distance between legend rectangles and the bottom of the arrow ;
# dist.units : units of distance "km" (kilometers) (default), "nm" (nautical miles), "mi" (statute miles).
createOrientationArrow <- function(scaleBar, length, distance = 1, dist.units = "km"){
lon <- scaleBar$rectangle2[1,1]
lat <- scaleBar$rectangle2[1,2]
# Bottom point of the arrow
begPoint <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distance, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
lon <- begPoint[1,"long"]
lat <- begPoint[1,"lat"]
# Let us create the endpoint
onTop <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = length, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
leftArrow <- gcDestination(lon = onTop[1,"long"], lat = onTop[1,"lat"], bearing = 225, dist = length/5, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
rightArrow <- gcDestination(lon = onTop[1,"long"], lat = onTop[1,"lat"], bearing = 135, dist = length/5, dist.units = dist.units, model = "WGS84")
res <- rbind(
cbind(x = lon, y = lat, xend = onTop[1,"long"], yend = onTop[1,"lat"]),
cbind(x = leftArrow[1,"long"], y = leftArrow[1,"lat"], xend = onTop[1,"long"], yend = onTop[1,"lat"]),
cbind(x = rightArrow[1,"long"], y = rightArrow[1,"lat"], xend = onTop[1,"long"], yend = onTop[1,"lat"]))
res <- as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Coordinates from which "N" will be plotted
coordsN <- cbind(x = lon, y = (lat + onTop[1,"lat"])/2)
return(list(res = res, coordsN = coordsN))
# Result #
# This function enables to draw a scale bar on a ggplot object, and optionally an orientation arrow #
# Arguments : #
# lon, lat : longitude and latitude of the bottom left point of the first rectangle to draw ;
# distanceLon : length of each rectangle ;
# distanceLat : width of each rectangle ;
# distanceLegend : distance between rectangles and legend texts ;
# dist.units : units of distance "km" (kilometers) (by default), "nm" (nautical miles), "mi" (statute miles) ;
# rec.fill, rec2.fill : filling colour of the rectangles (default to white, and black, resp.);
# rec.colour, rec2.colour : colour of the rectangles (default to black for both);
# legend.colour : legend colour (default to black);
# legend.size : legend size (default to 3);
# orientation : (boolean) if TRUE (default), adds an orientation arrow to the plot ;
# arrow.length : length of the arrow (default to 500 km) ;
# arrow.distance : distance between the scale bar and the bottom of the arrow (default to 300 km) ;
# arrow.North.size : size of the "N" letter (default to 6).
res <- c()
scaleBar <- function(lon, lat, distanceLon, distanceLat, distanceLegend, dist.unit = "km", rec.fill = "white", rec.colour = "black", rec2.fill = "black", rec2.colour = "black", legend.colour = "black", legend.size = 3, orientation = TRUE, arrow.length = 500, arrow.distance = 300, arrow.North.size = 6, arrow.color = "black", box = TRUE, box.line.color = "black", box.fill.color = "white", box.offset = 1){
if (box){# Add a background box for better visualization on top of a base map
topLeft <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distanceLat, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
bottomRight <- gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 90, dist = distanceLon*2, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
boxTopLeft <- gcDestination(lon = topLeft[1,"long"], lat = topLeft[1,"lat"], bearing = 315, dist = box.offset, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
boxTopRight <- gcDestination(lon = bottomRight[1,"long"], lat = topLeft[1,"lat"], bearing = 45, dist = box.offset, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
boxBottomRight <- gcDestination(lon = bottomRight[1,"long"], lat = bottomRight[1,"lat"], bearing = 135, dist = box.offset, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
boxBottomLeft <- gcDestination(lon = topLeft[1,"long"], lat = bottomRight[1,"lat"], bearing = 225, dist = box.offset, dist.units = dist.unit, model = "WGS84")
bg <- cbind(lon = c(boxTopLeft[1,"long"], boxTopRight[1,"long"], boxBottomRight[1,"long"], boxBottomLeft[1,"long"], boxTopLeft[1,"long"]),
lat = c(boxTopLeft[1, "lat"], boxTopRight[1, "lat"], boxBottomRight[1, "lat"], boxBottomLeft[1, "lat"], boxTopLeft[1, "lat"]))
bgdf <- data.frame(bg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bg <- geom_polygon(data = bgdf, aes(x = lon, y = lat), fill = box.fill.color, colour = box.line.color, size = 0.2)
res <- c(res, bg)
laScaleBar <- createScaleBar(lon = lon, lat = lat, distanceLon = distanceLon, distanceLat = distanceLat, distanceLegend = distanceLegend, dist.unit = dist.unit)
# First rectangle
rectangle1 <- geom_polygon(data = laScaleBar$rectangle, aes(x = lon, y = lat), fill = rec.fill, colour = rec.colour)
# Second rectangle
rectangle2 <- geom_polygon(data = laScaleBar$rectangle2, aes(x = lon, y = lat), fill = rec2.fill, colour = rec2.colour)
# Legend
scaleBarLegend <- annotate("text", label = paste(laScaleBar$legend[,"text"], dist.unit, sep=""), x = laScaleBar$legend[,"long"], y = laScaleBar$legend[,"lat"], size = legend.size, colour = legend.colour)
res <- c(res, list(rectangle1, rectangle2, scaleBarLegend))
if(orientation){# Add an arrow pointing North
coordsArrow <- createOrientationArrow(scaleBar = laScaleBar, length = arrow.length, distance = arrow.distance, dist.unit = dist.unit)
arrow <- list(geom_segment(data = coordsArrow$res, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend), color = arrow.color), annotate("text", label = "N", x = coordsArrow$coordsN[1,"x"], y = coordsArrow$coordsN[1,"y"], size = arrow.North.size, colour = arrow.color))
res <- c(res, arrow)
的所有距离都在“dist.units”中,如“km”。 Lat和Long定义位置,并且必须在mapUnits中(例如,在WGS84中时为十进制度数)。 location = "topright"
library(ggsn); library(sf)
dsn <- system.file('extdata', package = 'ggsn')
# Map in geographic coordinates
map <- st_read(dsn, 'sp', quiet = TRUE)
ggm1 <- ggplot(map, aes(fill = nots)) +
geom_sf() +
scale_fill_brewer(name = 'Animal abuse\nnotifications', palette = 8)
ggm1 +
blank() +
north(map) +
scalebar(map, dist = 5, dd2km = TRUE, model = 'WGS84')