
问题描述 投票:0回答:1
textarea可以提供可选的文本,但不能提供可着色的文本。 textflow可以提供可着色的文本,但不是可选的文本。

  1. <StackPane> <!-- TextArea for selectable text. --> <TextArea fx:id="dialog" minHeight="-Infinity" text="Label" wrapText="true" editable="false" focusTraversable="false"> <HBox.margin> <Insets left="82.0" right="7.0" /> </HBox.margin> <StackPane.margin> <Insets left="82.0" right="7.0" /> </StackPane.margin> <padding> <Insets bottom="6.0" left="6.0" right="6.0" top="6.0" /> </padding></TextArea> <!-- TextFlow for colored text. --> <TextFlow fx:id="textFlow" styleClass="text-flow" mouseTransparent="true" lineSpacing="1.2"> <HBox.margin> <Insets left="82.0" right="7.0" /> </HBox.margin> <StackPane.margin> <Insets left="82.0" right="7.0" /> </StackPane.margin> <padding> <Insets bottom="3.0" left="18.8" right="18.8" top="13.8" /> </padding></TextFlow> </StackPane>
  2. 这些值是完全任意的,并且通过一遍又一遍地将代码重新编写实验获得。 (填充和文本流对象的线条)。 尽管这适用于大多数字符,但有些字符,例如“}”,这些字符将被错位,从而导致Textarea的包裹文本比TextFlow对象更早移动。填充物也针对1DP,任何进一步的调整都没有差异。
  3. ,如果有更好的方法将文本流对象绑定到Textarea对象,以便它具有完美的覆盖层。




我们在Textflow儿童中包括一个不受管理的文本area,它总是位于TextFlow中的所有节点的顶部 textarea造型被定制为具有透明背景,并与基础文本节点保持一致



javafx fxml


  • import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.stage.Stage; import java.util.List; public class SelectableTextFlowExample extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX Selectable TextFlow Example"); // Approach #1 : Using WebView WebView webView = new WebView(); webView.setMaxWidth(200); webView.setMinHeight(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); String content = "<span style='color:red;'>Hello</span>&nbsp;<span style='color:green'>World!</span>&nbsp;<span style='color:red;'>ContinousBigWord</span>"; webView.getEngine().loadContent(content, "text/html"); WebViewFitContent wv = new WebViewFitContent(content); // Approach #2 : TextFlow with TextArea/TextField TextFlow flow = new TextFlow(); TextField t1 = buildTextField("Hello"); TextField t2 = buildTextField("W"); TextField t3 = buildTextField("orld!"); flow.getChildren().addAll(t1, t2, t3); // Approach #3 : Custom TextFlow layout SelectableTextFlow stf = new SelectableTextFlow(); Text txt1 = new Text("Hello "); txt1.setStyle("-fx-fill:red;"); Text txt2 = new Text("World! "); txt2.setStyle("-fx-fill:green;"); Text txt3 = new Text("ContinousBigWord"); txt3.setStyle("-fx-fill:red;"); stf.getChildren().addAll(txt1, txt2, txt3); VBox vBox = new VBox(buildBox("Using WebView", wv), buildBox("Using TexFlow with TextArea/TextField", flow), buildBox("Using Custom TextFlow", stf)); vBox.setSpacing(15); vBox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); Scene scene = new Scene(vBox, 400, 300); primaryStage.setScene(scene); primaryStage.show(); } private VBox buildBox(String title, Node node) { VBox box = new VBox(); box.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); box.setSpacing(5); Label label = new Label(title); label.setStyle("-fx-font-size:16px;-fx-font-weight:bold;"); box.getChildren().addAll(label, node); return box; } private TextField buildTextField(String k) { MyTextField t = new MyTextField(); t.textProperty().addListener((obs, old, val) -> t.setWidthMask(val)); t.setText(k); t.setEditable(false); t.setStyle("-fx-padding:0px;-fx-background-color:transparent;-fx-background-insets:0;"); t.setMinWidth(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); return t; } class SelectableTextFlow extends TextFlow { private final static String CSS = "data:text/css," + """ .selectable-text-flow .text-area, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .viewport, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .viewport .content, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar .increment-arrow, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar .decrement-arrow, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar .increment-button, .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar .decrement-button, .selectable-text-flow .text-area > .scroll-pane > .corner{ -fx-background-color: transparent !important; -fx-border-color: transparent !important; -fx-padding: 0px; -fx-background-insets: 0px !important; } .selectable-text-flow .text-area .scroll-pane .scroll-bar{ -fx-max-width:0px; -fx-max-height:0px; } .selectable-text-flow .text-area{ -fx-text-fill: transparent; } """; TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); public SelectableTextFlow() { getStyleClass().add("selectable-text-flow"); textArea.setWrapText(true); textArea.setManaged(false); textArea.setEditable(false); getChildren().add(textArea); getStylesheets().add(CSS); } @Override protected void layoutChildren() { StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(); List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren(); for (Node node : managed) { if (node instanceof Text) { Text text = (Text) node; txt.append(text.getText()); } } textArea.setText(txt.toString()); textArea.toFront(); super.layoutChildren(); textArea.setLayoutX(-3); // need to do some fine alignment dynamically textArea.setLayoutY(-3); textArea.resize(getWidth(), getHeight() + 6); } } class MyTextField extends TextField { /** * Field width mask. */ private String widthMask; public final void setWidthMask(final String aWidthMask) { widthMask = aWidthMask; if (widthMask != null && !widthMask.isEmpty()) { /* To indicate that the preferred dimensions should be used for that max and/or min constraint. */ setMinWidth(USE_PREF_SIZE); setMaxWidth(USE_PREF_SIZE); } } @Override protected final double computePrefWidth(final double height) { if (widthMask != null && !widthMask.isEmpty()) { /* If the prefWidth is not yet determined, compute and set the prefWidth. */ if (getPrefWidth() == USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) { setPrefWidth(computeWidth(this, widthMask)); } return getPrefWidth(); } return super.computePrefWidth(height); } } /** * Computes the width of a text field based on the string mask provided * * @param textField The text field to evaluate * @param textMask the text mask with which to calculate the max required width * @return the required width of the text field */ public static double computeWidth(final TextField textField, final String textMask) { /* * Getting the last Text node to ensure that the text node is related to the actual text and not the prompt * text. */ final Text text = (Text) textField.lookup(".text"); final String cache = text.getText(); /* * Unbinding the text property to ensure that it will not trigger the listeners of textField when computing * the mask width. */ text.textProperty().unbind(); text.setText(textMask); final double prefWidth = Math.ceil(textField.getInsets().getLeft()) + text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() + Math.ceil(textField.getInsets().getRight()) + 2.0; text.setText(cache); /* Setting back the binding when the mask width computing is done. */ text.textProperty().bind(textField.textProperty()); return prefWidth; } }
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