所以我有以下 .msg 文件的摘录。我想要做的是对于所有 [sel xxx xxx] 标题找到它们,然后阅读它们下面的行。如果任何答案包含 (+3) 或任何 (+x),则将其从消息中删除。之后我想比较每个 [sel xxx xxx] 块,对于具有最高 (+x) 的块,我想在该行的初始标签之后但在文本之前添加另一个标签 [clr 4]。如果有两个答案相等 (+x),那么我希望将 [clr 4] 添加到这两行。
[msg MSG_015_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Dummy[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_016_0_0 top]
[msg MSG_021_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Sorry I had to ask something so[n]unreasonable... I appreciate you[n]going along with it, though.[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_023_0_0 top]
[s]Fist! Of! Justice![e]
[s]Report him to the police.[e]
[s][f 0 8 2 1 2217]Try to reach out to her.(+3)[clr 27][e]
[msg MSG_015_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Dummy[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_016_0_0 top]
[s][clr 4]A[e]
[s][clr 4]C[e]
[msg MSG_021_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Sorry I had to ask something so[n]unreasonable... I appreciate you[n]going along with it, though.[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_023_0_0 top]
[s]Fist! Of! Justice![e]
[s]Report him to the police.[e]
[s][f 0 8 2 1 2217][clr 4]Try to reach out to her.[clr 27][e]
import re
def process_block(block):
# Find all instances of `(+x)` and their positions in the block
plus_x_matches = re.findall(r'\(\+(\d+)\)', block)
if plus_x_matches:
# Convert the found matches to integers and find the maximum
max_x = max(map(int, plus_x_matches))
# Replace all `(+x)` with an empty string
block = re.sub(r'\(\+\d+\)', '', block)
# Find the position where the maximum `(+x)` was found
max_x_position = block.rfind(f'(+{max_x})')
# If `(+x)` was found, insert `[col 4]` before the text
if max_x_position != -1:
# Insert `[col 4]` at the position of the max `(+x)`
block = block[:max_x_position] + '[col 4]' + block[max_x_position:]
return block
def main():
# Read input file
with open('input.msg', 'r') as infile:
content = infile.read()
# Split the content into blocks
blocks = re.split(r'(\[sel .+? top\])', content)
# Process each block
result = []
in_block = False
current_block = ''
for part in blocks:
if part.startswith('[sel'):
# If there's a previous block to process, do so
if in_block:
current_block = ''
# Start a new block
in_block = True
elif in_block:
# Append to the current block content
current_block += part
# Don't forget to process the last block
if in_block:
# Write output file
with open('output.msg', 'w') as outfile:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import re
content ="""
[msg MSG_015_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Dummy[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_016_0_0 top]
[msg MSG_021_0_0 [Makoto]]
[s][bup 0 6 0 65535 1][f 4 10 65535 0 0][vp 8 0 0 0 65535 0]Sorry I had to ask something so[n]unreasonable... I appreciate you[n]going along with it, though.[n][f 1 3 65535][w][e]
[sel SEL_023_0_0 top]
[s]Fist! Of! Justice![e]
[s]Report him to the police.[e]
[s][f 0 8 2 1 2217]Try to reach out to her.(+3)[clr 27][e]
def process_block(block):
# Find all instances of `(+x)` and their positions in the block
plus_x_matches = re.findall(r'\(\+(\d+)\)', block)
if plus_x_matches:
# Convert the found matches to integers and find the maximum
max_x = max(map(int, plus_x_matches))
patter_find_replace = r'\[s\](\[.*?\])?(.*)(\(\+'+str(max_x)+r'\))(\[.*?\])?\[e\]'
new_lines = []
lines = block.split('\n')
for l in lines :
pattern = re.compile(patter_list_content)
matches = pattern.findall(l)
item = matches[0]
replaced = '[s]'+item[0]+'[col 4]'+item[1]+item[3]+'[e]'
block = "\n".join(new_lines)
return block
def main():
# Split the content into blocks
blocks = re.split(r'(\[sel .+? top\])', content)
# Process each block
result = []
in_block = False
current_block = ''
for part in blocks:
if part.startswith('[sel'):
# If there's a previous block to process, do so
if in_block:
current_block = ''
# Start a new block
in_block = True
elif in_block:
# Append to the current block content
current_block += part
# Don't forget to process the last block
if in_block:
for r in result: