将与会者电子邮件添加为抄送,以进行 WooCommerce 处理和完成的电子邮件通知

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



add_action( 'woocommerce_before_order_notes', 'persons_details' );
function persons_details( $checkout ) {
    $count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
    $i = 0;

    for( $k=1; $k<= $count; $k++ ) {
        echo '<div><strong>'. __('Účastník ') . $i . '</strong></div>';
        woocommerce_form_field( 'cstm_full_name' . $i, array(
            'type'          => 'text',
            'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-first'),
            'label'         => __("Jméno a Příjmení"),
            'placeholder'   => __(""),
            'required'      => true,
        ), $checkout->get_value( 'cstm_full_name' . $i ));
        woocommerce_form_field( 'cstm_email' . $i, array(
            'type'          => 'email',
            'class'         => array( 'my-field-class form-row-last' ),
            'label'         => __( "Email" ),
            'placeholder'   => __(""),
            'required'      => true,
        ), $checkout->get_value( 'cstm_email' . $i ));
        woocommerce_form_field( 'cstm_phone' . $i, array(
            'type'          => 'number',
            'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-first'),
            'label'         => __("Telefon"),
            'placeholder'   => __(""),
            'required'      => true,
        ), $checkout->get_value( 'cstm_phone' . $i ));
        woocommerce_form_field( 'cstm_bdate' . $i, array(
            'type'          => 'date',
            'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-last'),
            'label'         => __("Datum narození"),
            'placeholder'   => __(""),
            'required'      => true,
        ), $checkout->get_value( 'cstm_bdate' . $i ));
        echo '<div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="clearbox"></div>';

add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_create_order', 'save_custom_checkout_field_order_meta' );
function save_custom_checkout_field_order_meta( $order )
    $count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
    $order->update_meta_data( 'cstm_items_count', intval($count) ); // Save the cart contents count as meta data
    $i = 0;
    for($k=1; $k<= $count; $k++) {
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_full_name'.$i]) && ! empty($_POST['cstm_full_name'.$i]) ) {
            $order->update_meta_data( 'cstm_full_name'.$i, sanitize_text_field($_POST['cstm_full_name'.$i]) );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_email'.$i]) && ! empty($_POST['cstm_email'.$i]) ) {
            $order->update_meta_data( 'cstm_email'.$i, sanitize_text_field($_POST['cstm_email'.$i]) );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_phone'.$i]) && ! empty($_POST['cstm_phone'.$i])) {
            $order->update_meta_data( 'cstm_phone'.$i, sanitize_text_field($_POST['cstm_phone'.$i]) );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_bdate'.$i]) && ! empty($_POST['cstm_bdate'.$i])) {
            $order->update_meta_data( 'cstm_bdate'.$i, sanitize_text_field($_POST['cstm_bdate'.$i]) );

add_action( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta', 'add_email_custom_order_meta', 10, 3 );
function add_email_custom_order_meta( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text ){
    $quantity = $order->get_meta('cstm_items_count'); // Get items quantity count from meta data
    echo '<ul>';
    $i = 0;
    for( $k=1; $k <= $quantity; $k++ ) {
        echo '<li><strong>'. __("Účastník ") . $i . '<strong></li>
        <li>' . __("Jméno a Příjmení: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_full_name'.$i) . '</li>
        <li>' . __("Email: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_email'.$i) . '</li>
        <li>' . __("Telefon: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_phone'.$i) . '</li>
        <li>' . __("Datum narození: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_bdate'.$i) . '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';

add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_order_details', 'display_custom_fields_in_admin_order_pages' );
function display_custom_fields_in_admin_order_pages( $order ){ 
    $quantity = $order->get_meta('cstm_items_count'); // Get items quantity count from meta data  
    echo '<div class="order_data_column" style="width: 100% !important;">
        <h4>' . __( 'Your label' ) . '</h4>
        $i = 0;
        for( $k=1; $k <= $quantity; $k++ ) {
            echo '<li><strong>'. __("Účastník ") . $i . '<strong></li>
            <li>' . __("Jméno a Příjmení: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_full_name'.$i) . '</li>
            <li>' . __("Email: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_email'.$i) . '</li>
            <li>' . __("Telefon: ") . $order->get_meta('cstm_phone'.$i) . '</li>
            <li>' . __("Datum narození: ") .$order->get_meta('cstm_bdate'.$i) . '</li>';
        echo '</ul>

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'custom_checkout_fields_validation', 20, 2 );
function custom_checkout_fields_validation( $data, $errors ){
    $count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
    $i = 0;
    for($k=1; $k<= $count; $k++) {
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_full_name'.$i]) && empty($_POST['cstm_full_name'.$i]) ) {
            $errors->add( 'cstm_full_name'.$i,  __( "Prosím vyplňte povinné pole u Účastníka $i \"Jméno a Příjmení\"" ), 'error' );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_email'.$i]) && empty($_POST['cstm_email'.$i]) ) {
            $errors->add( 'cstm_email'.$i,  __( "Prosím vyplňte povinné pole u Účastníka $i \"Email\"" ), 'error' );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_phone'.$i]) && empty($_POST['cstm_phone'.$i])) {
            $errors->add( 'cstm_phone'.$i,  __( "Prosím vyplňte povinné pole u Účastníka $i \"Telefon\"" ), 'error' );
        if ( isset($_POST['cstm_bdate'.$i]) && empty($_POST['cstm_bdate'.$i])) {
            $errors->add( 'cstm_bdate'.$i,  __( "Prosím vyplňte povinné pole u Účastníka $i \"Datum narození\"" ), 'error' );

这非常有效,可以收集数据等。使用 Divi 结帐模板时遇到了一点问题,但是当我切换回默认的 woocommerce 结帐短代码时,会收集这些字段中的数据。



add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_headers', 'student_email_notification', 20, 3 );
function student_email_notification( $header, $email_id, $order ) {
    // Only for 'wc_course_order' notification
    if( 'wc_course_order' != $email_id ) return $header; 

    $student_emails = array();
    $enroll_num = 0;

    // Loop though  Order IDs
    foreach( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item_data ){
        $course_qty = $item_data->get_quantity();
        $q = 1;
        while ( $q <= $course_qty){
            // Get the student full Name
            $full_name     = wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'First Name - '.$enroll_num, true );
            $full_name    .= ' ' . wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'Last Name - '.$enroll_num, true );
            // Get the student email
            $student_email = wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'Student Email - '.$enroll_num, true );
            if( ! empty($student_email) && $full_name != ' ' )
                // Format the name and the email and set it in an array
                $student_emails[] = utf8_decode($full_name . ' <' . $student_email . '>'); // Add name + email to the array

    // If any student email exist we add it
    if( count($student_emails) > 0 ){
        // Remove duplicates (if there is any)
        $student_emails = array_unique($student_emails);
        // Add the emails to existing recipients
        $header .= 'Bcc: ' . implode(',', $student_emails) . "\r\n";
    return $header;


php wordpress woocommerce custom-fields email-notifications


add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_headers', 'additional_cc_recipient', 10, 3 );
function additional_cc_recipient( $headers, $email_id, $order ) {
    // Only for Processing and Completed order email notifications
    if( in_array($email_id, ['customer_processing_order', 'customer_completed_order']) ) {
        if ( $count = $order->get_meta('cstm_items_count') ) {
            $recipient = []; // initializing

            for ( $i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ ) {
                $email = $order->get_meta('cstm_email'.$i);
                $recipient[$email] = utf8_decode($order->get_meta('cstm_full_name'.$i) . ' <' . $email . '>');
            $headers .= sprintf("Cc: %s\r\n",  implode(',', $recipient) );
    return $headers;

代码位于子主题的functions.php 文件中(或插件中)。应该可以。

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