Godot 4.3 中的卡片扇动问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

所以我目前正在关注这个视频教程https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waVOR2ehpuU&t=739s关于如何使卡片扇动,但结果似乎并不像视频中那样正确。我首先创建一个名为 Hand 的 colorect 节点作为主场景的子节点。在这里,我预加载卡片场景,然后使用绘制函数将其实例垃圾邮件到主场景中。这些卡片显然只是保持在彼此之上,但我想将它们展开并像扇子一样弯曲它们。这就是我想要的结果:

enter image description here


func _update_cards() -> void:
 # Get the total number of cards
 var cards := get_child_count()

 # Calculate the total width needed for all cards with gaps
 var all_cards_size := Card.SIZE.x * cards + x_sep * (cards - 1)
 var final_x_sep = x_sep

 # If the total width exceeds the container then adjust the separation
 if all_cards_size > size.x:
    final_x_sep = (size.x - Card.SIZE.x * cards) / (cards - 1)
    all_cards_size = size.x

 # Calculate the offset to center the cards horizontally
 var offset := (size.x - all_cards_size) / 2

 # Iterate through each card
 for i in cards:
    var card := get_child(i)
    # Calculate vertical position and rotation multipliers using curves
    var y_multiplier := hand_curve.sample(1.0 / (cards-1) * i)
    var rot_multiplier := rotation_curve.sample(1.0 / (cards-1) * i)
    # If there is only one card then center it without rotation
    if cards == 1:
        y_multiplier = 0
        rot_multiplier = 0
    # Calculate the final X position for the card
    var final_x: float = offset + Card.SIZE.x * i + final_x_sep * i
    # Calculate the final Y position for the card
    var final_y: float = y_min + y_max * y_multiplier
    # Set the card position
    card.position = Vector2(final_x, final_y)
    # Set the card rotation
    card.rotation_degrees = max_rotation_degrees * rot_multiplier

Card.SIZE 在 Card 场景中确定:

    const SIZE := Vector2(323 * 0.5, 475 * 0.5)
    #I set it as Vector2(323 * 0.5, 475 * 0.5) because that's the size of the card, then 
    scaled to 0.5


    @export var hand_curve: Curve
    @export var rotation_curve: Curve 


    min_value = -1.0
    _data = [Vector2(0, -1), 0.0, 2.19231, 0, 0, Vector2(0.5, 0), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, Vector2(1, 
    1), 2.41154, 0.0, 0, 0]
    point_count = 3

    bake_resolution = 101
    _data = [Vector2(0, 0), 0.0, 2.43699, 0, 0, Vector2(0.2, 0.5), 2.70134, 2.70134, 0, 0, 
    Vector2(0.5, 1), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, Vector2(0.8, 0.5), -3.0, -3.26374, 0, 0, Vector2(1, 0), 
    -2.36703, 0.0, 0, 0]
    point_count = 5

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enter image description here enter image description here


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enter image description here


func _draw() -> void:
 if get_child_count() == 0:

 var points: PackedVector2Array = PackedVector2Array()
 for card in get_children():

 if points.size() > 1:
    draw_polyline(points, Color.WHITE, 2.0, true)


var default_scale = Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
var hover_scale = Vector2(0.6, 0.6)

signal card_hovered(card)
signal card_unhovered(card)

func _on_mouse_entered():
   print("Mouse entered")
   emit_signal("card_hovered", self)
   #This is connected to Area2D child of the card scene to determine when user hover the card

func _on_mouse_exited():
   emit_signal("card_unhovered", self)
   #This is also connected to Area2D child

func _tween_scale(target_scale: Vector2):
    var tween = create_tween()
    tween.tween_property(self, "scale", target_scale, 0.1)  # 0.1 seconds for the transition



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