有人可以帮我在 Seaborn 中编写以下代码吗?
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
trace0 = go.Box(y = apps[apps['Type'] == 'Paid']['Installs'],name = 'Paid')
trace1 = go.Box(y = apps[apps['Type'] == 'Free']['Installs'],name = 'Free')
layout = go.Layout(title = "Number of downloads of paid apps vs. free apps",yaxis = dict(title = "Log number of downloads",type = 'log',
autorange = True))
data = [trace0, trace1]
plotly.offline.iplot({'data': data, 'layout': layout})
希望这对您有帮助。在不知道数据分布的情况下,我使用了 seaborn 中包含的示例数据集。正如下面的代码在注释行中所示,您可以注释/取消注释以从此示例数据切换到位于数据框apps中的您自己的数据。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# comment line below when using your data
df = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
# uncomment 4 lines below when using your data
# box_plot = sns.boxplot(data=[
# apps[apps['Type'] == 'Paid']['Installs'],
# apps[apps['Type'] == 'Free']['Installs']],
# orient="v")
# comment 4 lines below hen using your data
box_plot = sns.boxplot(data=[
df[df['sex'] == 'male']['age'],
df[df['sex'] == 'female']['age']],
box_plot.set_title('Number of downloads of paid apps vs. free apps')
box_plot.set(ylabel="Log number of downloads")
labels = ['Paid', 'Free']
box_plot.set_xticks([i for i in range(2)], labels)