运行pod spec lint
Calebs-MacBook-Pro:JacquardToolkit calebrudnicki$ pod spec lint
-> JacquardToolkit (1.1.4)
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
- NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system
- NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build
- NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild:
JacquardToolkit/JacquardToolkit/JSQRCodeScannerView.swift:47:40: error: type 'String' has no member 'center'
Analyzed 1 podspec.
[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 2 errors.
在回到项目并更新有问题的行并再次运行pod spec lint
git tag 1.1.5
(之前我在1.1.4)git push origin --tags
pod lib lint
pod spec lint
pod trunk push