对于像素形状为 MxN 且给定整数 A 的 0-1 图像,问题的可行解定义为一定数量的 AxA 形状的像素方块,其并集可以覆盖 MxN 图像中的所有 1 像素,其中正方形的边缘平行于 MxN 图像的边缘并与像素对齐。 对于所有可行的解决方案,我需要找到其中包含最小数量的正方形的任何一个。
次优解决方案是使用滑动窗口(方形),找到与原始图像的最大交叉区域并从图像中删除该部分,然后重复直到没有留下任何东西。 这里是如何用
from skimage import io, filters
from skimage.transform import resize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = 1-io.imread("img.png", as_gray=True).astype(np.uint8)
image = resize(image, (25, 25))
t = filters.threshold_otsu(image)
image = (image>=t).astype(np.uint8)
plt.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
def get_square_masks(image, square_size=15):
# copy the image to keep it unchanged
image_c = image.copy()
# this will create a view of (square_size, square_size) sliding window with stride=1
image_parts = util.view_as_windows(image_c, (square_size, square_size), step=1)
masks = []
# repeat until you will get blank image
while image_c.sum() !=0 :
overlapping_areas = image_parts.sum(axis=(2, 3))
r, c = np.where(overlapping_areas==overlapping_areas.max())
# taking the first coordinates of maximum overlapping area,
# may be others should be checked as well
# since it is view, setting 0 will set overlapped squares with 0 as well
image_parts[r[0], c[0]] = 0
# creating the square mask
r_start = r[0]
c_start = c[0]
r_end = r_start + square_size
c_end = c_start + square_size
mask = np.zeros_like(image_c)
mask[r_start:r_end,c_start:c_end] = 1
return masks
masks = get_square_masks(image, 15)
我用这种天真的方法得到了 4 个面具。但我认为这是一个很好的起点。此外,您可以通过将它们视为潜在候选者来尝试优化
import numpy as np
def try_reduce_masks(image, masks, square_size=15):
masks_min = masks
for m in masks[1:]:
# remove the mask from image
new_image = image*np.logical_xor(image, m).astype(np.uint8)
# get new masks with different starting point
new_masks = get_square_masks(new_image, square_size)
# by the end if get less masks then save it
if len(new_masks) < len(masks_min):
masks_min = new_masks
return masks_min
masks = try_reduce_masks(image, masks, 15)
函数查看 get_square_masks
array([[177, 181, 181, 179, 175, 166, 153, 139, 124, 109, 94],
[178, 183, 184, 183, 180, 172, 159, 146, 132, 117, 102],
[175, 181, 183, 183, 181, 175, 163, 151, 138, 124, 109],
[170, 177, 180, 182, 182, 178, 168, 157, 145, 132, 117],
[161, 170, 175, 179, 181, 179, 171, 162, 151, 139, 125],
[150, 161, 168, 174, 178, 178, 172, 165, 156, 145, 132],
[137, 150, 159, 167, 173, 175, 171, 166, 159, 149, 137],
[123, 137, 148, 158, 166, 170, 168, 165, 160, 152, 141],
[108, 122, 135, 147, 157, 163, 163, 162, 159, 153, 144],
[ 94, 107, 121, 134, 146, 154, 156, 157, 156, 152, 145],
[ 82, 94, 107, 120, 133, 143, 147, 150, 151, 149, 144]])
for m in masks:
plt.imshow(m, alpha=0.3, interpolation='nearest', cmap=plt.cm.gray)