致力于构建响应式网站,除了包含图像的 div 之外,我已经让所有 div 都适合移动设备。这些更大并产生悬垂。
图片显示了#welcome-pic 上的问题。#welcome-pic 这是在 book-pick div 中的图像上。 选书
@media screen and (max-width:650px){
object-fit: contain;
.book-pick img{
width: 70%;
object-fit: contain;
object-fit: contain;
} }
我将“col”类添加到每个包含图像的 div 中。我添加了接下来的两条规则,它们也应该适用于这些图像,以防特殊性成为问题。
这是网站:translatedokc.com 这是欢迎图片的 HTML:
<div class="gen-container">
<div class="col"><img src="images/welcome-pic.jpg" id="welcome-pic" alt="A book club meeting at Bookish"></div>
<div class="box2">
<h1 class="textbox" class="col">Welcome to OKC's Translated Fiction Book Club!</h1>
<p class="textbox" class="col">We are an Oklahoma City-based book club that focuses on fiction in translation. Our meetings take place every 2nd Thursday at Bookish: Used Books & Art.</p>
<p class="textbox" class="col">
Follow us on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/translatedokc/" target="_blank">Instagram</a><br>
or join us on <a href="https://app.thestorygraph.com/book_clubs/e7f8bd89-3b60-42bd-b43d-d1ff59411abb" target="_blank">the Storygraph</a>
<div class="textbox" id="faq-box" class="col">
<h4> Frequently Asked Questions</h4>
<p><b>When and where does book club take place?</b></p>
<p>We meet every second Thursday at 7pm at Bookish in Oklahoma City.<br><i>1005 NW 36th Street</i><br>By Western, near Guestroom Records and Cock O' the Walk.</p>
<p><b>Do I need to attend every meeting?</b></p>
<p>Nope! Just come to any meeting. We don’t keep attendance. We appreciate your participation and your company, whether you only join us once or become a frequent member.</p>
<p><b>What if I don’t finish the book?</b></p>
<p>You’re welcome to join us whether you’ve finished our book pick or not, as long as you’re OK with spoilers being discussed.</p>
<p><b>Do I need to buy the books from Bookish?</b></p>
<p>You can join us no matter how you acquire the book.</p>
以下 CSS 将使您的图像调整到其父元素的整个宽度:
.book-pick img,
#welcome-pic img,
.col img {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100;
height: auto;
object-fit: contain;
然后我从你当前的 CSS 中删除了它:
@media screen and (max-width: 650px) {
#welcome-pic {
width: 70%;
object-fit: contain;