Start End ContactName Agente Code
0 2020-05-05 11:52:34 2020-05-05 18:03:15 473000 Carlos Pedro BRA 473000
1 2020-05-05 15:39:06 2020-05-05 18:03:09 580000 Rosineia Pedro BRA 580000
2 2020-05-05 17:47:59 2020-05-05 18:03:06 2038000 Mauricio Pedro BRA 2038000
3 2020-05-05 17:43:46 2020-05-05 18:02:58 3975000 - Sergio Pedro BRA 3975000
4 2020-05-05 15:34:44 2020-05-05 17:52:17 3388000 Rodrigo Pedro BRA 3388000
5 2020-05-05 15:34:43 2020-05-05 17:52:14 4077000 Pedro BRA 4077000
6 2020-05-05 17:45:24 2020-05-05 17:52:08 2064000 Cleberson Pedro BRA 2064000
7 2020-05-05 18:20:24 2020-05-05 18:25:00 2064000 Cleberson Pedro BRA 2064000
Cleberson (最后一行)在17: 45开始与代理Pedro预约,17: 52结束。
此后不久(IN LESS THAN HOUR),他又开始了另一项服务,也是在不到一小时内完成的
df = df.sort_values(by=['ContactName', 'Angente', 'Start'])
mask = (df['ContactName'] == df['ContactName'].shift(1)) & (df['Agente'] == df['Agente'].shift(1)) & (abs(df['Start'] - df['Start'].shift(1)) < pd.Timedelta('1 hour')) # select rows that have the same contact, agent as the previous row as well as started with less than 1 hour difference
df.loc[mask, 'to_remove'] = True
df = df[~df['to_remove'] # filter out redundant values