我想在 /check_base 端点内使用音频文件。但是,我无法在 FastAPI 的 RedirectResponse 正文中发送文件。 /check 端点返回一个 RedirectResponse,仅
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将 httpResponse 转换为 ResponseEntity 为 null C#
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在restful API中,当响应自定义错误消息时,正确的响应代码是什么?例如“用户名不存在” 一位同事认为应该是代码 400,但不...
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ASP.NET MVC 服务器登录无效后,如何捕获返回的 Json 响应中的错误文本并显示在 Angular 客户端中?
Angular 9 客户端登录页面 我想在 元素中显示特定返回的错误消息,而不是当前显示的通用消息。 Angular 9 客户端登录页面 我想在 <h4> 元素中显示具体返回的错误消息,而不是当前显示的通用消息。 <div class="navbar bg-info mb-1"> <a class="navbar-brand text-white">The ACTS Factory Authentication</a> </div> <!-- I want to put the specific error condition here --> <h4 *ngIf="showError" class="p-2 bg-danger text-white"> Invalid username or password! </h4> <form novalidate #authForm="ngForm" class="m-3" title="LoginForm"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Name:</label> <input #name="ngModel" name="name" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="" required /> <div *ngIf="name.invalid" class="text-danger"> Please enter your user name </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Password:</label> <input type="password" #password="ngModel" name="password" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="authService.password" required /> <div *ngIf="password.invalid" class="text-danger"> Please enter your password </div> </div> <div class="text-center pt-2"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary font-weight-bold" [disabled]="authForm.invalid" (click)="login()"> Please Login </button> </div> </form> Angular 9 组件 我正在从这个 Angular 客户端组件登录。当响应状态代码为 400 Bad Request 时,result 为 false,一般错误消息显示在 <h4> 元素中。这里的login()方法订阅了认证服务存储库中的Login()方法。返回的响应对象或包含错误文本的属性必须返回此处才能添加到 html 显示中。 import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { AuthenticationService } from "./authentication.service"; @Component({ templateUrl: "authentication.component.html" }) export class AuthenticationComponent { showError: boolean = false; constructor(public authService: AuthenticationService) { } login() { this.showError = false; this.authService.login().subscribe(result => { this.showError = !result }); } } Angular 9 登录方法在客户端认证服务存储库中 此登录方法调用数据源的可观察 login() 方法,确定是否已收到有效(真或假)响应,并将响应中包含的返回属性映射到局部变量。 login(): Observable<boolean> { this.authenticated = false; return this.dataSource.login(this.userName, this.userPwd).pipe( map(response => { if (response) { this.callbackUrl = null; this.authenticated = true; this.password = null this.router.navigateByUrl(this.callbackUrl || "appmenu"); } this.profileEmail = null; this.profilePhone = null; if (this.dataSource.teamUser) { this.isTeamUser = this.dataSource.teamUser; } else { this.isTeamUser = false; } return this.authenticated = true; }), catchError(e => { this.authenticated = false; [I have tried to capture the error text here] return of(false); })); } Angular 9 客户端身份验证数据源登录方法 这是客户端的数据源;它向服务器发送http请求并接收http响应。它还将响应中的属性映射到局部变量,确定目标 URL,并跟踪必要的标头。 auth_Header: HttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); auth_token: string = null; login(theName: string, thePassword: string): Observable<boolean> { return<any>("/api/account/login", { name: theName, password: thePassword }) .pipe(map(response => { [I have tried capturing the error here and exiting with response.success = false] this.auth_token = response.success ? response.token : null; // JWT token generated in server-side AccountController this.auth_Header = this.auth_Header.set("Authorization", "Bearer<" + this.auth_token + ">"); this.authCookie.JWTauthcookie = this.auth_token; // save for the other datasources this.loginTime = response.loginTime; // to return user's registered email and phonenumber to client this.profileEmail = ""; this.profileEmail = response.profileEmail; this.profilePhone = ""; this.profilePhone = response.profilePhone; } this.isAuthenticated = true; return response.success; })); ASP.NET Core MVC 帐户控制器 这是处理登录请求的 ASP.NET Core MVC 控制器,在 ASP.NET Core Identity 中搜索用户名和密码(代码中未显示),并在登录成功时返回 200 状态代码和 JSON 对象。我现在返回两个特定的登录错误条件(未找到用户或密码无效),我想在无效登录尝试后在客户端上显示它们。我尝试使用 OK 而不是 BadRequest() 状态代码 400 返回错误。但是,这对客户端没有帮助。 任何和所有的想法将不胜感激。谢谢。 [HttpPost("/api/account/login")] public async Task<IActionResult> Login([FromBody] LoginViewModel creds) { LoginError = ""; bool loginResult = false; object myReturnObject = new object(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { // go look for existing Identity user and try to sign in loginResult = await DoLogin(creds); if (loginResult) { myReturnObject = "{ " + '\n' + " " + '"' + "success" + '"' + ":" + '"' + signInResult.Succeeded.ToString() + '"' + "," + '\n' + " " + '"' + "token" + '"' + ':' + '"' + bearerJWTokenString + '"' + "," + '\n' + " " + '"' + "loginTime" + '"' + ':' + '"' + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + '"' + "," + '\n' + " " + '"' + "profileEmail" + '"' + ':' + '"' + profileEmail + '"' + "," + '\n' + " " + '"' + "profilePhone" + '"' + ':' + '"' + profilePhone + '"' + "," + '\n' + " " + '"' + "team" + '"' + ':' + '"' + loggedInUserType.ToString() + '"' + "," + '\n' + "}"; // good login returns this object as a Json file in // the HTTP Response body return Ok(myReturnObject); } else { // if bad username or pwd - this returns http status // code 400 "Bad Request" plus the LoginError json object return BadRequest("{" + '\n' + " " + '"' + "InvalidLogin" + '"' + ':' + '"' + "True" + '"' + '\n' + " " + '"' + "LoginError" + '"' + ':' + '"' + LoginError + '"' + '\n' + "}"); } } // bad model state returns - http error 400 Bad Request return BadRequest(ModelState.ValidationState.ToString()); } 客户端返回的JSON对象截图: .subscribe( data => {/* success action*/}, (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {/* error action */ console.error(error)}, () => {/* complite (after success OR error) action */} )