在 React-Native 中围绕 SVG 路径制作球动画
我正在尝试在 React-Native 中围绕 SVG 路径制作一个球的动画,但不太确定如何去做,SVG 路径是一个药丸形状。 这是到目前为止我的代码, 我正在尝试在 React-Native 中围绕 SVG 路径制作一个球的动画,但不太确定如何去做,SVG 路径是一个药丸形状。 这是到目前为止我的代码, <View style={styles.container}> <Svg height="500" width="400"> <Path d="M80 340 A100 100 0 0 0 320 340 v-200 A100 100 0 0 0 80 140 v200" fill="none" stroke="#eaeaea" strokeWidth="16" /> <Circle cx="320" cy="160" r="16" fill="#512468" /> </Svg> </View> 这是一个视觉效果: <body> <Svg height="500" width="400"> <Path d="M80 340 A100 100 0 0 0 320 340 v-200 A100 100 0 0 0 80 140 v200" fill="none" stroke="#eaeaea" strokeWidth="16" id="move-path" /> <Circle r="16" fill="#512468" > <animateMotion dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite"> <mpath href="#move-path" /> </animateMotion> </Circle> </Svg> </body>
我想在我的 svg 上添加一个签名动画,我已经尝试过了,但只显示了一半?
<svg xmlns="" width="282" height="122" viewBox="0 0 282 122" fill="none"> <!-- Signature Path --> <path id="signature" d="M59.1294 91.0229C59.2018 87.6683 57.6122 84.619 56.5486 81.5202C54.828 76.5073 53.9153 71.3684 52.7901 66.1947C48.7362 47.5558 44.4087 28.9291 39.3774 10.5267C37.5692 3.91298 36.1171 8.64639 34.837 12.4986C32.4899 19.5623 30.9263 27.1572 29.0077 34.3523C27.1718 41.2371 26.3716 48.4466 24.7866 55.2446C22.84 63.5931 21.5986 72.0237 19.7423 80.3835C19.2622 82.5455 16.7243 96.5695 19.769 94.469C23.0249 92.2228 28.2772 89.4289 30.6095 86.3298C31.8945 84.6223 34.839 81.0546 34.0555 78.638C32.5327 73.9409 23.7549 70.6068 19.9807 68.2569C17.0475 66.4308 14.0207 65.0872 10.602 64.7279C9.42022 64.6036 6.21447 64.835 5.35755 63.9882C3.77332 62.4227 3.72734 61.5739 3.95931 59.3668C4.39759 55.1969 8.95733 56.1224 12.3685 56.4356C36.6373 58.664 62.3092 55.5404 86.4512 54.237C91.0087 53.991 83.1485 57.1707 81.2589 57.9302C72.4695 61.4631 75.2696 76.1022 84.2826 77.5587C92.4344 78.8761 91.2261 46.4935 93.3015 54.486C94.6132 59.5375 94.3991 65.1649 96.1407 70.0446C98.0208 75.3128 98.4224 77.5413 102.803 72.5345C105.274 69.71 107.509 66.7204 109.318 63.4227C110.749 60.8149 110.89 58.3282 110.411 62.8782C110.136 65.4934 112.298 71.1155 115.041 67.227C116.741 64.8169 118.59 62.7445 120.027 60.1209C121.567 57.3097 124.206 48.8542 125.079 51.9385C126.497 56.9508 123.207 66.179 122.294 70.8152C120.796 78.4209 119.437 85.9966 117.369 93.4705C117.068 94.5606 116.139 103.229 115.039 103.54C113.473 103.984 113.643 96.5553 113.692 96.1925C115.504 82.8536 128.178 71.8613 135.078 60.7609C136.73 58.1038 137.03 54.8922 138.487 52.0762C140.926 47.366 138.989 62.6726 139.172 67.9734C139.252 70.2984 139.272 72.9789 139.675 75.2796C139.897 76.5454 144.949 70.1681 145.296 69.7475C147.508 67.0664 149.036 64.7312 150.576 61.6362C151.051 60.6828 152.659 56.1636 152.326 59.3239C152.172 60.7933 152.528 65.7308 153.421 66.8335C154.488 68.151 157.987 65.1223 158.55 64.6408C165.462 58.7277 170.39 49.8993 171.962 40.9938C173.038 34.9029 171.412 38.249 171.178 41.2881C170.828 45.821 173.283 48.8052 174.722 52.8232C176.84 58.7344 179.086 62.841 178.41 69.2716C178.048 72.7147 165.219 73.5066 168.779 65.9044C170.633 61.945 173.034 67.942 174.183 69.157C178.176 73.3796 184.679 63.2939 186.274 60.7725C193.061 50.047 195.546 35.2885 196.86 22.7927" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="993" stroke-dashoffset="993"></path> <!-- Underline Path --> <path id="underline" d="M107.174 84.38C126.874 82.0661 146.518 78.1799 166.201 75.4771C172.549 74.6054 179.179 76.0337 185.54 76.1284C196.326 76.2889 207.718 76.4185 218.434 74.8892C223.233 74.2044 228.297 74.9395 232.951 74.0243C241.113 72.4192 249.851 71.8563 258.17 71.812" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="169" stroke-dashoffset="169"></path> <style> #signature{ animation: drawSignature 3s linear forwards; } #underline { animation: drawUnderline 1s linear forwards; animation-delay: 3s; /* Delay to match signature duration */ } @keyframes drawSignature { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } @keyframes drawUnderline { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } </style> </svg> dasharray 和 stroke-dashoffset 是正确的,因为我使用 javascript getTotalLength() 对于签名和下划线的每个路径进行了计算。我想要的效果是我的签名首先是动画的,然后是下划线的 但从上面的代码来看,只有一半的签名被动画化,然后下划线路径修复了? 我已经尝试过上面的代码并使用ai仍然没有任何效果。我希望首先将我的签名路径设置为动画,然后为路径添加下划线,以便创建绘图签名效果 <svg xmlns="" width="282" height="122" viewBox="0 0 282 122" fill="none"> <!-- Signature Path --> <path id="signature" d="M59.1294 91.0229C59.2018 87.6683 57.6122 84.619 56.5486 81.5202C54.828 76.5073 53.9153 71.3684 52.7901 66.1947C48.7362 47.5558 44.4087 28.9291 39.3774 10.5267C37.5692 3.91298 36.1171 8.64639 34.837 12.4986C32.4899 19.5623 30.9263 27.1572 29.0077 34.3523C27.1718 41.2371 26.3716 48.4466 24.7866 55.2446C22.84 63.5931 21.5986 72.0237 19.7423 80.3835C19.2622 82.5455 16.7243 96.5695 19.769 94.469C23.0249 92.2228 28.2772 89.4289 30.6095 86.3298C31.8945 84.6223 34.839 81.0546 34.0555 78.638C32.5327 73.9409 23.7549 70.6068 19.9807 68.2569C17.0475 66.4308 14.0207 65.0872 10.602 64.7279C9.42022 64.6036 6.21447 64.835 5.35755 63.9882C3.77332 62.4227 3.72734 61.5739 3.95931 59.3668C4.39759 55.1969 8.95733 56.1224 12.3685 56.4356C36.6373 58.664 62.3092 55.5404 86.4512 54.237C91.0087 53.991 83.1485 57.1707 81.2589 57.9302C72.4695 61.4631 75.2696 76.1022 84.2826 77.5587C92.4344 78.8761 91.2261 46.4935 93.3015 54.486C94.6132 59.5375 94.3991 65.1649 96.1407 70.0446C98.0208 75.3128 98.4224 77.5413 102.803 72.5345C105.274 69.71 107.509 66.7204 109.318 63.4227C110.749 60.8149 110.89 58.3282 110.411 62.8782C110.136 65.4934 112.298 71.1155 115.041 67.227C116.741 64.8169 118.59 62.7445 120.027 60.1209C121.567 57.3097 124.206 48.8542 125.079 51.9385C126.497 56.9508 123.207 66.179 122.294 70.8152C120.796 78.4209 119.437 85.9966 117.369 93.4705C117.068 94.5606 116.139 103.229 115.039 103.54C113.473 103.984 113.643 96.5553 113.692 96.1925C115.504 82.8536 128.178 71.8613 135.078 60.7609C136.73 58.1038 137.03 54.8922 138.487 52.0762C140.926 47.366 138.989 62.6726 139.172 67.9734C139.252 70.2984 139.272 72.9789 139.675 75.2796C139.897 76.5454 144.949 70.1681 145.296 69.7475C147.508 67.0664 149.036 64.7312 150.576 61.6362C151.051 60.6828 152.659 56.1636 152.326 59.3239C152.172 60.7933 152.528 65.7308 153.421 66.8335C154.488 68.151 157.987 65.1223 158.55 64.6408C165.462 58.7277 170.39 49.8993 171.962 40.9938C173.038 34.9029 171.412 38.249 171.178 41.2881C170.828 45.821 173.283 48.8052 174.722 52.8232C176.84 58.7344 179.086 62.841 178.41 69.2716C178.048 72.7147 165.219 73.5066 168.779 65.9044C170.633 61.945 173.034 67.942 174.183 69.157C178.176 73.3796 184.679 63.2939 186.274 60.7725C193.061 50.047 195.546 35.2885 196.86 22.7927" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="993" stroke-dashoffset="993"></path> <!-- Underline Path --> <path id="underline" d="M107.174 84.38C126.874 82.0661 146.518 78.1799 166.201 75.4771C172.549 74.6054 179.179 76.0337 185.54 76.1284C196.326 76.2889 207.718 76.4185 218.434 74.8892C223.233 74.2044 228.297 74.9395 232.951 74.0243C241.113 72.4192 249.851 71.8563 258.17 71.812" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="169" stroke-dashoffset="169"></path> <style> #signature{ animation: drawSignature 3s linear forwards; } #underline { animation: drawUnderline 1s linear forwards; animation-delay: 3s; /* Delay to match signature duration */ } @keyframes drawSignature { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } @keyframes drawUnderline { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } </style> </svg> 浏览量'100 抖音
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给出以下示例: 给出以下示例: <svg xmlns=""> <defs> <rect id="rectangle" fill="red" width="25" height="25"> <animate attributeName="fill" values="red;blue;green;red" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" /> <animate attributeName="x" values="0;50;0" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" /> </rect> </defs> <!-- i want this to have both animations --> <use id="rect1" href="#rectangle" /> <!-- i want this one to inherit only the fill animation --> <use id="rect2" href="#rectangle" y="50" /> </svg> 如何才能让“rect2”只继承“fill”动画? OBS:我不想做的是在 defs 内创建一个中间“use”元素,因此主矩形将具有填充动画,中间 use 元素将引用主矩形,并声明“x “ 动画片。当然,在外部元素上使用不同的“hrefs”。 <svg xmlns=""> <defs> <rect id="rectangle" fill="red" width="25" height="25"> <animate attributeName="fill" values="red;blue;green;red" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" /> </rect> </defs> <!-- i want this to have both animations --> <use id="rect1" href="#rectangle" > <animate attributeName="x" values="0;50;0" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" /> </use> <!-- i want this one to inherit only the fill animation --> <use id="rect2" href="#rectangle" y="50" /> </svg>
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径向渐变应该在悬停时从 10% 增长到 100%,但它只是没有做任何事情。无法理解我做错了什么。 径向渐变应该在悬停时从 10% 增长到 100%,但它只是没有做任何事情。无法理解我做错了什么。 <svg id="svgDoc" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"> <style><![CDATA[ #svgDoc { pointer-events: all } #svgDoc:hover #svgGrad { animation: svgGrad_f_p 3000ms linear 1 normal forwards } @keyframes svgGrad_f_p { 0% { offset: 10% } 100% { offset: 100% } } ]]> </style> <defs> <radialGradient id="svgGrad-fill" cx="0" cy="0" r="0.5" spreadMethod="pad" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" gradientTransform="translate(0.5 0.5)"> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-0" offset="0%" stop-color="#ff0000"/> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-1" offset="10%" stop-color="#000"/> </radialGradient> </defs> <rect id="svgGrad" width="500" height="500" rx="0" ry="0" fill="url(#svgGrad-fill)"/> </svg> 要在 SVG 中对径向渐变进行动画处理,您需要确保动画属性与 CSS 动画兼容。在 SVG 中,您无法使用 CSS 直接对渐变停止点的偏移属性进行动画处理。相反,您需要使用 SMIL(同步多媒体集成语言)来动画 $VG 属性。 以下是如何修改 SVG 以使用 SMIL 制作径向渐变动画: <svg id="svgDoc" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"> 您无法通过 CSS 操作 stop 属性,因为它与同名的 CSS offset-path 相关属性发生“冲突”。 解决方法 1:由 begin 属性触发的 SMIL 动画 一种解决方法可能是通过 SMIL 动画对渐变进行动画处理,如下所示: <h3>Hover me</h3> <svg id="svgDoc" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 500 500"> <defs> <radialGradient id="svgGrad-fill" cx="0" cy="0" r="0.5" spreadMethod="pad" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" gradientTransform="translate(0.5 0.5)"> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-0" offset="0%" stop-color="#ff0000" /> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-1" offset="10%" stop-color="#000" > <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="0.1;1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseover" /> <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="1;0.1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseout" /> </stop> </radialGradient> </defs> <rect id="svgGrad" width="500" height="500" rx="0" ry="0" fill="url(#svgGrad-fill)" /> </svg> 幸运的是,SVG 的 <animate> 元素允许您 添加事件以开始(或停止)播放。请参阅 “mdn 文档:开始” <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="1;0.1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseout" /> 解决方法 2:CSS 自定义 @property 通过定义开始和结束偏移的自定义属性,我们还可以实现平滑的渐变过渡。 @property --offset1 { syntax: "<percentage>"; inherits: false; initial-value: 0%; } @property --offset2 { syntax: "<percentage>"; inherits: false; initial-value: 10%; } .gradient{ background: radial-gradient( #FF0000 var(--offset1), #000 var(--offset2)); transition:1s --offset1, 1s --offset2; } .gradient:hover{ --offset1: 5%; --offset2:100%; } <h3>Gradient CSS</h3> <svg id="svgDoc2" class="gradient" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 500 500"> </svg> 这不适用于 CSS 变量,因为我们无法转换 background 属性本身。 在这种方法中,我们将 CSS 渐变应用于最外层(父)SVG 元素 - 就像 HTML 元素一样接受 CSS 渐变样式(与内部 SVG 元素不同)。 但是,SMIL 方法可能仍然提供最佳的跨浏览器兼容性。 另请参阅: “mdn 文档:@property” “css-tricks:使用 @property 进行 CSS 自定义属性” Temani Afif 的回答:“如何使用 CSS 制作径向渐变动画?”
有人可以告诉我为什么我的径向渐变 SVG 悬停时没有动画吗?
径向渐变应该在悬停时从 10% 增长到 100%,但它只是没有做任何事情。无法理解我做错了什么。 径向渐变应该在悬停时从 10% 增长到 100%,但它只是没有做任何事情。无法理解我做错了什么。 <svg id="svgDoc" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"> <style><![CDATA[ #svgDoc { pointer-events: all } #svgDoc:hover #svgGrad { animation: svgGrad_f_p 3000ms linear 1 normal forwards } @keyframes svgGrad_f_p { 0% { offset: 10% } 100% { offset: 100% } } ]]> </style> <defs> <radialGradient id="svgGrad-fill" cx="0" cy="0" r="0.5" spreadMethod="pad" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" gradientTransform="translate(0.5 0.5)"> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-0" offset="0%" stop-color="#ff0000"/> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-1" offset="10%" stop-color="#000"/> </radialGradient> </defs> <rect id="svgGrad" width="500" height="500" rx="0" ry="0" fill="url(#svgGrad-fill)"/> </svg> 您无法通过 CSS 操作 stop 属性,因为它与同名的 CSS offset-path 相关属性发生“冲突”。 一种解决方法可能是通过 SMIL 动画对渐变进行动画处理,如下所示: <h3>Hover me</h3> <svg id="svgDoc" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 500 500"> <defs> <radialGradient id="svgGrad-fill" cx="0" cy="0" r="0.5" spreadMethod="pad" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" gradientTransform="translate(0.5 0.5)"> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-0" offset="0%" stop-color="#ff0000" /> <stop id="svgGrad-fill-1" offset="10%" stop-color="#000" > <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="0.1;1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseover" /> <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="1;0.1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseout" /> </stop> </radialGradient> </defs> <rect id="svgGrad" width="500" height="500" rx="0" ry="0" fill="url(#svgGrad-fill)" /> </svg> 幸运的是,SVG 的 <animate> 元素允许您 添加事件以开始(或停止)播放。请参阅 “mdn 文档:开始” <animate attributeName="offset" fill="freeze" values="1;0.1" dur="1s" repeatCount="1" begin="svgGrad.mouseout" />
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