
问题描述 投票:0回答:1




    # function to reshape features into (samples, time steps, features)

    Only sequences that meet the window-length are considered, no padding is used.
    This means for testing we need to drop those which are below the window-length.
    An alternative would be to pad sequences so that we can use shorter ones
def gen_sequence(samples, seq_length, seq_cols):
    # for one id I put all the rows in a single matrix
    data_matrix = samples[seq_cols].values
    num_elements = data_matrix.shape[0]
    # Iterate over two lists in parallel.
    # For example id1 have 192 rows and sequence_length is equal to 50
    # so zip iterate over two following list of numbers (0,112),(50,192)
    # 0 50 -> from row 0 to row 50
    # 1 51 -> from row 1 to row 51
    # 2 52 -> from row 2 to row 52
    # ...
    # 111 191 -> from row 111 to 191

    for start, stop in zip(range(0, num_elements-seq_length), range(seq_length, num_elements)):
        yield data_matrix[start:stop, :]


  # samples, seq_length, seq_cols
    # generator for the sequences
    seq_gen = []
    for serial_number in hdd['serial_number'].unique():
        temp = gen_sequence(hdd[hdd['serial_number']==serial_number], sequence_length, sequence_cols)
    # print(seq_gen)

dataframe hdd的例子

  date serial_number      ...       smart_197_raw  smart_198_raw
15    2018-01-01      S30075JX      ...                   0              0
509   2018-01-02      S30075JX      ...                   0              0
1000  2018-01-03      S30075JX      ...                   0              0
1488  2018-01-04      S30075JX      ...                   0              0
1975  2018-01-05      S30075JX      ...                   0              0

[5行x 16列]



temp_samples = hdd[hdd['serial_number']==serial_number]


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['smart_187_raw', 'failure', 'smart_5_raw', 'smart_197_raw', 'smart_194_raw', 'capacity_bytes', 'smart_7_raw', 'smart_3_raw', 'smart_189_raw', 'smart_198_raw', 'smart_9_raw', 'smart_188_raw', 'smart_1_raw']


python pandas dataframe generator



temp = gen_sequence(hdd[hdd['serial_number']==serial_number], sequence_length, sequence_cols)


temp = list(gen_sequence(hdd[hdd['serial_number']==serial_number], sequence_length, sequence_cols))
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